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Author: Aktivator
Sep 13, 2016, 3:26:20 PM

I've owned the A-700 for a few months now and I'm very satisfied!
Recently I took a look at the competition from D... and F... .
We're talking about 10,000 to 13,000 euros.
The salesman: Yes, the D..., fully digital, active, even wireless.
I waau....gedacht....gääähhn.....

Me: Yes, they both sound really great.....gedacht gäähhn.. 😬

And then these great, fat power cables. Even the NuPro yawns.
Why doesn't it sound better with fat cables? Yes, with excess weight,
you can't win a sprint either! Would it be cheeky if I invited the salesman
to my place?

I wonder what would happen if Nubert invested 5000.- Euro in Nupro's ?

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are very pleased that we were able to inspire you more with our affordable activists. For the sake of fairness, we have dotted out the brand names...

Author: astelz
Sep 13, 2016, 2:55:51 PM

to kneel down!
My first test was Beethoven's Pastoral. Then Fleetwood Mac, Supertramp, Dire Straights, but also INXS, Linking Park, Nirvana and so on. Yes, I really had tears in my eyes with happiness!
Important: the nuVero 140s really need to be driven properly. The difference from my old Marantz to the new MF was dramatic!
My configuration for vinyl:

Pro-Ject RPM 9.1 with Ortofon 2M Black
Pro-Ject Phono Box DS
Musical Fidelity M6Si
Nubert nuVero 140

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marcus Schumacher
Sep 9, 2016, 11:27:31 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

I bought an SM 310* 10 years ago. Moved several times, now in Dubai. Small problem with the frongitters - muffs after all these years, solved unbureaucratically and free of charge. That this still exists today 😂.

All the best and greetings to Mr. Reichelt

Marcus Schumacher

Answer from the Nubert-Team

*The SM-310 is the power module integrated in the nuLine AW-1000.
The AW-1000 was the successful predecessor of the current nuLine AW-1100.

Many thanks for the flowers from the Speaker Factory team.

Author: Ard
Sep 8, 2016, 6:56:18 PM

Have now been in possession of a pair of Nuvero 140 boxes for a month and it exceeds the wildest expectations. What great boxes. The price-quality ratio is truly phenomenal. After an enjoyable listening session in Duisburg I decided to buy them and did not regret it for a second.

Also the delivery gets a big compliment. Perfectly packed and the installation can really not go wrong because of the very clear instructions.

Small surprise: in one of the boxes the miniature Nubi was enclosed. Why that was not enclosed in both speakers......?

Oh yes, it takes some getting used to the size because the Nuvero 140 boxes are physical. But after the habituation period, the listening pleasure knows no bounds.

Compliments to the Nubert team. Great.

But then am I the only Dutchman who has discovered Nubert......

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Ard,

no, fortunately you are not the only one who knows Nubert, but you are right; in the Netherlands there may well be more interested people!
We look forward to every Nubert fan from the Netherlands!
We wish you lots of fun with your new Nuvero speakers!
Greetings from the Nubert ? Team from Duisburg and Schwäbisch Gmünd!

Author: Anja D.
Sep 3, 2016, 1:43:05 PM

Hello dear Nubertschmide team
I have recently become the owner of a Nupro AS 250 and, as of today, a pair of Nupro A 200 speakers.

I am very satisfied with the products.
The support was also very customer-oriented and fast.
My inquiry about the purchase was answered promptly and very well.

Today the Nupro's A200 arrived in very well packaged, clean and
neat and tidy condition.

Immediately unpacked, connected to the Nupro AS 250 and all is well.
Dear team around Günther Nubert,
keep it up sooooooooooo

Best regards from Lippstadt and many thanks for so much service 👍

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marc
Sep 2, 2016, 7:25:46 AM

I've been the proud and very happy owner of two NuLine 284s and two NuPro 100s for just over 4 months now (after about 4 years of deliberation...).
While my expectations of the 284 were very high after my impression in the listening studio, I had fewer expectations of the NuPro 100.

Briefly about the 284:
The NuLine 284s are brilliant and I'm always happy to enjoy music on these speakers. And of course the 284s are more fun overall,

but it's the NuPro-100 that never ceases to amaze me and put a smile on my face! The clarity and power that can be heard from these two speakers on my desk is simply top class!

And for a few weeks now I've also known that these two "little" things still play cleanly even at higher levels. And the option of lowering the bass linearly is also worth its weight in gold later in the evening (and depending on the type of music).

Many thanks to the Nubert team and best wishes from Switzerland :-)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: HCR
Sep 1, 2016, 8:50:18 PM

A700 arrived today. Thank you Mr. Hubert.
The sound and workmanship are brilliant! But also the service. Should be delivered on a certain day please... and? Came exactly and in great condition!!!
Very professional!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Tobias
Aug 30, 2016, 12:04:47 AM

After a short phone call with Mr. Siegle, it was clear that my NuVero 14 had to be serviced.
Fortunately, there is now also a branch in Duisburg, which is easy to drive to.
I dropped it off at the store on Saturday afternoon and it was repaired on Wednesday!
As a gesture of goodwill - and without being asked.
Best service, keep it up men :-))))))
Thanks to Mr. Hinsenhofen, that's the way it has to be 😊😊😊😊
Any time again with pleasure, a big praise to the whole team!
Next up for my Yamaha AX 1090, which is now getting on in years
your new pre/power amp combo!
With this in mind, best regards to Swabia and the Pott!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Micha
Aug 28, 2016, 12:23:52 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,

I bought your Nubert nuJubilee 40 at the beginning of this year after a long search ... and what can I say ... Fantastic!

The pair of speakers arrived at my home very well packaged shortly after I ordered them.

I am absolutely thrilled.

I use the speakers with a Marantz PM6005 integrated amplifier in stereo mode.

I have never experienced such a crystal-clear sound image from these speakers.
They are very honest speakers that mercilessly bring every bad audio source to light and brilliantly reproduce good audio sources...

Many of my friends and acquaintances are also amazed at the sound of the speakers and have often asked me whether I also use a subwoofer, which I always deny.

Many thanks for the quality (technical and visual) of the speakers.

Please keep up the good work...

Best regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Harald Wittig
Aug 26, 2016, 9:20:24 AM

Our affection for the NuPro A200 pair, which provides excellent sound in our relaxation and meeting place, also known as the living room, is unbroken. One of the active loudspeakers recently had to make a surprise visit to the Nubert service department. The goodwill repair - strictly speaking it was a device replacement - was carried out super quickly and free of charge for us. We - my wife and I - would like to express our sincere thanks and recommend Nubert, its top products and first-class customer service with full conviction.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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