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Nubi Controletti di Fasci Alta

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Harald Wittig from the Fidelity editorial team tested the brand new nuControl X preamplifier as a control centre for the contemporary hi-fi environment for issue #72 (2/2024) and in the end attested: „Eine perfekte Produktion verdient ein kongeniales Wiedergabegerät. Wie die nuControl X, die summa summarum ein Musterbeispiel schwäbischer Ingenieurskunst a la Nubert darstellt. Nichts weniger.“
[Loose translation: A perfect production deserves a congenial playback device. Like the nuControl X, which is, all in all, a prime example of Swabian engineering a la Nubert. Nothing less.]

This makes nuControl X a real highlight for Fidelity.

To the nuControl X...