Author: boddeker
Sep 14, 2006, 8:41:23 AM
Hello Rainer,
I know this doesn't belong here, but nice to read something from you again! 😉
So that I keep the form of the guestbook:
All the Nubert speakers I have are just ge**l!!! 😬
Author: Rainer Cordts
Sep 13, 2006, 3:30:04 PM
For more than a year now, two AW 1500 subwoofers have been helping my quite \"seasoned\" floorstanding speakers in creating truly big sound images. I am always amazed at how seamlessly these subs can be integrated into the sound of the main speakers and how perfectly and reliably they perform. Congratulations and thanks to Nubert for this outstanding subwoofer, which is also remarkably affordable for what it achieves!
Author: Wolfgang Römer
Sep 13, 2006, 3:05:21 PM
A cheerful hello to the Nubert team,
Exactly 23 hours after ordering online, the DHL van slowed down in front of the front door, the driver heaved a larger box out of the hold and - dingdong 😬
nuWave35 unpacked, looked a little irritated at the actual size compared to the 18-year-old Scriptum 3 speakers (also known as shelf speakers) - oops, the Nubert speakers are small - set up, wired up and switched on. My test CD Sedalia by Tol & Tol inserted for spatial localization and go.
😱 holla the forest fairy they bring a sound and resolution 😎
Still a little incredulous, after a while I put in some more bassy music (Chris Rea) and again 😱 , really amazing for the size.
So the first impression is really brilliant, I'll have to tinker a bit with the installation location etc. and then we'll see.
It's probably only a matter of time before the electronics module is reordered.
Thank you for the speedy and smooth process
W. Römer
Author: Volker Stach
Sep 13, 2006, 2:15:50 PM
I must urgently correct my entry of August 16, 2006. My statement at that time that the set-up with nuWave-35, CS-45 and RS-5 was almost perfect is no longer tenable after delivery of the AW-75. When it comes to music, I stick to pure stereo (nuWave-35 with ATM support). I know what a symphony orchestra sounds like and the \"compact\" reproduces this wonderfully. A subwoofer may still produce that last little tickle in the pit of my stomach with the Dorian Fugue, but I leave that to the passionate Bach listeners. The situation is different in multi-channel mode: I expect a subwoofer in the price range of the AW-75 to deliver a certain performance with the louder tones. What is really impressive, however, is the audible but restrained bass foundation in the quieter tones. The large box integrates perfectly into the overall sound (\"Thin Red Line\" by Terence Malick!). I have withheld the transport box from my children (\"Daddy doesn't know yet whether he'll send the big black box back to Nubert.\"). But I probably won't pull the card. I can't say much new about service and product quality. Unfortunately, I have built up a certain expectation after the previous deliveries, which has once again been satisfied. Oh yes, the 24-hour delivery didn't work out. It was 27 hours.
Author: Kuno Schneider
Sep 11, 2006, 5:51:19 PM
Hello dear Nubert team,
I became aware of Nubert through a report in the business newspaper Brand 1, which described how \"Einer\" realizes his ideas of loudspeaker boxes, despite all the Sonys and Akamischies, and all this in Germany! In other words, a real entrepreneur. After so many positive things, I wanted to find out. After an extensive listening test on site (nuline 35, 80, 100, 120) and a further reflection period of approx. 3 weeks, I picked up the phone and ordered the nuline 100 (Kirsch) with ATM module. The speakers were delivered the very next day (great service). I plugged it in straight away. The nuline 100 has a very balanced, neutral, very precise, very harmoniously tuned sound. Even at higher volumes, the sound is very transparent and the bass is powerful and precise. You can "feel" the music. In short, a top speaker at a very good price/performance ratio. The workmanship is flawless (top).
With the quality of the speaker, the weakest link is the recording itself!
The ATM module is also great. It produces a much more modeled sound, especially with quiet music.
Yes, I too can only say that I am very satisfied and will not be sending my nuline 100 back! Keep up the good work.
Author: Reinhard Nödler
Sep 11, 2006, 6:58:06 AM
A few weeks ago, I received a lot of help from the friendly advisors, Mr. Siegle and Mr. Bühler!
Even older NUBERT products are not forgotten and they always try to help Nubert customers in the best possible way.
Once again, I would like to express my sincere thanks for their generosity.
I will continue to buy my hi-fi needs from Nubert in the future, as advice and service are very important here.
I am still very convinced of the outstanding quality of Nubert speakers!
Yours sincerely from the state of Hesse.
Reinhard Nödler
Author: PhyshBourne
Sep 9, 2006, 12:18:27 PM
Just to let you know.
The cantor won't be at our church service tomorrow and he's pre-recorded the music on CD.
\'Great', I thought in amazement.
But then I thought, "Why don't you try something..."
So I carried the player and the CM-1 set into the church, plugged the player directly into the CM-1 and let the music play...
...I am shocked...
These little \"shoeboxes\" make such a sound that they can even fill a little church like ours!!!
Really totally awesome!!!
You can even feel the low notes!!!
There's a wind coming out of the back of the bocks that you could blow-dry yourself with, but that's also part of organ music somehow
Of course, when I turn the volume up, it distorts a little - but organ music demands a lot from the speakers anyway.
When I got my 125s back then, some people were "blaspheming" that they would be in our church in the future and could replace the organ.
Well, today I think there's something to it!
They can do it!
That's for sure!
But they still stay in my living room - I often have fun with them!
Anyway - long story short - compliments to the nsf!
Your speakers are simply brilliant!
Author: Heiko
Sep 9, 2006, 9:21:39 AM
After much deliberation, I ordered the AW 1000 in cherry 2nd choice in May. It was to replace my old Y...... subwoofer.
Very fast delivery, the package arrived 2 days later. Unpacked, connected. Excellent workmanship. The sound was disappointing at first.
Called Nubert, super professional advice on the phone. Changed the settings on the receiver and there it is. Clean bass without end. The woofer blends unobtrusively and seamlessly into the overall system. It is immediately on the spot and makes no flow noise whatsoever.
I am completely satisfied. I might even replace my other speakers with Nubert.
Author: Ad Moelands
Sep 7, 2006, 9:36:35 PM
30.01.02 I bought a Nubox AW-850 subwoofer. I am still delighted with the fabulous quality. I just had (in 2006) a breakdown with the device, it stopped working. I called, within two weeks it was picked up, repaired, and delivered again! That is what I call outstanding service! Congratulations, and my thanks for that!
Ad Moelands,
Author: mario
Sep 6, 2006, 12:55:44 PM
Hi, nice homepage, congratulations! Greetings, mario.