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Sets exclamation marks


Stefan Schickedanz had the larger of the two floorstanding speakers from our nuZeo series sent to the AUDIO+stereoplay test lab for issue 09/2024 and quickly realised that the nuZeo 15 not only sets an exclamation mark technically, but also aesthetically. After an extensive test, his conclusion was: „Kann mich nicht erinnern, eine vergleichbar groovende und swingende Box der Schwaben gehört zu haben. […] Da geht einfach die Post ab. Bei aller Präzision, Auflösung und Neutralität kommen die Emotionen niemals zu kurz, ganz gleich, ob mit Rock, Jazz oder Klassik. Der Bass kickt, die Stimmen stehen präzise fokussiert auf der breiten, tiefen Hörbühne, und der Boogie- Faktor erzeugt Gänsehaut.“
[Loose translation: I can't remember hearing a comparably groovy and swinging speaker from the Swabians. [...] There's simply a lot going on. Despite all the precision, resolution and neutrality, the emotions are never neglected, regardless of whether it's rock, jazz or classical music. The bass kicks, the voices are precisely focussed on the wide, deep listening stage and the boogie factor gives you goose bumps.]


+ high level of detail, precise imaging

+ deep, clean bass foundation

+ exemplary homogeneity

– Setup with the app a little awkward

The bottom line of the test result:

Outstanding price/performance

Overall rating 174 points


You can download the complete test as a pdf here ...

About the floorstanding loudspeaker nuZeo 15 ...