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Author: Johannes Rühle
Jun 17, 2016, 4:30:39 PM

Dear Nubert team

Me and my band INTERPHASES bought the nupros A-300 so that we could mix and listen to our own songs perfectly in our recording studio. And I have to say, the first results were sensational. Simply listening to music on the Mac-Book is also a real pleasure, because the sound of the Nupros is really terrific.
For me as a drummer, it's a dream come true because our drum recordings sound really fat, powerful and warm on the Nupros. (Yamaha and Gretsch drums) I absolutely love it ;-)
If you use the Nupros as studio monitors, the recorded sound of vocals and instruments can be judged and adjusted perfectly. This makes actively making music and of course listening to music really fun.
So?.let's rock on and best regards from Stuttgart, Johannes Rühle.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Rother
Jun 17, 2016, 11:24:09 AM

Hello Nubert employees,

probably about 18 years ago (can't remember which year) I bought a complete surround set consisting of NuWave 8, NuWave CS4 and RS6.

My wife and I still have a lot of fun with it and all the home cinema-loving neighbors or friends who visit us from time to time are amazed when they hear "such a rich sound" (quote)" from such old speakers ;-)
There are already Nubert sets in some other terraced houses.

When my daughter was born 8 years ago, we wanted to install the protective grilles that came with the NuWave 8s, but could no longer find the brackets.
After an email in which I asked if they were still available and how much they cost, I received them for FREE the day after the next working day - we were all gobsmacked and we still say that today to describe the good service from Nubert.

The neighbors who then chose Nubert are also happy.
I'm currently waiting for the callback, because now that my daughter is older, we're doing more with home theater again and a new subwoofer is on the cards.

Greetings from Munich

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Schrecki
Jun 13, 2016, 7:56:05 AM

Hello to the Nubert development department!

The better is the enemy of the good'. Voltaire was the first to proclaim this wisdom.

With this in mind, I have a suggestion for improvement for all speakers with remote control as well as for the nuControl. Is it not possible to equip the devices/remote controls with different channels that can be selected via simple dip switches, for example?

At the last nuDay in Brandenburg, we repeatedly had the problem that two nuControls standing next to each other had to be switched for testing purposes. Either neither or both devices responded.
Of course, two nuControls next to each other will rarely be found among normal hi-fi fans. However, I see the use of e.g. one nuPro in the living room and another in the directly adjacent dining area as much more realistic?

Best regards from Glindow

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gerlach v. Breidenbach
Jun 11, 2016, 5:20:28 PM

With all the tears about the devastated warehouse (for which I am also really sorry), we should rather remember the fireman from Schwäbisch Gmünd who died trying to save a child. Just like the child. And amidst all the relief and joyful surprise that shipping is now working again, we should rather remember the relatives who have suffered this irretrievable and almost unbearable loss. The pain and grief will accompany them for the rest of their lives.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. v. Breidenbach,

As you can probably imagine, we - and practically all the residents of Schwäbisch Gmünd that we know - perceived the suffering of the families of the 21-year-old and the firefighter who tried to save him
the firefighter who tried to save him as the much greater catastrophe.
In comparison, almost all material damage is not as important.

However, we are grateful that there is no danger to our employees as a result of the company's continued existence being "called into question".

Yours sincerely,
Günther Nubert

Author: BF
Jun 9, 2016, 10:19:32 AM

Dear Nubert team

You are either crazy or very well organized, but probably a bit of both: After your weather-related mishap, I expected that my new boxes would not be available so quickly. After the ordering option was back, I ordered on Tuesday morning (for convenience via the online department store with the A) and by Wednesday lunchtime the 383s had already arrived. What the hell? But congratulations, you can only wish such a service on other companies.

After the 683s took up residence in the living room last year, the smaller siblings have now moved into the study and are doing very well. I have been recommending the nubert brand to anyone with a remote interest in audio technology ever since I bought the 683. Also because of the open way in which the development work is communicated (technology galore), I am convinced that this was a sensible investment.

All the best with the (re)construction

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Uwe
Jun 8, 2016, 7:25:48 AM

Subject: Nubert NuVero AW-17 - 2nd choice

After last week's flood damage, I was already preparing to cancel as the purchase was triggered from the bargain bin.
Lucky me, the AW was probably not on the lower floor.
The delivery arrived yesterday, it took USP just one day.
The part was delivered securely packaged, I can't see anything about 2nd choice.
I use the sub sparingly, the leap from my previously used AW-90 is very clear in terms of bass and pressure.
In short, sales history and quality of the loudspeaker 1A+!

Many thanks for this - Uwe

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Mayer
Jun 7, 2016, 3:19:07 PM

Dear Nubert team,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for handling my TV complaint, especially Mrs. Kuhn from the service department: very friendly, competent, top advice!!!! Super!!! Keep up the good work. ... and all the best these days due to the severe storm!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jens Kiessling
Jun 7, 2016, 1:55:59 PM

Keep up the good work. I went through the same thing in 2002 and 2013.
A terrible time!
Greetings Jens

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bernhard Regh
Jun 2, 2016, 4:33:47 PM

All the best.... ❗

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Wolfgang Painer
Jun 1, 2016, 6:29:04 PM

Dear Nubert team,

I wish you lots of strength for the challenge!
It will pass.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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