nuLine 24
Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days *
07171 87 12 0
nuLine 24
- Compact speakers for shelf or lowboard as a stereo system with little space requirement
- Satellite speakers for surround applications in the front or rear area
- Powerful sound with 55 Hz bass response for hi-fi music enjoyment
- Switchable dipole speaker - with second tweeter for more spaciousness in the home cinema
- Convincing with sound selector switch, bi-wiring terminal and asymmetrical tweeters
- Made in Germany with clear edges, either nobly lacquered or walnut veneered

Simply experience space
The nuLine 24 is a compact speaker with a dipole function. With a width of only 15 cm, it is suitable for small stereo systems with a strong low frequency response of 55 Hz. The switchable dipole can also make stereo reproduction even airier. Especially in surround systems, the switchable second tweeter on the back increases the atmosphere considerably.

Für Stereo geschaffen
The nuLine 24 can convince with impressive sound despite its compact dimensions: both as a classic compact system in direct mode and in dipole mode with even more spatiality.

At home in the home cinema
The nuLine 24 is an ideal front speaker for surround applications, especially when combined with a nuSub model and the nuLine CS-64 or CS-174.

More atmosphere in surround
With the switchable dipole function, the nuline 24 is predestined for use in home cinema. The reflections of a rear wall significantly increase the sonority and atmosphere.

Complete in a set
With the matching nuConnect ampX amplifier, the nuLine 24 becomes a customisable and modern system with sufficient power. Our other sets are also more than worth a look.

nuOva B tweeter
With the nuLine 24 the tweeter is separated at 2000 Hz. The nuOva tweeter is a sophisticated high-tech product that has been optimised for minimal resonance. The main reason for this is the damped rear volume chamber, which ensures very fast decay. Your advantage: More details and a clear reproduction of music.
Low-midrange speaker
The nuLine 24's bass-midrange driver works seamlessly below the tweeter. It enables detailed voice reproduction and rich low frequencies. Thanks to longstroke technology and an optimised cabinet, the bookshelf speaker achieves a lower cut-off frequency of 55 Hz with high precision. Your advantage: Full-quality music reproduction in a small space.

The crossover is the control centre and heart of the nuLine 24. Durable components ensure accurate reproduction and linear sound for decades. The switches on the back directly influence the crossover, allowing seamless switching between direct or dipole mode. The crossover also features self-resetting fuses that protect the drivers from overload.
On the back of the nuLine 24 there is a second tweeter to turn the direct radiator into a dipole speaker. With a toggle switch in the terminal, you can add or deactivate it. Your advantage: More spaciousness and airier sound for more atmosphere in stereo and surround.

Our nuLine series relies on the high-quality lacquer finishes black and white, which are applied in several layers and sanded again and again for a perfect surface finish with a softline edge. The third option is a real highlight: the real wood veneer in walnut. This makes each model truly unique, just as with our limited Corten Edition to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our constantly improving nuLine series.
In the nuLine series, clear shapes with delicate softline curves give the models a timeless elegance. Acoustic considerations are also at the forefront of the design process, as slightly rounded edges ensure less edge dispersion, as does the asymmetrical arrangement of the tweeters. This is matched by the elaborately calculated metal grille, which has hardly any measurable effect on the sound.
Series overview
Our nuLine series is not only Made in Germany, but also committed to honest sound: All speakers reproduce music neutrally and thus exactly as it was recorded. What's more, with 10 models in this series, we have the widest variety for all applications, from wall or ceiling speakers, compact and floorstanding speakers to the Dolby Atmos-certified add-on speaker nuLine RS-54. Low-frequency support is provided for all of them by subwoofers from the nuSub-Series.

Safety Instructions
Nubert electronic GmbH
Nubertstraße 1, 73529 Schwäbisch Gmünd, Deutschland
Email: Phone: +49 07171 - 8712-0
Safety Instructions
- Turn off the amplifier before connecting the speaker cables.
- Ensure the speaker cables are securely connected.
- Place the speaker only in a dry location.
- Do not expose the speakers to direct sunlight.
- Overloading: The nuLine 24 has internal fuses to protect against amplifier overload. However, note that even a weak amplifier can endanger a speaker. Weak amplifiers tend to distort at high levels, which can place extreme stress on the tweeters. If the sound becomes distorted at a certain volume level, please reduce the volume setting on the amplifier.
Connection Instructions
- Ensure that your amplifier/receiver is turned off before connecting the speakers.
- Refer to your amplifier/receiver's user manual for instructions on connecting the speakers.
Placement Instructions
The nuLine 24 is a high-quality, neutral-sounding Nubert HiFi-Surround® speaker with switchable dipole/direct functionality. It is suitable as a compact stereo speaker or as a rear speaker for surround sound. Below are specific recommendations for positioning the speaker as a dipole rear speaker, based on Nubert's extensive experience and customer feedback. General placement recommendations for classic stereo use are also provided.
Care and Cleaning Tips
Improper handling of the speaker may result in damage.
- Turn off your amplifier before cleaning the speaker, and disconnect the speaker cables from the terminals if necessary!
- Before resuming operation, ensure that all connections are correct, no short circuits exist, and the speaker is completely dry!
- Never use harsh cleaning agents or solvents such as gasoline, alcohol, or similar substances!
We recommend using a standard glass cleaner sprayed onto a cotton cloth for cleaning. This will effectively remove most fingerprints and dirt. Alternatively, you can use window cleaning foam. Avoid using microfiber cloths, as they can cause micro-scratches on the surface. For veneered cabinets, we recommend using appropriate furniture care products.
Membranes and Speaker Drivers
To remove dust from a speaker driver, use a lint-free cotton cloth to gently wipe the membrane with minimal pressure. The tweeters of all Nubert speakers are protected by a grille, allowing them to be wiped with light pressure as well. If the dust cannot be completely removed, a makeup brush from a drugstore can be used.

Committed to honest sound
We are a German company that has been developing and selling speakers directly for over 45 years. We stand for neutral reproduction so that you receive exactly the same signal that is present on the source. We add nothing and leave nothing out. We promise! You can find more information about our philosophy here.

Production sites
All nuLine models were perfected by our developers in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Series production then takes place exclusively for us at the Roterring manufacturing plant in North Rhine-Westphalia. This means that our nuVero series speakers are rightly labelled Designed & Made in Germany..

This product as 2nd choice
In some installation locations - for example with rearspeakers behind a curtain - the visual appearance plays a subordinate role, but the function must be guaranteed without restriction. Here, our 2nd choice is the ideal solution for price-conscious customers. These are exhibition items, customer returns or discontinued models with minor signs of use, but which have been technically inspected by our service department. We also give a full 2-year guarantee on the 2nd choice.

X-Remote App
With the Nubert X-Remote app, many functions can be conveniently controlled from your smartphone. In addition to the typical controls for volume and system status, the app allows precise sound adjustments – even using our X-Room Calibration feature on iOS. The app is available for free on the Google Play Store for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS.
Test results
We are awarded. And proud of it.
We not only build exceptional loudspeakers and electronics, but also offer the matching accessories. So you can find everything useful for our products, from cables to adapters.
Our recommendations
Not the right one? We recommend taking a look at related products that you might like.
Questions about passive speakers
You buy the product, then it arrives at your home and you can test it for 30 days without risk. If you don't like the product, you can return it free of charge and we will refund the total amount including all shipping costs.
In most cases, a quick look at the instruction manual is enough to solve many problems very quickly. We are happy to help you via phone +497171-87120 or E-Mail. according to the motto "It doesn't sound, it doesn't exist". Because for us, good service is part of the product.
Honest speakers - Honest reviews
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19 October 2024
Wunschlos glücklich
So nun bin ich wunschlos glücklich und das Heimkino fertig! Erst fing ich an mit nuLine 264 in der Front an dann dann mit dem CS-174 Center ohne Sub ist ja doof also Sub XW-800+XW-900 dann für Atmos WS-14 und nun der Wechsel auf nuLine 24 für Surround dieses System ist einfach genial es passt einfach alles zusammen! Nach der neuen Einmessung und einen Film The NUN rein geschmissen alter Schwede was aus den kleinenkommt! Aber wir wollen auf keinen Fall den top Service von Nubert vergessen ich persönlich kenne keine andere Firma/Unternehmen, das so schnell versendet da gegen ist Amazon Prime noch langsam! Danke an das ganze Team und macht so weiter!
11 May 2024
Klein aber Oho
Es ist erstaunlich, welchen Klang diese 'Zwerge' produzieren. Ich setze Sie sowohl als TV-Lautsprecher, zur Streaming-Wiedergabe und für DC- und Vinyl-Wiedergabe ein und sie überzeugen in allen Bereichen. Bei bestimmten Audioformaten werden sie durch einen Sub-Woofer unterstützt. Ich habe den Dipol aktiviert, da diese Einstellung für mein Empfinden die Wiedergabe räumlicher macht. An den beiden Kleinen erfreuen wir uns jeden Tag :-) (Die Lieferung und Verpackung waren einwandfrei, Lautsprecher kamen unversehrt an!)
17 October 2022
Nuline 24
Lange Zeit leisteten meine beiden nubox 311 als Regalboxen gute Dienste. Doch Ansprüche steigen und mir fehlte mehr Räumlichkeit und Brillianz. Der vorgegebene Ort schränkte das sinnvolle Spektrum möglicher Boxen ein. Nach ausgiebiger telefonischer Beratung wurde meine schon insgeheim favorisierte Box für diesen Einsatzzweck empfohlen. Die nuline 24 wurde bereits am nächsten Tag geliefert. Sie erfüllt alle meine Erwartungen und zaubert, in Verbindung mit einem vorhandenen Nubox Sub wunderbar räumliche Musik mit toller Transparenz und Brillianz. Gesang ist gelegentlich so präsent, dass der Eindruck entsteht, die Person stehe im Raum (z.B. Melody Gardot). Eine kleine feine Box die mir Freude bereitet.
17 January 2022
Unbestechlich neutral, realistisch und detailreich
Neben TV höre ich bevorzugt klassische Musik über meine schon in die Jahre gekommene 7.1 Sourround-Anlage YAMAHA Receiver RX V-750 mit kompakten INFINITY Beta HCS 5.1 Boxen (8 Ohm), seinerzeit als Set erhältlich, in einem fast schalltoten 32qm Raum. Über viele Jahre war ich damit glücklich und über den 5.1 Surround Sound durchaus angetan. Mit der Zeit wird man sensibler und somit anspruchsvoller. Um bei kompakten Fronttönern zu bleiben, kaufte ich nun ein Paar nuLine 24 mit Boxenstativen BS1002 und habe diese in das 5.1 Boxenset integriert, d.h. die Hauptarbeit leistenden linke und rechte Frontbox ersetzt (5.1 beibehalten). Selbstverständlich musste der Ausgang am Receiver auf 4 Ohm (höherer Widerstand der verbleibenden Boxen geht immer) umgestellt und die Anlage mit dem Messmikrofon neu eingemessen werden. Die Dipolfunktion der neuen Boxen blieb aktiviert (Werkseinstellung). Jetzt kam der spannendste Moment, der erste Höreindruck einer hervorragenden Klassikaufnahme von CD über YAMAHA CD S700, per Cinch an Receiver. Zunächst eine völlig neue Akustik, im erstem Moment nicht das Ohr "streichelnd", in diese musste ich mich ersteinmal einhören. Schnell merkte ich aber, dass ich nunmehr brilliant aufgelöste Töne, absolut neutral, also original die unverfälschte Aufnahme, in all ihren klanglichen Details, höre. Welch ein Genuss ... , eine neue Klangwelt eröffnete sich mir und es wurde klar, dass Klassik und Gesang mit ihren "Naturinstrumenten" erst in dieser Wiedergabequalität wirklich zur Geltung kommen. Wo Licht ist, ist auch Schatten, denn nachdem ich nun meine Klassik-Cd's systematisch durchhöre, fällt mir die leider mitunter mangelhafte, teils lieblose Aufnahmequalität vieler Veröffentlichungen auf. Einige kann ich nach den ersten Takten schon disqualifizieren, es wird Platz im Regal. Aber das, was den Hörtest besteht, ist ein Genuss. Manche Klavierwerke und vor allem Chor vertragen deutlich mehr Raumeindruck als das Soundprogramm "7-ch Stereo" an unbearbeiteten Sound über 5 Ausgabekanäle hergibt. Hier muss das Soundprogramm "Concert Hall" des Receivers weiterhelfen. Leider höre ich mit den neuen Boxen jetzt hier viel zu aufdringlich Reflexionen und Nachhall, also Matsch, was mir vorher so nie aufgefallen ist. Die Parameter lassen sich aber justieren, deutlich weniger ist mehr. Wenn ich nun die Augen schließe, kann ich trotz des einrichtungsbedingt etwas zu weiten Abstandes der Frontlautsprecher, nach leichter Nachjustierung der Lautstärken, einen nahezu perfekten Klangraum und ein tolles Klangbild geniessen. Alle Instrumente sind gut im Orchester positioniert. Es ergeben sich ganz neue Klangfarben, die ich so bisher nicht hören konnte. Jedes Instrument, sei es Oboe, Klarinette oder Fagott läßt sich zweifelsfrei zuordnen. Die Violinen und Bratschen werden mit ihren Obertönen erst richtig interessant und die Schwingungen der Basskorpusse übertragen sich angenehm auf meine Bauchdecke. Der Subwoofer schiebt freilich auch etwas mit. Natürlich, man muss es mögen, mit klangschönenden Boxen klingt möglicherweise jede CD-Produktion passabel, aber für mich ist die Reinheit des Klanges das i-Tüpfelchen. Ich bin jetzt auf der Suche nach passenden hochwertigen Aufnahmen, übrigens nicht nur in der technischen Qualität, sondern auch in orchestraler, spielerischer Hinsicht. Meine Frau, ebenfalls Klassik-Liebhaberin, ist ebenso angetan. Ihr Lieblingssender Klassik-Radio, den wir über das Internetradio VR-Radio empfangen und dessen Signal wir optisch in den Receiver einspeisen, hören wir nun in einer nie dagewesenen Qualität. Selbst bei geringster Lautstärke ist die Wiedergabe glasklar, Wir wurden schon von Besuchern gefragt wer hier Klavier spielt, allein die Frage spricht für sich. Die Dipol-Funktion hat einen interessanten Nebeneffekt, nicht nur, dass der Sound sehr luftig wirkt. Vom Esstisch aus ist unser Surroundfeld um 90° gedreht, also denkbar ungünstig. Ich hatte schon die Anschaffung eines zusätzlichen Boxenpaares für den B-Ausgang des Receivers erwogen. Die Nubert-Boxen generieren selbst aus dieser ungünstigen Position ein erstaunlich gutes Soundfeld. Ohnehin hat man den Eindruck, dass durch seitliches Verdrehen der Boxen der Sound noch ausgeglichener wird. In meiner optimalen Hörposition im Sessel habe ich sie dann jedoch aus optischen Gründen fast frontal ausgerichtet. Die Boxen sind mit ihren je 120W Nennbelastbarkeit (150W je Frontbox vom Receiver), auch bei Wiedergabe in Konzertlautstärke mit ca. -20 ... -23dB in unserem Wiedergaberaum und für unsere Hörgewohnheiten mehr als ausreichend dimensioniert. Es ist toll, wie präzise, und auch bei größerer Lautstärke, die Klänge ohne Verzerrungen wiedergegeben werden. Leiseste Anblasgeräusche, Triangel, Tastenanschläge (fast mitunter schon störend), alles da.
Technical information
Device type: | Compact loudspeaker |
Width: | 15,0 cm |
Height: | 25,0 cm |
Depth: | 25,0 cm |
Depth (additional information): | 28,0 cm (with front cover) |
Weight: | 4,8 kg |
Packaging dimensions (W x H x D): | 34,0 cm x 24,0 cm x 42,0 cm |
Packaging dimensions pair packaging (W x H x D): | 45,0 cm x 33,0 cm x 41,0 cm |
Shipping weight: | 6,3 kg |
Shipping weight pair packaging: | 12,5 kg |
Standard colour: | White |
Color: | Multi-coat Lacquer White |
Scope of delivery: | nuLine 24, metal cover, elastic bumper for decoupling and non-slip stand, speaker cable 2x 0.75 mm² 4 m, operating instructions in German |
EAN / GTIN: | 4260166751642 |
Country of origin: | Germany |
WEEE-Reg. No.: | DE 48888173 |
Construction Method: | Bass reflex |
Construction: | Dipole |
System: | 2-way |
Tweeter: | 2x 26 mm |
Tweeter material: | Silk fabric |
Tweeter crossover frequency: | 2.000 Hz |
Bass-midrange driver: | 1x 123 mm |
Bass-midrange material: | Polypropylene |
Lower cut-off frequency (-3 dB): | 55 Hz |
Upper cut-off frequency (-3 dB): | 27.000 Hz |
Efficiency (2.83V/1m): | 86,0 dB |
Efficiency (1W/1m): | 83,9 dB |
Continuous load capacity: | 120 W |
Pulse load capacity: | 170 W |
Shielding: | Magnetically compensated |
Impedance: | 4 Ohm |
Protection: | Self-resetting fuses |
Loudspeaker inputs: | 1 |
Box type and recommended use
Anyone who has heard a pair of nuLine 24 will understand why we no longer want to put this ultra-compact hi-fi speaker with dipole function in the back corner as a rear speaker in the truest sense of the word. That's why this multi-functional speaker is no longer called "DS" like its extremely successful predecessor, the nuLine DS-22. Completely redesigned, the compact nuLine 24 presents itself with a slightly deeper cabinet, a powerful 12 cm long-throw chassis, the innovative nuOva tweeter in a 19 mm dome tweeter version and the newly tuned crossover, which is enormously complex for this price class. The high development effort has paid off, because with a lower cut-off frequency of 55 Hz (-3 dB) this "little box" sounds incredibly voluminous and also really mature as a stereo main speaker. The second tweeter, mounted on the rear, naturally allows it to be used as a dipole rear speaker in a high-quality surround set, but it also amazes with its impressive three-dimensionality when used as a front speaker. Whether in pairs, with a subwoofer as a space-saving sub/sat combo or within a multi-channel set as a front, centre or surround speaker - the nuLine 24 inspires in any role you assign it. The loudspeakers of the nuLine series are developed in Schwäbisch Gmünd and manufactured according to our specifications at a traditional specialist company for sound furniture construction in Germany.
Construction principle and housing
Two-way compact loudspeaker in bass reflex design. The bass reflex port is located on the rear side of the cabinet, which is why the speaker should be placed at least three centimetres away from a rear wall in direct mode. The high-quality cabinet is made of veneered or multi-layer lacquered MDF material and is manufactured by an experienced sound furniture specialist in Germany. In order to minimise the resonance of the cabinet walls, which would be detrimental to the sound, the interior of the cabinet has been fitted with an additional stiffening element.
By further developing proven tweeter drivers, it was possible to realise a driver that achieves unprecedented qualities in this price class. A characteristic of the nuOva design is the asymmetrical front panel. This allows the tweeter to be positioned significantly off-centre on the baffle, reducing edge refraction effects. In addition, the tweeter has a rear chamber with specially tuned volume and damping material to absorb sound and prevent resonance. To achieve an optimal result, the damping material, its position and especially the shape of the chamber must be precisely matched. Here in particular, the nuLine 24 benefited from the Nubert engineers' many years of experience in developing first-class tweeters.
The 12-centimetre longstroke woofer is closely related to the bass drivers of the nuLine 264 and the nuLine CS-174 centre speaker. This high-performance driver, equipped with a double magnet, enables an optimum ratio of large cone excursion, maximum bass response and quite good efficiency. The result is a highly resilient long-stroke woofer whose polypropylene cone can deflect up to 20 mm in extreme cases. Only this makes it possible to create a full sound experience with such a compact loudspeaker. Apart from the transparency of the sound, in our experience the nuLine 24 bookshelf speaker can also compete with the best compact speakers of double or triple the size in terms of bass reproduction and achievable volume.
The crossover plays a very important role in the sound of the nuLine 24 dipole speaker. For such a small speaker, it is enormously complex. Compensation circuits optimise the characteristics of the drivers when switching the dispersion pattern from "dipole" to "direct". A protection circuit watches over the safety of the two drivers and the crossover. If there is a risk of thermal overload, it cuts the amplifier current and then automatically resets itself to normal operation.
Switching options
A switch between the terminals allows selection of the operating modes "direct" or "dipole". The "dipole" mode is primarily intended for use as a rear loudspeaker in a surround set, but can also provide a surprisingly airy, detached sound image in stereo mode.
Connection terminal
The connection terminal with its sturdy, gold-plated screw terminals is located on the underside of the nuLine 24, where it is visually least obtrusive in the most diverse set-ups. This has proved particularly useful for use as a rear speaker, where the speaker is usually positioned on the side of a wall.
More info in Technology
For all technically interested music and home cinema lovers who are not put off by hard facts and metrological details, Günther Nubert's ""Technik satt"" offers plenty of technical correlations and electro-acoustic background knowledge as well as the topic of sound optimisation and insights into the development and history of Nubert loudspeakers and devices.