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Author: Siegfried Scheidel
Nov 6, 2022, 8:34:49 AM

Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the goodwill service (8 months after the warranty date)
on my nuBox AS-225.
I was also very pleased to receive a transport package and free transportation by DHL.
by DHL shipment.
That's what I call top service!
I can recommend your products and your service at any time.
Thank you very much

Author: Hans-Jürgen Seiler
Oct 13, 2022, 11:11:27 AM

I had been very happy with the NuPro A-200 on my desk for a few years and basically nothing was missing. However, as is sometimes the case, I saw the new XS-3000 RC and XS-4000 RC on the homepage. These would certainly also be suitable for the desk. I wonder if they really sound much better than the A-200?
After some time, I went to Duisburg with a neighbor to try them out. Basically, it was clear that this could not go well.
Good advice/discussions on site and quietly listened to almost 2 hours of testing (including other models out of interest).
In the end, it was clear that the XS-4000 RC was the best speaker for my needs. Insanely powerful, even a little warmer compared to the 3000s. Despite trying to adjust the 3000s via the tone controls, the 4000s absolutely flashed me. Well, according to the motto "having is better than needing", I ordered them a few days later.
I've had the speakers at home for a few days now.
The sound is simply MEGA! Another big improvement on the A-200 (would be a shame if not). I was particularly impressed by the possibility of adjusting the sound. The 3000s would probably have been enough at the desk, but I wouldn't have been able to rest easy.
The depth is simply terrific and brings that little bit more satisfaction when listening to music.
The A-200s have found a new home with my daughter and can now be used for movies and music.
The great service from Nubert should also not go unmentioned. We had a small problem when setting up the speakers for the first time (the slave speaker forgot that it was connected after disconnecting the power supply). Short and competent phone call with a Nubert employee. New LS received overnight and everything is running perfectly!
Conclusion: The XS-4000 RC will certainly serve me very well over the next few years and play many hours of music. I hope your active range stays up to date for a long time, so that I don't get any ideas again...

Author: Martin Schraven
Oct 7, 2022, 5:12:55 PM

Nubert nuPro A-700

Dear „Nubert-Family“,

I've owned the nuPro A-700 for a few years now (with a Lintech Airlino as a player) and the money I spent on the speakers was probably the best investment of my life so far!

It's just so „cool“ to listen to music with them. Especially the bass with an absolutely clear sound. In my opinion, it doesn't get any better than this. And I am surprised every time again :)

So once again a big thank you to everyone who has worked on this!

Author: Stephan Dahlmanns
Oct 5, 2022, 6:42:23 PM

I received my NuLine 34 in walnut today and of course unpacked it straight away. I was blown away by the look of the speakers. So beautifully finished. I have to give them a big thumbs up. But then I connected the speakers and I have to say that what I heard was really good. I've never heard anything like it without a break-in period. Everything sounds coherent and to the point and whoever tells me that my 2600 Euro JBL can do more, I honestly say there is no comparison. The NuLine play much better! And I mean it.
Many thanks to the Nubert team for this great speaker.

Author: Michi Meier
Sep 28, 2022, 5:14:58 PM

CULANITY worth mentioning !

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Nubert team for the exceptional goodwill they have shown me.
In the RMS Gallery in Schwäbisch Gmünd (elephant in a china store...) I had brought down a nuBoxx on display there through a clumsy movement. A one-off - pre-production model with individual special paintwork (!).
The shock was great and one could - justifiably - have asked for a larger sum for the repair. But not so with Nubert: they would fix it internally! This goodwill is exceptional - really nice!
So: even beyond the purely technical "of the heavy hifi democratization" (-I myself have 2 small NuBoxes to mix, with which I am super satisfied-) Nubert, I think, is a really good brand.

Thanks again for that!
keep up the good work!

michi meier

Author: Karl Heinz Hernicht
Sep 28, 2022, 12:47:13 PM

I received my speakers on time, but their supplier was very rude and simply left the goods outside the entrance door in the pouring rain ☔️ ☔️. I hope the speakers were not damaged. Very questionable delivery.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Hernicht, we would like to thank you in advance for your order. We would of course like to apologize for this annoyance with the forwarding agent. At the same time, our loudspeakers are not only very well protected against external damage, but also well protected against brief periods of moisture, which you certainly noticed positively when unpacking, but especially now during operation. The whole team wishes you many happy hours of music with your new speakers.

Author: Alexander Heun
Sep 26, 2022, 6:29:52 PM

Good evening, I have decided to retire my 21 year old Nubert nuline 100 and replace it with a pair of Nubert nuvero 140.Since I have experienced how the nuline has outgrown itself with more power from the amplifier, I also sent my 21 year old Marantz Pm 17 plus 2 times Sm17 combo into understand the Pm 17 could not call up the potential of the nuline in any way.only with the 2 Sm 17 in biamping was this possible. Since I wanted to combine the Nuvero 140 with a powerful amplifier made in Germany, the company's own amplifiers fell through the cracks, so I decided on an Asr Emitter I and I am completely thrilled, I picked up the amplifier directly from Asr, great service.I can only recommend the combination of Nuvero 140 and Asr Emitter I, absolutely stress-free sound with an incredibly precise reproduction, the bass reproduction is extremely good, but the Nuvero 140 easily needs 100 hours play-in time, the bass was so massive at the beginning that I used all the plugs, my conclusion, I would recommend the Nuvero 140 to my best friend.

Author: Petra Matthiesen
Sep 21, 2022, 5:50:47 PM

I just wanted to say that I am very happy with my nubert nuConnect ampX amplifier. And indeed, I have heard sounds from my CDs ....... Previously they were just "sound mush". Thanks to your recommendation, my active subwoofer also worked wonderfully.

Best regards,
Petra Matthiesen

Author: Josef Schaffrath
Sep 16, 2022, 9:56:03 AM

I gave my older daughter (24) the XS-7500 for her birthday.
She was so blown away by the sound that she couldn't stop beaming.
I myself have/had Nuveros 140/170 and was also totally impressed.
I never expected such clean and deep bass from a soundbar.
Chapeau, I recommend your products without reservation (both thumbs up).

Author: Michael Poersch
Sep 13, 2022, 9:37:24 AM

I've been enjoying my nuVero 10s for a long time, which have been powered by the nuConnect AmpX for about 2.5 years. In addition to this configuration in the living room, the dining room is another musical oasis. This is where I wanted to send my very old Arcus speakers and the barely younger Harman/Kardon amplifier into a well-deserved retirement. The idea was to add a pair of active speakers to the tuner, which was still in good condition, to give my small Fiio hi-res music player a playground and to power the whole thing from the living room using the Connect function in the AmpX. The plan was also to listen to vinyl in two rooms. And a not unimportant purchase criterion. The nuPro X-3000 convinced me immediately in terms of sound. Small and cuddly, yet with a powerful sound. That's what I had in mind.

Problem-free multiroom was a challenge at first: the wireless connection always dropped out after a few seconds. That's not how I had imagined it.

With the help of a Nubert consultant on the phone, we experimented a little. The wireless range was ultimately the problem in combination with the locations of the devices: two opposite, not too big rooms, separated by a corridor, the AmpX on the north wall, the speakers on the south wall, that was too much for X-Connect. We placed the speakers on the other side of the dining room (well, we had to do a bit of rearranging), and then it worked.

I am very happy about that. Ultimately, this is also thanks to the Nubert consultant: professional and solution-oriented. Now the nuPros can stay, and they already feel very comfortable in their new surroundings.

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