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Great ear cinema

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Christian Bayer invited our nuZeo 11 to HiFi-Test to test them for Hertz and ear for issue 3/24. His conclusion: „Die Nubert nuZeo 11 Aktivlautsprecher gehören zur Referenzklasse der Nubert Schöpfung. Extrem pegelfest, maximal unverzerrt und linear machen Sie Spaß bis die Kollegin kommt. Ganz großes Ohrenkino.“

[Loose translation: The Nubert nuZeo 11 active loudspeakers belong to the reference class of Nubert's creation. Extremely level stable, maximally undistorted and linear, they are fun until the colleague arrives. Great ear cinema.]

+ fantastisches Gesamtpaket [fantastic overall package]
+ hervorragender Klang [outstanding sound]
+ extrem pegelfest [extremely level stable]

…the bottom line is the rating „Spitzenklasse 1,2“ [top class 1.2]
and „Preis/Leistung: sehr gut“ [price/performance: very good]

You can download the complete test as a pdf here ...
...and here as a link.

To the  nuZeo 11 ...