High-resolution wireless audio transmission
X-Connect and X-Connect Surround are Nubert's own digital wireless standards for wirelessly networking speakers, amplifiers and other Hi-Fi or home cinema devices. Both variants score with high-resolution signal quality, low latency, stable transmission and simple operation.
Many current Nubert products such as the subwoofers of the nuSub series, the active speakers from the nuPro XS series or the compact integrated amplifier nuConnect ampX already have X-Connect or X-Connext Surround on board. Other Nubert components and compatible devices from other brands can be upgraded in no time using the nuConnect trX adapter.
For the transmission of audio signals, the Nubert X-Connect standards are far superior to conventional WLAN technology. Thanks to stable, bidirectional data connections with low latency and high bandwidth, the Nubert wireless systems achieve the highest sound quality and interference-free connectivity. As a result, both systems enable wireless listening pleasure at the highest level. Multiple transmission frequencies allow interference-free operation in parallel with existing wireless technology.
Examples of X-Connect applications

Two XS-3000 RC are wirelessly connected to each other as a stereo pair.
The XS-3000 RC stereo pair is complemented wirelessly by a subwoofer to form a 2.1 set.

A nuConnect ampX amplifier acts as an interface between traditional passive speakers and modern wireless systems, e.g. in a 2.1 system with passive speakers and a wirelessly connected subwoofer.
A nuConnect ampX integrated amplifier acts as an intermediary between traditional passive speakers and modern wireless systems, e.g. with passive speakers in the main zone supplemented by X-Connect compatible speakers in a second zone. Or the other way around.

AV application: traditional AV receivers are connected wirelessly to rear boxes or subwoofers using a nuConnect trX.

Usage examples for X-Connect Surround
Compact and yet extremely powerful AV sets are made possible with the nuXinema preAV. It also allows a mix of traditional wired systems, whether passive or active, and wirelessly linked systems, especially attractive when used with surround and ceiling speakers and subwoofers.

- Technical underpinnings are identical
- Uncompressed, lossless hi-res quality
- Minimized latency (19 ms) and uninterrupted transmission
- Automatic selection of different frequency bands in the 5 GHz range
- Transmission of control commands, e.g. volume setting, tone control, etc.
X-Connect ist optimiert auf Stereo-Anwendungen, X-Connect Surround ermöglicht komfortable Anbindung von Lautsprechern im Surround-Betrieb.
Maximale Kanäle
- X-Connect: 2
- X-Connect Surround: 8
- X-Connect: 192 kHz / 24 bit
- X-Connect Surround: 48 kHz / 24 bit
Die höhere Kanalzahl von X-Connect Surround bedingt eine geringere Samplingrate, um Datenmenge und Latenz technisch und akustisch gut verarbeiten zu können. Auf Komprimierung wird dabei vollständig verzichtet.
- X-Connect: Vorwärts-Übermittlung von Steuerbefehlen von Master- an Slave-Geräte (u.a. Lautstärke, Klangregelung, Display-Einstellung)
- X-Connect Surround: Bidirektionale Übermittlung von Steuerbefehlen und Informationen.
Dadurch wird Erkennung der Slave-Geräte möglich (ggfs. mit automatischer Pegelkalibrierung) und die Übermittlung von Steuerbefehlen wie An/Aus oder Lautstärkeregelung erlaubt Basis-Bedienung des Gesamtsystems auch an den Slave-Geräten.
Anzahl an Clients je Kanal
- X-Connect: beliebig viele, verschiedene Typen mischbar
- X-Connect Surround: 1
Das bedeutet, bei X-Connect Surround kann automatischer Lautstärkepegelabgleich in Surround-Systemen vorgenommen werden, Austausch erweiterter Steuerbefehle wird ermöglicht. Achtung bei Subwoofer-Anwendung: Es kann nur ein Subwoofer verbunden werden. Sollen mehrere Subwoofer beispielsweise mit einem nuXinema preAV kabellos verbunden werden, so empfiehlt sich die Verwendung eines nuConnect trX am Sub Out.
X-Connect sender
- nuConnect trX
- nuConnect ampX
- nuPro X-3/4/6/8000
- nuPro X-3/4/6/8000 RC
- nuPro XS-3/4/6/8000 RC
- nuPro XS-7500
- nuPro XI-2000 RC
X-Connect reciever
- nuConnect trX
- nuConnect ampX
- nuPro X-3/4/6/8000
- nuPro X-3/4/6/8000 RC
- nuPro XI-2000 RC
- nuPro XS-3/4/6/8000 RC
- nuSub XW-7/8/9/1200 (slim)
X-Connect Surround sender
- nuXinema preAV
- nuPro XS-8500 RC
X-Connect Surround reciever
- nuPro XS-3/4/6/8000 RC
- nuPro XI-2000 RC
- nuSub XW-7/8/9/1200 (slim)