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Author: APauli
Dec 14, 2010, 7:10:36 PM

I ordered the nuBox AW-441 subwoofer on Sunday afternoon. The package arrived on Tuesday. Super fast, smooth delivery! Then connected, adjusted, switched on and inserted EAGLES (Hotel California) -- and I was blown away. I've never heard such precise, clean bass before. The sub supports my floorstanding speakers unobtrusively, but exactly where it should. The floorstanding speakers are unloaded very precisely and can therefore play in "their" frequency range. The sub is very cleanly finished and makes a very high-quality impression. And the sound, as I said, is simply gigantic!!! An unbelievable upgrade for my system, on which I listen to music and rarely watch movies.
Thanks to the Nubert team! In short, I can only recommend the sub.
Supplement: Room size 25 square meters, wooden parquet.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jürgen G.
Dec 13, 2010, 11:39:11 PM

I have just been shocked to discover that your successful model "nuJubilee35" is sold out. I would have liked to have bought it after Christmas (from my Christmas present). I think I am writing here on behalf of many people who are interested in this model and feel the same way.
Has production really stopped forever?

Best regards
Jürgen G.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are sorry, but our 35-year Nubert special model is now sold out.
It was planned from the beginning to only offer this model in 2010.
We would love to sell more nuJubilees during the Christmas season... However, as reported several times, the high demand was not foreseeable and it was not possible to procure additional components at short notice.

Author: Chris
Dec 13, 2010, 6:43:24 AM

Now I finally have to speak up! I've been the proud owner of the nuBox 681 for two months now. ...And when I say proud, I mean it. I am absolutely impressed by the sound quality and the excellent workmanship. In addition, of course, there is the super-friendly service and the absolutely uncomplicated handling.

My expectations were more than exceeded. Getting such a great sound experience for this price never ceases to amaze me when I turn on the music. A good friend, equipped with Can*** speakers (comparable model - not comparable price) and really high-quality peripherals that put mine in the shade, is also impressed every time by this sonic wonder that I now call my own.

It should be difficult if not impossible to find anything comparable for this price from other manufacturers!
Very, very high praise to the Nubert company from a more than satisfied new customer.
Best regards from the north,

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael R.
Dec 12, 2010, 10:38:54 PM



Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Patrick H.
Dec 12, 2010, 4:32:52 PM

I have to get rid of my comment now =) I'm actually still a beginner, previously had speakers from Ma**** and then came to Nubert about 4 months ago. First test listening, WOW, of course it sounded completely different! I already had a grin on my face when I tried them out, then 2 days later I had to go back to the store and picked up the nuJubilee 35, which are easily enough for me (approx. 20m² living room). And I'm just thrilled, I love listening to live music and musicals and I have to say: amazing! Thank you! (I hope my neighbors like it too 😂 ) I'll probably add a woofer soon so that I can get the right goosebumps when watching movies =)
But it's already so much fun that I listen to a lot more music now than I did before. It even happens that instead of turning on the TV, I just listen to a good CD now, which puts me in a better mood 🙂 And I promise you one thing, you won't get rid of me any time soon, when I expand I will visit you again =) And last but not least....the service was also top, as I said I'm a beginner, but I got really good and understandable advice!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: AsterixundObelix
Dec 12, 2010, 3:30:24 PM

Here you always use the
nuSet configurator
is always written about. However, I can't find a link to it anywhere -- :rolleyes:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Under "Surroundsets", sub/sat, 5.1 and 5.2 home theater sets of all Nubert lines can be configured!

Author: Christoph Schneider
Dec 9, 2010, 5:21:32 PM

Hello Nubbi's,

Yesterday I connected my new Magnat MA-800 hybrid AMP to my Nubert Nuline 30. I was already more than happy, but since yesterday I am even more amazed. Damn it all, how do 2 such small speakers manage to conjure up such a stage image. It's simply unbelievable. The amp certainly plays its part, but before that I had a Musical Fidelity pre-end combo and they played really well. But since yesterday I finally have even more spaciousness and bass. I'm so impressed with how versatile the Nubbis are, whether it's 70's rock, jazz, punk or 60's, it doesn't matter.
I recommend everyone to take a closer look at Nubert. For my part, I will definitely remain loyal to Nubert.
At some point the big NuVero has to come 🙂
I particularly recommend listening to the Johnny Cash American Recordings albums via the Nubbis.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Kallweit
Dec 8, 2010, 8:33:44 PM

Hello Nubies.
I finally got my NuVero14 in the living room on December 3rd. Unfortunately, I wasn't very happy at first. I run the 14's in bi-amping mode on a Yamaha RX-V 3800 (Marantz SA7003). The impedance was initially set to 6 ohms (4 ohms are not offered by Yamaha). Only after I could no longer explain the not-so-great sound did I set the amp to 8 ohms and the sound was great!!!

Greetings from Essen.

PS: You should open a store in the Pott, there are not as many potential customers as here in the whole of Europe.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: R. Willecke
Dec 8, 2010, 1:56:25 PM

I've been looking into new loudspeakers for over 2 years and have read about a Günther Nubert in magazines time and again. Now I have made the decision and ordered the nuJubilee 35 series. (Because they fit exactly into my cupboard in terms of size) I can only say that I am more than delighted with the sound. If anyone wants to buy new loudspeakers, I can recommend these from Nubert.
You can also buy some from C...... in this price range. But you should keep your hands off them (my tip) 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Tetiwa
Dec 6, 2010, 7:31:56 PM

Experience music in a new way,
with my two Vero 14s, driven by a SYMPHONIC LINE RG 10 MK4 REFERENCE amplifier and a large MARANTZ CD player, make me forget everything I've heard so far. Even the most powerful arguments of the superlatives of other manufacturers leave my system behind. NUBERT in a class of its own.
In surround mode there are also 2 AW 911, 1Vero 7 and 2 effect speakers.
Any questions?

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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