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Author: H. Bletgen
Oct 24, 2014, 11:25:37 AM

Dear Nubert team,

I have to praise your Nuline 84 here. You read very little about these excellent floorstanding speakers here (especially in the forum).
After 27 years, I decided to replace the speakers I bought in the mid-80s, which were manufactured by a German high-end manufacturer at the time.
I came across Nubert by chance (I had read a post in a hi-fi forum by someone who raved about Nubert).

After a quick look at their homepage, I decided to go for floorstanding speakers (my previous speakers were bookshelf speakers). A small remodeling project in the living room had now freed up space for this, finally 😂

So I ordered a pair of Nubox 511 (with ATM) at the beginning of 2013. What a great sound! Unbelievable what had happened on the loudspeaker market in 27 years. Shortly before the trial period expired, I picked up the Nuline 102 for comparison (also with ATM). It could do everything even better and was allowed to stay, the 511s went back.

In the middle of this year, the little man in my ear got in touch and said there was more to come, the Nuvirus had got me 😬

Actually, deep down, I always thought the NL 102 was a bit too big for our living room, so the new NL 84 was a great option, especially as the tweeter is at exactly the same height as the NL 102. After some brief deliberation, this was ordered. Visually, it was exactly the right decision!
The NL 84 now stands inconspicuously in the living room, which is exactly how I imagined and wanted it. And in terms of sound?

After consulting the hotline, I added the ATM 10 and I'm delighted. Even without the ATM, the 84s were much more dynamic and powerful than the 102s, but with the ATM the little one is a stunner. It's unbelievable how dry and powerful the bass is, and the treble is crystal clear. I wouldn't have thought the little one capable of that.
In my opinion, the ATM 10 is a great match for the NL 84, I don't know whether I would swap it for an ATM 84 if one were to come along.

In any case, I have now found my loudspeakers, perhaps for the next 27 years (which would of course be bad for Nubert . . . . ).
Oh yes, the squawking 2.1 system on my desk at the PC has also been replaced by a pair of nuPro A10 😂

So much sound enjoyment is a must!

Best regards from Weyhe (near Bremen)
H. Bletgen

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: GF aus GL
Oct 23, 2014, 7:10:36 PM

i have had my nuBox 513 set in my living room for some time now and enjoy it every day. greetings to duisburg! i will soon be listening to the nuPro as-250 for my second device 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Werner
Oct 18, 2014, 4:54:48 PM

I received a pair of nuPro A200 and an AW 350 a few days ago. I ordered on Sunday and the package arrived on Tuesday. Everything was perfect.

I had been a little hesitant after I went to Schwäbisch-Gmünd some time ago to listen to the NuVero 11 and 14 and "stumbled" across the A200 and wasn't at all impressed. However, it was very poorly positioned there and supplied by a miserable sound source - just as the entire visit was more of a flop, by the way, because the advice on and presentation of the nuVero was - to put it bluntly - rather unkind. Well, everyone has a bad day...

Because it wasn't the first Nuberts and I really like their sound philosophy, I ordered them after all.

The A200s are intended as monitoring speakers for a relatively small room of barely 20 m² - they are ideally suited for this and exceed all expectations with a really transparent and linear sound. It simply couldn't be better - regardless of the really attractive price!
Incidentally, in this spatial situation you can confidently do without the subwoofer in my opinion. In certain situations, the subwoofer does provide somewhat "less tense" bass, but I suspect that you would hardly miss anything without the direct comparison.

Just for fun, I then moved the combination into a much larger living room, which is extremely tricky in terms of space and where some large floorstanding speakers had to fit (hence the interest in the nuVero ;-) I was really amazed that the listening impression was more than acceptable there too, although the positioning played a clear role and I wouldn't have wanted to do without the subwoofer in this room. For the size of the combination, however, the impressive sound was anything but an emergency solution - for someone who wants to (or has to;-)) do without large cabinets, this is a real recommendation.

All in all, I am completely thrilled (and have now "forgotten" the somewhat strange visit to the store)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you for ordering "anyway" and for enjoying the sound of the nuPros. We are sure that the consultant had a bad day, but we will pass on your criticism to the sales team. We wish you continued listening pleasure!

Author: Gabriel M.
Oct 18, 2014, 12:52:32 PM

Well...what can I say...I am completely delighted with my two NuVero 11 loudspeakers, which I use with a Marantz 6008 AVR that I also purchased from Nubert.

It's pure madness what comes out of the speakers that I couldn't hear before. I previously listened with the speakers from my thin iMac (which is no longer possible) and in the car (which isn't really great either).

Clean highs, mids and bass...all at the same time and crystal clear. And like many others here, I'm also rediscovering my CDs, although many recordings now leave me horrified. It's terrifying what kind of musical garbage the studios are now selling you...., but with good material you can't keep your mouth shut and are constantly listening to it, pure listening pleasure that is truly addictive (my girlfriend is almost jealous of my NuVeros
😬 😬 😬 ).

In movie mode, the two are real beasts... they look so harmlessly slim and innocent, but in the right scenes they make the living room shake with their powerful bass (in a positive sense), so that my girlfriend and I have no need for an additional subwoofer.

The only downer: somehow listening in the car is no longer fun...after the listening experience with the NV11s in the car, it just sounds dull and's unbelievable what the NuVeros get out of it. But one more reason to get off work on time and look forward to a listening session 😂

So.... suggestion from me: Develop some clever NuVero LS for the car, because...NuVero 11s stuck to the outside of the doors from both sides are certainly very impractical and don't look that great either 😬 😬 😬 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are delighted that we were able to inspire you with the nuVero 11. In the eighties there were high-fidelity Nubert car speakers, but the time of large hat racks and empty car doors has passed and modern cars are more or less well equipped with sound technology from the factory. There are no more options for us...

Author: Daniel
Oct 18, 2014, 12:04:09 PM

I've just read something about the logo a few times.
So seriously, what's the point?
For me it's about the boxes, i.e. the goods. In addition, the service is one of the decisive arguments for buying. But that's secondary.
And whether the logo is yellow or purple, no, then I wouldn't have bought nubert speakers *joke*, it doesn't really matter.
It's like supermarket meat. If the color is right, it suddenly doesn't matter. Where it comes from and how it was produced????
Leave everything as it is and put your energy into the important things.
Greetings from Baden

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian H.
Oct 13, 2014, 6:53:23 PM

Dear Nubert team,

Today was the day, I bought my second Nuline 24 online.
And that after almost a month 😂 So the rears are now complete.
The stands will be added in a month's time. I've always had other speaker manufacturers over the last few years and I've never been really satisfied. Now with your speakers, my wife has found peace with me 😬 when it comes to speakers.

My next acquisitions will be from Nubert.
2 Nuline 24 front speakers
1 WS-14 as center
1 x SW-500

keep up the good work!

Greetings to the entire team

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: S. Jauer
Oct 13, 2014, 10:38:34 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

There is absolutely nothing to complain about in terms of sound quality and workmanship (nuLine 84, cs-44, cherry veneer). The speakers sound fantastic and look great.
The bass is reduced by the toggle switch, but they deliver perfect bass for us. We will no longer be using an existing subwoofer. The missing surround L+R speakers will certainly only come from Nubert.
Many thanks for the good service and the great speakers.
Best regards
S. Jauer

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Othmar
Oct 13, 2014, 10:23:38 AM

Logo development is a matter that can take decades, even centuries.
Anyone who thinks that the logos of global players were created virtually overnight is very much mistaken.

A (gentle) logo change would certainly be worth considering.
But only within a certain framework.

A modern logo hardly ever takes the brute route of a complete redesign.
Anyone who thinks that is usually an untrained (assistant) "designer" or a milquetoast in the advertising industry.

Greetings from someone who had some experience in this industry in earlier years :-)

No offense!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: siegfried walther
Oct 13, 2014, 7:03:35 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

I have been looking around for other loudspeakers for a long time and have listened to many models.
From Canton, Heco, Elac, Adam, Monitor Audio, Klipsch, B+W, Kef, Dynaudio and so on, but either the sound didn't appeal to me or the price.
I also wanted to get away from these huge Kappa-type debris.
And yesterday was the day, I had time and went to Nubert in Schwäbisch Gmünd, where Mr. Holger Nubert gave me very friendly advice.
Over a coffee, I was able to get an impression of the new 513s with my CD, which I liked straight away.
As Mr. Nubert was very busy with other customers, I had 1.5 hours to listen to the other models despite liking the 513s
I ignored the prices and switched through the >models with my eyes closed, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly, and then kept getting stuck on the NuLine 284...
which it then became! (multi-layer platinum).
I have to say that these models suited MY taste best, as I have a small home recording studio with nearfield monitors, and the monitor speakers have a very clear mid-range for the purpose of assessing the mix / voice / echo chamber / guitar etc....
Like many things, it's a matter of taste, everyone hears differently.

I have to compliment Mr. Holger Nubert for the great, very nice and competent advice! Thank you for that!
Best regards

siegfried walther

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: RKausS
Oct 13, 2014, 5:46:28 AM

May I make a very personal comment:

Your speakers make really good headlines and you hear a lot of positive things.
That's why I think it's almost a bit of a shame that you market even your (apparently so) good products under such an ugly label/logo.
Has anyone before me ever told you that you were very, very badly advised with your "nubert" logo in a "Norma or DIY store" cheap design? The color yellow alone is often associated (not only in designer and advertising circles) with "cheap, inexpensive or bargain".
For me, elegant speakers with an elegant sound are almost incompatible with this ugly logo.
But please don't take this personally... ;-)
Kind regards.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

No, we do not take your harsh criticism of the nubert logo personally,
but we don't want to leave it uncommented either.
Our logo was developed in the mid-seventies and has only changed marginally since then. We have often considered 'updating' the logo. But such a step has far-reaching consequences and there were more and more arguments against it alongside the pros. The color yellow is debatable ? but Telekom wouldn't change its magenta just because some people think it takes some getting used to. Incidentally, the nubert logo on our speakers shines in elegant silver/black. And there are certainly expert voices that say: Hands off logo changes!

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