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Reduced to the essentials

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For AV-Magazin (3 May), Philipp Schäfer tested the surprising qualities of the ‘large’ nuZeo 4 compact loudspeaker: „Nuberts kleinster Spross der nuZeo-Serie legt bei AV-Magazin einen großen Auftritt hin. So ist die nuZeo 4 ein wunderschöner, kompakter Aktivlautsprecher, der unfassbar groß klingt. Dank perfekt abgestimmter Elektronik, hochpotenten Chassis und modernster Digitaltechnik schuf Nubert einen herausragenden Lautsprecher, der mit betörender Klangqualität maximalen Hörgenuss bei Musik, Film und TV bietet.“

[Loose translation: Nubert's smallest member of the nuZeo series makes a grand entrance at AV-Magazin. The nuZeo 4 is a beautiful, compact active loudspeaker that sounds incredibly big. Thanks to perfectly tuned electronics, highly potent drivers and state-of-the-art digital technology, Nubert has created an outstanding loudspeaker that offers maximum listening pleasure for music, film and TV with beguiling sound quality.]

  • Sound: outstanding
  • Features: very good
  • Operation: very good
  • Workmanship: very good
  • Class: top class
  • Price/performance: very good

...a ‘highlight’ for AV-Magazin

You can find the complete test here as a link...
…and here as pdf for download.


To the nuZeo 4 ...

To the matching nuZeo 4 speaker stand ...