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Author: MP
Dec 29, 2020, 9:38:33 AM

Dear Nubert team,

I have been infected with the "Nubert virus" for over 10 years now!
After starting out with a Nubox, I switched to the Nuline 84 6 years ago, followed by the CS-44 six months later.
I was and still am totally thrilled with the 3.0 combination for years, super sound in stereo (brilliant how beautifully deep the 84s play!) and great speech intelligibility and pressure through the center for movies.
Despite all this, in the weeks leading up to Christmas I decided to add 2 rear speakers to the system.
As I was unsure about the choice between WS-14 and NL-24, I decided to call the hotline.
17.12.: After a short wait on hold I had a nice lady on the phone who told me that the lines were bursting at the moment, she would put me on a call back from a member of staff.
18.12.: Afternoon, still no call back, I called the hotline again, again a very nice woman on the phone who apologized for not calling me back (probably went through with the volume of requests), she told me that an employee would call me back as soon as possible. - Only what felt like 2 minutes later my phone rang and a nice employee who apologized again called me back. After discussing the situation, he advised me to go for the NL-24 as I would have more options with the dipole, and it is also available in the fantastic real wood veneer walnut. If everything didn't fit, I also had the option of sending the speakers back after 4 weeks. I also asked him whether it would make sense (apart from the narrower look) to replace my NL-84s with NL-244s, which he advised me not to do, saying "if you can live with the slightly wider NL-84s, there's no reason to replace them, to achieve the bass of the NL-84s I would have to switch to a different price segment of the Nuline series". I thought that was just great, because a long-standing customer is simply given the feeling of having bought a great speaker years ago that you don't "have" to keep upgrading! So I ordered the NL-24 with matching wall brackets on Friday evening.
21.12.: To my astonishment, the NL-24 were already with me on Monday morning (dispatched on Saturday!), I hadn't expected that as the woman who placed the order said she couldn't promise whether the delivery would arrive before Christmas!
I unpacked the "Böxchen" and was immediately impressed by the workmanship and feel..... I had already listened to what the parts can do in stereo some time ago in the Duisburg listening studio!

To cut a long story short: .... I used the time over Christmas to test different heights, dipole/direct mode and different angles to the listening position.
I've now found the right arrangement for me (everyone has different tastes....).
Whether it's "Peter Gabriel live" in multi-channel sound or the hail of bullets during "The Expandables", I'm totally thrilled and a bit annoyed that I waited so long to get the rearspeakers!
The complete set also looks great in walnut!

Thank you so much for these great speakers and the great support (despite the Christmas rush!) 😉

LG from the Lower Rhine

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stefan
Dec 25, 2020, 3:25:17 PM

Dear Nubert's 🥰

Almost exactly one year ago, the nuVero 140 arrived at my home. On the first day I gave you some feedback on these great speakers. Now I have over a year and a lot of music behind me with the 140s and would just like to say thank you.

Thank you for these unbelievably brilliant joy dispensers that you have conjured into my life with your passion. It takes more than a few CDs to discover and appreciate the comprehensive quality of your product. It takes many days and nights with quiet and loud, high and low, classical and very modern, fast and slow sounds and the fascination of how infinitely gentle but also brutally powerful these speakers can reproduce music.

Right now, Mstislav Rostropovitch is playing Haydn's Cello Concertos. The timbre of his instrument, the orchestra around him, his virtuosity and the (audible) speed of his fingers on the strings. The attack of the bow and the stroke. He is now in my living room and plays live for me, thanks to you.

Hendrix, Joe Bonamassa, Callas, Beethoven and many, many others have also been our guests. But what I wrote above about the cello and Haydn is always there. Audible, perceptible and even visible with closed eyes. You can hear the characteristics of different violins, you can even hear the height of the virtuoso playing them. You can hear the movement of the instrument from left to right while playing.

Of course, you are the end of a chain, which in my case consists of Qobuz / Audirvana / Musical Fidelity / nuVero 140. But it is you who crown this chain. You make it audible.

I would like to tell you that since the day I opened your packages, my eyes have been wet several times. With joy! Because of the wonderful emotions that, thanks to the art of everyone involved in this chain, reach my ears and straight to my soul. You are not building speakers or loudspeakers. You are building joy, beautiful emotions and soul caresses, ear candy 😊 (or however you spell ear candy plural). You build acoustic anti-depressants. At least for a person like me, who has loved pure sounds since he could hear and avoids impure ones wherever he can.

Thank you for your art
Thank you for your passion
Thank you for your precision
Thank you for your attention to detail
Thank you for your willingness to take it to the extreme and then a little further.

If I ever need new sound furniture, it will be from you. If I can do anything for you. Report: The answer is yes.

Thank you

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Stefan,
although we often receive praise for our "striving for perfection", I have very rarely experienced such a degree of enthusiasm as in your description.
Many thanks for that!
It will make the Christmas holidays even more enjoyable...

Greetings, Günther Nubert

Author: Horst
Dec 23, 2020, 4:28:02 PM

I received my nuBox 513 today and put in \"the Rieu\" as a thrilled. This is concert feeling.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Werner aus Ringsheim
Dec 21, 2020, 10:23:57 AM

Dear Nubert team,
I would like to thank you very much for the quick processing of the repair to my subwoofer module. The work, which was necessary after many years of operation, was carried out in a friendly, professional manner and in the shortest possible time. Immediately after re-installation, I was able to see for myself that my 7.1 system (all Nubert speakers) is once again playing music magnificently as usual! (1st test object was the Bluray Pure Audio Disc of the new organ in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna). A wonderful experience, like Christmas!
A special event for me was when I was suddenly (and probably purely by chance) personally connected to the boss Günther Nubert when I called back. I found the fact that instead of simply passing me on, he enquired about my request himself quite unusual and simply fantastic! The subsequent conversation was also very pleasant. Many thanks also to your boss! It all reinforced the positive impression I already had of the quality of your products.
Merry Christmas to you all and a healthy 2021! Werner

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Claus
Dec 20, 2020, 10:15:36 PM

Hello dear Nubert team

I recently bought the nuPro XS 7500 soundbar. The sound of this soundbar is awesome. Now I've added two X-8000 RCs and the XW-900 sub-woofer. I have to say I'm blown away. Whether you're listening to quiet TV or house or rock or classical music or whatever, whatever the volume, the sound is sooooooo pure it's as if you were there.
Keep up the good work, your active speakers are absolutely amazing. The sound is so pure, the bass goes down to the deepest cellar, whether loud or quiet. Simply amazing. And then everything is wireless - perfect

Yours sincerely

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: klangfranz
Dec 19, 2020, 1:19:29 PM

Dear all, Greetings from the beautiful Rhineland.
I have just received my new nuConnect trx and quickly (really quickly) connected it to my laptop and my nuConnect AmpX (to Kef LS50).
What can I write at length, the thing works perfectly with indescribably clear sound and above all without dropouts, which I had before with Bluetooth despite only about 2m distance.

Your products and service are really great, who knows, maybe I'll get a few more speakers from you.

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all employees.

Greetings from Klangfranz

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hans-Georg Lemke
Dec 19, 2020, 12:37:47 PM

I wish the Nubert team a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
Special thanks go to Mr. Hinsenhofen in Duisburg. The recommendation to replace my previous center with a nuLine CS-174 was brilliant. I knew that I would improve, but I hadn't expected the extraordinarily good sound quality.
Greetings from the Münsterland
Hans-Georg Lemke

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas
Dec 17, 2020, 8:34:05 PM

Dear Nubert Team,

Thank you very much for the goodwill repair to my "fallen asleep" A 300 speaker.
I had not expected such a high level of customer service - from advice to sending a transport box to the repair - despite all the positive experiences I had already had. Even if some buyers feel that the prices for your products are too high, the quality and, above all, the after-sales service you provide justify this.
I am happy to recommend you to others and will remain your customer for future projects.
Keep up the good work and stay healthy

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marcel Wittkuhn
Dec 15, 2020, 10:28:13 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

I would like to write a short review about the purchase of your product and the service provided by your company.

I have had an XS 7500 for my home entertainment system for a week now.
Both the technology and the straightforward and timeless design are fantastic.

The sound can be described as powerful and yet very clear. My living room, where I use the device, measures 12 by 6 meters, with a ceiling height of 5 meters.
Nevertheless, or perhaps precisely because of this, the entire room is perfectly filled with sound from just one speaker.

The reason why I am writing a brief description of my impressions here in your guestbook is that I am so impressed by your customer service, in this case by Mr. Hayn, that I cannot help but describe his help with my connection problems as outstanding. Because although it took some time to solve the problem with the connection to my TV, I never had the feeling that it would take too many questions or too much time.

I would therefore like to say a big thank you to Mr. Hayn.

And of course also to the Nubert team for the great product.

Yours sincerely

Marcel Wittkuhn

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Werner
Dec 13, 2020, 8:50:11 PM

Nubert NuLine 334

I have been bitten by the music "listening" bug for many years.
For many years, I listened to music on very old, very large horn loudspeakers from the 70s.
In 2016, we moved into a more modern rented apartment.
I immediately thought that the large living room (great, much more air to move around in) with 9m L x 4.5 to 5m W x3.2 to 3.5m height including fitted kitchen is great, but acoustically it could be a problem with the old horn speakers. In addition, the floor is tiled and on one side there is a 6x2 meter long window front without curtains.
And so it came to pass, I was simply no longer completely satisfied with the sound of the almost 50-year-old horn speakers.
I came across Nubert on the Internet, where after a lot of reading and research I ordered the NuLine 334, as I tend to prefer large speakers. Unfortunately, 1 LS arrived damaged in transit. After a friendly phone call, a replacement speaker was delivered immediately and I was able to return the defective one in the same box. Super service.
My better half was not so enthusiastic, now there were 2 NuLine 334s in the living room in addition to the 2 large horn speakers (PS. all 4 speakers on a short side of the room, of course on 2 independent amplifiers).

I heard it straight away, as did my wife, the voices of the 334s sounded much finer and the bass was cleaner and deeper. Wonderful, so everything was fine.

But for me they sounded too clean, too fine and lacked the power and drama at higher volumes. What have I not read, "male speaker", "Bass Royal" etc.?
They must deliver more in terms of sound.

So what next? Speakers further away from the wall, closer to the wall, further inwards/outwards. I plugged in/tested out various amplifiers from the fleet I've accumulated over the years. I ordered a NuControl 2, which I liked a little better on the NuLine. In the end, I accepted the fact that it sounds pretty good, but the room doesn't allow for more without it becoming uninhabitable.

About 2 weeks ago I had time off from work and was "cleaning up". After some time, I removed everything (speakers/cable clutter/electronics) from the stereo system in order to clean it up properly.
Well, I thought, while you're at it, why don't you try something new?
I set up the NuLine on the long side of the room and placed Visavis on the sofa roughly in the stereo triangle.

Wuuuuuuuuumm, but hello, that's roughly how the 334 NuLine can work. Is that possible?
Suddenly everything fit, whether rock/classical/jazz/"Yello" or even Swiss natural yodeling.
So I left them there and waited for my wife's thunderstorm in the evening. Hey honey, the room layout suits me so much better, the NuLines come into their own so much more.

I turned on the amplifier, played one of her favorite songs and saw my wife's amazement turn into excitement.
When her absolute favorite song came on, I could only smile.
I sometimes like to listen to music loudly, but I never turn it up as loud as she wanted to hear it. HiHi

A warm greeting to the whole Nubert team and many thanks for a bit more quality of life.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

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