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Author: ToMate
Mar 4, 2014, 7:02:06 PM

I've owned two nuPro A 300s for two weeks now and I'm really excited!

The nuPros had to make way for the somewhat outdated AE 6.1 floorstanding speakers in conjunction with an Onkyo integra A 8850, because the new space conditions in the apartment demanded restraint.
Now the two active speakers with a Panasonic 3D Blu-ray receiver provide the best sound for movies and music in the living room.
Initially, I had reservations about the nuPro's small size compared to the AE speakers.
There was also the anxious question of how the digital amplifier of the speakers would perform in comparison with the exemplary analog technology of 20 years ago.
But now, after extensive testing, all doubts have vanished - the decision was absolutely right, even if the separation (out of resentment) was not easy. The quality of the active speakers is in no way inferior to the analog combination; in fact, I have the impression of being the user of better equipment. Well, developments in these areas haven't stood still in the last 20 years.

Now there are already ideas of adding a subwoofer to this combination (especially for movie events).
I know this is not conducive to the question of space.
But that's the way it is; if you want to watch 3D films on a 100" projector screen, you have to make sacrifices.
But after careful planning and consultation with the other half of my life, the only option here is a SW with dimensions that are either beyond my budget (nuVero AW 17) or are more in line with the competition (e.g. ...*).
Due to the very large price differences, I have not yet reached the end of my considerations...

Nevertheless, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the Nubert team for their excellent advice before I bought the nuPros and afterwards when I was considering expanding my system.
The purchase process - via an amazon account - was also exemplary and stress-free; I always had the good feeling that I was being treated as a serious customer.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

* We will be happy to advise you on cheaper alternatives among the nuWoofern - please contact the hotline. Thank you.

Author: Groß Thomas
Mar 4, 2014, 4:43:33 PM

Hello to the Nubert team

What you are doing is amazing

great sound

cool look

at super prices

congratulations for the first time

I bought a pair of Nupro A 200s a few weeks ago and I was so impressed by their sound that I have now ordered the matching AW 350 subwoofer.
I already know that I won't be disappointed.
I will express my opinion here again.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dave
Mar 2, 2014, 10:18:16 AM

Hi folks,

I've just set up my first A-20 and I'm absolutely thrilled. The sound quality of these speakers is simply amazing! Thank you very much Mr. Nubert and the whole team for these great speakers. You have made me really happy! Thanks again to Sascha for passing the speakers on to me for this outrageously good price!!!

Have a nice day 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralf Florian
Mar 1, 2014, 4:50:38 PM

After getting divorced and moving into a small apartment, I held on to my "big" system (Denon/Revox) I wanted to restore the relationship and buy a "very small" system for little money: CD receiver Denon RCD-M39DAB+ and as shelf speakers Nubox 311... no longer miss the "big one"...
A big compliment to Mr. Nubert for offering such well-balanced speakers at such a low price.
Many thanks
Ralf Florian, Berlin

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Fraßvielmeinmause
Feb 28, 2014, 8:53:33 AM

After a break of several years without a stereo system, I finally bought the nuBox 381 in combination with the AW-443 after intensive internet research and I can only describe the sound experience as sensational. At high volumes the 381s are completely sufficient, but in everyday mode the subwoofer provides the right foundation for the sound image. I can only confirm what you read in several postings: you experience music in a completely new way and even the impressive film collection gets a new shine. Thanks to this combination, the period of my music phlegm can now be declared over. 😬 😬 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralf
Feb 23, 2014, 8:20:57 AM

Hello Nubert team and guestbook visitors,

Due to my living room situation (large living room, irregular floor plan and sloping roof), I decided to buy the AW-1300 DSP subwoofer.

I ordered it on Wednesday and it was delivered the following Monday by UPS in Switzerland!!!! For all those who also have this in mind, the Swiss VAT and customs duties of approx. 40 sFr are due (without guarantee 😉 The German VAT is of course not applicable in this case.

The goods were very well packaged and visually the sub with real wood veneer in cherry is a real feast for the eyes. The delivery was complete and visually and technically flawless.

The sub was positioned in the right place, i.e. not in the optimum acoustic position. Calculate the HP based on the room size (2x12dB 15/23Hz) and open up the TP (200Hz), set the crossover frequency on the receiver to 80 Hz and off we go...first test listen...huge bass, but with over-exaggeration (the evil room modes 😈 ...but that's what the EQ's are for. So a sweep (10-200Hz) is used. By adjusting the EQ's, the excessive levels are attenuated until an approximately even volume can be heard during the sweep. A second test... Enthusiasm spreads: clean, crisp bass down to the lowest audible frequencies. It even makes the neighbor's glasses pop out of the cabinet. But the sub also cuts a fine figure at low volumes in surround and stereo mode.

I can recommend this product to anyone who wants an optimized subwoofer solution. Subwoofers are always very critical when it comes to placement and a test listening in rooms other than your own four walls is usually not very useful. The 1300 DSP is a powerful comrade of its kind and is sure to please all owners of larger listening rooms.

Kind regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian
Feb 22, 2014, 11:19:44 AM

Hello everyone 🙂

In my living room (6.50*5.20), after long comparisons of various speakers from different manufacturers (C....., X&Y, El..., Dyn..., Da..., Phon...), I have always opted for an e 6.2 configuration, consisting of 2x Nuline 284, 4x Nuline 34 and 2x AW1100, in the price range up to approx. 1,000 to 1200EUR per speaker.

After a week of testing in stereo, SACD (multichannel) and movies, I can say: the shoe fits from top to bottom and from back to front! In short: Heaven A.... & Zwirn, is that (finally) g...!!! 😬

A tip from my experience with the set: the Nuline is a very good (horizontal) center (especially when combined with 34s as surrounds for reasons of uniformity) if a 174 is too wide! It has more than enough punch and depth to keep up with the 284s here. In my opinion, a wide dispersion pattern like that of the 174 is only really necessary for very "picture-wide" screen applications with a relatively large number of audience seats and/or a large picture distance...

In short, I've finally found my dream set, which comes as close as possible to my wish for an egg-laying sow in terms of application! 🙂

Thank you Nubert!


PS: the quality of the sanding varnish in white is awesome! Super even finish for the money and wonderfully silky matt!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A.B.
Feb 19, 2014, 9:28:59 PM

Hello,at the beginning of the year I went to the new listening studio in Duisburg to listen to my dream speakers,the Nu Line 34.I took a few favorite CD's with me and went to Duisburg.There wasn't that much going on that day.A customer was still ahead of me,I looked at the entire program,and soon I was able to enter the listening room.
Pink Floyd, Eros Ramazotti all sounded very good, except for the bass, which was a bit thin for me, so I spoke to the employee and the whole thing was supported by the NU Line AW 600 and lo and behold, my dear man, that was it.
The next day I ordered the Nu Line 34 and the very next day my dream loudspeakers arrived, everything nicely unpacked, placed on the BS 650, connected and lo and behold, the sound was even more dynamic than in the Duisburg listening studio, although I don't have the equipment of the listening studio (Nad integrated amplifier and CD player there), I have a Denon 2310 AV receiver and a Denon 510 CD player.
The Nu Line 34 will no longer be leaving my house.
But I will still treat myself to an AW 600 subwoofer.
But in my opinion, the listening studio in Duisburg is only suitable for looking at, not for listening to. very friendly, competent specialist advice. but the room acoustics there would have to be greatly improved.
According to the Nubert technician, many people have already noticed this.
Best regards from the Ruhr area

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ecki
Feb 19, 2014, 9:53:45 AM

On January 3, 2014, I set off with my wife to Schwäbisch Gmünd to visit Nubert. I had been eyeing a pair of NuBox511s for some time. I had never seen or heard the speakers before. We had already suspected that the store would be busy on a bridge day, but we really hadn't expected so many people. Nevertheless, it was our turn quite quickly. Then we went into the loudspeaker room to listen and after very good advice and lots of tips from Holger Nubert, we were given the clear confirmation that we wanted the 511s. Unfortunately, we couldn't take them with us straight away, but they soon arrived very well packaged by post. The 511s were then allowed to get used to our apartment overnight and I heard the first music the next morning. Well, so many positive things have already been written here. I don't want to add to it and write anything that has already been said a million times, but I spent a few hours playing and trying them out. I really felt like I was listening to music from "real" loudspeakers for the first time. The music flowing out of these filigree floorstanding speakers fills the whole room, is so honest, crystal clear, transparent and yet with "steam" in the depths ... What can I say? These speakers are simply a revelation and I bow down formally to so much quality. 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Achim Menzel
Feb 17, 2014, 7:40:12 PM

I have been a Nubert customer for a long time. I recently fulfilled a long-cherished wish and bought two nuVero11 speakers. I was very excited.

It starts with the packaging, everything is first class, i.e. very well protected against damage.

The "feet" were quick and easy to assemble, like the boxes themselves they make a classy impression.

Setting up the speakers:
With the rear switches, I found a really good and convincing sound adjustment according to the spatial conditions (heavily damped room).

The sound is "really awesome", i.e. the speakers pack a powerful punch, a listening impression as if the musicians were standing in front of you on stage, rich highs, mids and a very powerful bass that reaches far down; in other words, exactly as previously described in the tests. A completely new, impressive sound experience, although I've had floorstanding speakers before that didn't sound too bad.

(white fronts) on the one hand rather simply designed, but on the other hand a really classy "eye-catcher".

As described in the test reports, really good.

The "hotline" answered a few basic questions in connection with my subwoofer very competently, very helpfully and in a friendly manner.
As the speakers require a powerful amplifier, I also received a very good tip from the hotline about replacing my existing AV receiver with another more powerful one that harmonizes well with the characteristics of the speakers, as well as other good suggestions, although these were out of the question for me.

The exciting question is, would I buy Nubert speakers again and recommend Nubert to others?
In any case - I am more than satisfied all round!!!

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