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Wireless home cinema enjoyment

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Philipp Schäfer tested the compact nuXinema preAV multi-channel preamplifier for AV-Magazin (8 March):
„Nubert bietet mit dem nuXinema preAV eine innovative Mehrkanal-Vorstufe, die dank neuester 3D-Audiotechnik, hochauflösendem Systemfunk und praktischer Raumeinmessung maximales Film- und Musikvergnügen bietet. Die erstklassige Bedien-App rundet mit zahlreichen Klangeinstellungen den Funktionsumfang ab. So ist der nuXinema preAV der perfekte Spielpartner für anspruchsvolle Klangliebhaber, die ihr Heimkino kabellos mit Aktivlautsprechern ausstatten möchten.“

[Loose translation: With the nuXinema preAV, Nubert offers an innovative multi-channel preamplifier that offers maximum film and music enjoyment thanks to the latest 3D audio technology, high-resolution system radio and practical room calibration. The first-class operating app rounds off the range of functions with numerous sound settings. This makes the nuXinema preAV the perfect partner for discerning sound lovers who want to equip their home cinema wirelessly with active loudspeakers.]

  • Sound: very good - outstanding
  • Features: outstanding
  • Operation: very good
  • Workmanship: very good
  • Class: top class
  • Price/performance: very good

...a "highlight" for AV-Magazin

You can download the complete test as a pdf here ...
...and here as a link.


To the nuXinema preAV...