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Thomas Schmidt extensively tested a stereo preamplifier combination of nuControl X and nuPower A for HiFi Test issue 2/2024.
His conclusion: „Wie auch immer: Von jeder nur erdenklichen Quelle, mit absolut allen Musikrichtungen kommt die Nubert-Kombination perfekt klar, zeigt eine neutrale und extrem aufgeräumte Spielweise, die kein bisschen gesoundet ist, aber trotzdem jede Menge Magie verbreitet, ganz einfach, weil alles so sagenhaft gut klingt. Mal ehrlich, darauf haben wir doch alle gewartet: Dass irgendwann die Technik einfach so gut ist, dass sie komplett in den Hintergrund tritt - und genau ab diesem Moment haben wir es, was wir wollen: Musikhören in Perfektion!“

[Loose translation: Whatever the case may be, the Nubert combination copes perfectly with every conceivable source, with absolutely all music genres, demonstrating a neutral and extremely tidy playing style that isn't a bit sonic, but still spreads a lot of magic, simply because everything sounds so fabulously good. Let's be honest, this is what we've all been waiting for: That at some point the technology is simply so good that it completely fades into the background - and from that moment on, we have what we want: Listening to music in perfection!]

Both the nuControl X stereo preamplifier and the nuPower A power amplifier are rated by the editorial team as „Preis/Leistung: hervorragend“ [Price/performance: excellent] and receive a score of 1+.
The combination of both devices was awarded a "Highlight".

You can find the complete test as a pdf here for download ...


To the preamp nuControl X...

To the power amplifier nuPower A...