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Absolute recommendation

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For 08/2024, Marcel Büttner had the new nuGo! ONE+ and can fully recommend the revised and upgraded version of our popular Bluetooth DAB+ radio. His conclusion from 6 September 2024: „Der Bluetooth-Erstauftritt vor zwei Jahren kann gewiss als sehr gelungener Einstand angesehen werden. […] Der nuGo! One+ ist auch mit seinen kleinen Überarbeitungen sinnig angepasst worden und weiterhin vielfältig nutzbar, […] beim Nubert-Gerät spürt man nach einiger Zeit der Nutzung das durchdachte Zusammenwirken von Features und Usability. Hier hat man sich im Vorfeld auf jeden Fall viel Gedanken gemacht, welche Art von Produkt auf den Markt kommen soll. […]“

[Loose translation: The first Bluetooth appearance two years ago can certainly be regarded as a very successful debut. [...] The nuGo! One+ has been sensibly adapted even with its minor revisions and can still be used in a variety of ways, [...] with the Nubert device, after some time of use, you can feel the well thought-out interaction of features and usability. A lot of thought has definitely gone into what kind of product should be launched on the market. [...]]


  • Very easy to read display
  • Intuitive and understandable controls
  • Very high-quality workmanship
  • DAB+ with very good reception
  • Up-to-date Bluetooth standard
  • Fair price-performance ratio
  • Good sound for its size
  • IPX5 certification (water jets)
  • Battery replacement possible through service
  • Charger with USB-C to USB-C


  • No remote control included

...everything together makes nuGo! ONE+ a recommendation from the editors.

You can find the complete test from from 06.09.2024 here ...

To the  nuGo! ONE+ ...