Author: klaus panhans
Oct 20, 2010, 2:45:20 PM
I am simply thrilled!!! After just 22 hours my two Nubert 311s arrived today - amazing!!! Fast and trouble-free as always with Nubert!!! About a year ago I had already bought 2 Nubox381s and the CS411, and now my small but fine system is finally complete - amazing sound no matter what volume you listen at!Movies and music are a completely different experience, you can hear details that you didn't notice before - awesome!!! My wife was skeptical when I started with the Nuberts "we have a good sound" she said, now she is blown away and speechless for the first time in her life!!! Many, many thanks again to Nubert and the whole team! Fortunately, the uncomfortable season is now beginning and we can enjoy these amazing speakers for hours on end!!! Greetings and thanks from two overjoyed Kronbergers
Author: Thomas Hondrich
Oct 18, 2010, 2:33:51 PM
Leap forward,
After "trying out" the nuVero 4 and then realizing that my nuLine 82 would be replaced, I decided on the nuVero 7.
The exchange was no problem. Fast delivery, nice contact.
You wouldn't expect anything else from Nubert.
The 7s are a dream !!!
As floorstanding speakers they play in the 5.1 system as front L/R. The rest is (still) from the nuLine series.
Perhaps not the optimum in terms of composition......but it still sounds great.
But now a big THANK YOU to Mr. Schneider at Hörstudio Aalen.
He was always friendly, patient and, above all, knowledgeable.
I will definitely be "bugging" him again soon.
Yours sincerely
Thomas Hondrich
Author: Armin
Oct 15, 2010, 7:49:56 AM
Hello, I've been the proud owner of Nubert loudspeakers for many years now and I'm simply thrilled every day. The sound and the workmanship are simply brilliant! Keep up the good work...
Author: Oliver Heinkele
Oct 9, 2010, 1:28:55 PM
Dear Nubert employees,
I would like to thank you for the uncomplicated and friendly customer service. Yes, the decision to go with Nubert was the right one, because here the customer really is king and the service is really great.
I'm writing this because after 5 years and 10 months, the bass volume on my AW1000 could no longer be controlled remotely. Nubert simply sent me a new module free of charge without fussing about the expired warranty. Many other companies would have charged me a lot of money because the warranty had expired, but not Nubert.
I can only say.....once Nubert...always Nubert.
Thank you Nubert and keep up the good work!
Author: Christian
Oct 6, 2010, 9:12:44 PM
Somehow I (46) could no longer cope with my 22-year-old JVC stereo system.
After moving house, it was completely unable to cope with the sound in the 45 square meter living/dining area. Something new was needed, ...but what???
So we ordered hi-fi magazines and searched the Internet. After 2 years of hesitation, deliberation, weighing up whether stereo or multi-channel etc., the decision was made 8 weeks ago.
Nubert loudspeakers and a Yamaha amplifier CD combination.
A family trip to the north was rerouted to Aalen without further ado.
I can only say that the 2.5 hours we spent there turned out to be an impressive experience for the whole family. While the children (13, 10) were enjoying Star Wars in bombastic surround sound, my wife and I tested the speakers in the other listening studio.
Incidentally, our jaws dropped after the first few notes.
In the end it was clear. The Nuvero 7 would be the floorstanding stereo solution and the Yamaha AS-1000, CD-S1000 combination.
The support and advice was of course excellent. So the 700 Yami combination that was first considered became the "secretly dreamed of" 1000, also because of its separability in the event of a later surround.
At home, of course, the moment of truth arrived!
What can I say. Simply awesome!!!
This pressure in the music. The mids, the bass. Even when I listen quietly, of course.
Unbelievable: I'm sitting on the couch and "hear" the left speaker eight meters away as clear as a bell.
Shine on you crazy Diamond !!!
Thank you Nubert people. Best purchase in years!!!
Author: Jochen
Oct 5, 2010, 8:49:17 AM
I have two Nubox 381s connected to a Marantz PM 8003 and I think the sound quality is simply fantastic.
For the undecided:
!!! I can only recommend everyone (even if they think they are undemanding) to give the Nubox 381 a try!!!
There is simply a galactic difference between PC sound systems and compact systems (including something like Yamaha Pianocraft) and this speaker.
Once you've heard the ultra-realistic drum beats (you think the drums are standing next to you) and this incredibly crisp kick bass, you're immediately infected.
Even from poor recordings and a non-hifi source (mp3 player, cell phone, USB/notebook sound card), the Nubox 381 conjures up a great sound.
With good recordings played from a hi-fi CD player, it is not uncommon to think that the singer is standing in the room. It even creates a real surround sound, as if you had a surround sound system: some sounds seem to come from the opposite wall and not from the speakers. I find that particularly amazing.
The positioning of the speakers doesn't really matter. Even if you lie to the side of a speaker at a distance of 70 cm, the whole thing still sounds shockingly good.
Incidentally, the workmanship is perfect and you get the feeling that you've bought something really high-quality.
Author: michael höhne
Oct 2, 2010, 4:37:55 PM
good morning!
i have heard that the nuvero series will be expanded with the 10 in the fall. i am already very excited about it! when will it finally arrive and, above all, how much will this delicious treat cost? best regards micha 😂
Author: BS
Sep 29, 2010, 11:46:16 AM
I received a pair of nuBox 381 three weeks ago. The ordering and delivery process was quick and easy. Unpacking, setting up, connecting, listening. It was immediately clear that I had received exactly what I had hoped for/expected and what corresponded to the descriptions and many customer testimonials:
Deep, unobtrusive basic sound, crisp bass, yet also very easy to hear in the mid and high frequencies. Monitor character, no distortion. And: This also applies at low volumes!
Excellent product!
Thanks and regards to G. Nubert and team
Author: Bob
Sep 26, 2010, 10:21:47 PM
Eternal love
As I'm sitting here listening to music through my Nuwave 125 (yes, older), I just have to say that these speakers have been with me for many years and put me in a good mood at every listening session.
I recently bought two 311s for the bedroom, which are great on their own, but the contrast is of course always huge when the big ones are allowed to take over in the living room 😂
Author: Ricci
Sep 26, 2010, 1:29:32 PM
So hello first of all!!!
Yesterday I became the proud owner of an AW 991!!!
In short, I: The hammer...
Level up to the drop...
Pressure without end...
Godzilla life`s in my house....
For all those who like bass power...
Not for the faint-hearted :p 😂
Super device, keep it up Nubert...
Gladly more of it
MFG from Bavaria