Author: Filipiak
Feb 26, 2006, 5:56:48 PM
I had another good obective consultation with Mr. Siegle on Wednesday. I was called back within an hour. A comprehensible answer to every question, mainly about what would harmonize best in my room. My request for delivery on Saturday was fulfilled. The letter carrier then had to process 5 parcels, a total of 100 kilos!
Plus the 20 kilo receiver, which was worth a big tip.
So far I've only unpacked and inspected everything. So, a little shock about the large DS 60 rears, but then the joy about the super duper processing quality. Not the slightest flaw on all 5, no color deviation of the cherry veneer, very high grip/viewing quality. You know it and you read it, but it's always fascinating. For me, every purchase ends with the great satisfaction of having done everything right. Without judging the sound, I am particularly impressed by Nubert's overall philosophy.
Once again, many thanks to the entire team!
Greetings from an old Swabian in Heidelberg
Author: luttyy
Feb 24, 2006, 5:34:57 PM
First of all, my special thanks to Mr. Siegle for his patience, detailed explanations and kindness for an elderly gentleman!
To the point:
As an absolute layman, I first ended up with a competitor who was unable to deliver 😈
After a few detours, I ended up at Nubert and that was probably the best thing for me.
Top advice, the absolute quality of the hardware and the aftercare speak for themselves. Various subsequent deliveries are free of shipping costs.
After complete installation and configuration, I then dropped the safe through the house via my test DVD \"The Italy Job\".
Awesome, absolutely awesome, it was simply unbelievable.
The speakers run via a DENON AV SURROUND RECEIVER and that was it 😬 😬 😬
An absolute \"Recommendable\" to Nubert and the \"Whole\" is a reference for my customers.
Lutz Bullmann
Author: Dani
Feb 24, 2006, 7:16:28 AM
...come over to the forum with it 🙂
Author: capt. tormenta
Feb 24, 2006, 1:06:34 AM
i need a good sound system for a large stretcher.
can you take a look at this?
your captain
Author: Kilian Klaiber
Feb 21, 2006, 11:07:28 AM
I have owned a pair of NuWave 85 including ATM since Monday. I immediately connected the speakers to my 15-year-old Sony stereo amplifier. Because of the low bass, I then put on a techno CD, which I don't particularly like and never actually listen to. A friend of mine had tried to convince me to listen to the music (for those who know leftfield and leftism). Then I switched on the system...
What can I say, after about 2 hours I put in another disk. The sound was very convincing and suddenly I really liked the music.
What was the difference to my old Onkyo speakers, which cost DM 1000 at the time? Everything was simply much more precise. Compared to the NuWave, the old speakers presented everything as if behind a veil of frosted glass. With the NuWave I could clearly distinguish the individual voices. The coughing and shuffling of the audience during a live recording was clearly audible. The old speakers completely hid this from me. The bass of the NuWave is already very crisp without ATM. With ATM, the bass is almost perfect for me.
Last Friday I listened to a whole range of floorstanding speakers at a hi-fi dealer. The most convincing sound for me was the Audio-Physik Tempo (costs about 3000 ? a pair). In the bass range, even this speaker doesn't come close to the NuWave 85 with ATM, not a chance. That is clear. I would only be able to judge whether the Tempo is really better in the mid and high frequency range in a direct comparison. I think it would be a tough battle and the NuWave 85 would at least put up a respectable fight.
Compliments and best regards
Kilian Klaiber
Author: Roland D.
Feb 20, 2006, 7:54:59 PM
Hello \"NUBERT community\"
I have owned the NuLine 100 set since the end of 2005, and \"deviating\" the NuLine Sub AW550 since mid-2005.
After buying the sub, I was so convinced by Neubert that I replaced my previous 5.1 installation with the NuLine 100 set.
I enjoy music "only" through the two floorstanding speakers of the NuLine 100 set, DVD movies of course through all 6 speakers.
In short: I was impressed by the sound, and by the way, the speakers are superbly finished. The two speaker stands I purchased for the satellite speakers also look good and match the speakers perfectly.
The \"small\" AW550 Sub has no problems transforming my 25m² living room into an \"earthquake zone\" and is expressly intended for rental apartment users. 😬
The bass is so powerful and rich that you always wonder why other manufacturers need refrigerator-sized enclosures.
Delivery time?
Ordered online, shipped on Mon and delivered on Tue, that's really as good as it gets!
I'm a rather cautious person, so I called the free(!) hotline on Mon afternoon to ask whether my order had really been received and whether the boxes were available from stock, as indicated on the Internet. Answer: The goods have already been sent to you in full and should arrive tomorrow...
In short, very satisfied and of course I hope I never need the 5 year guarantee, but it is reassuring.
Roland D.
Author: Filipiak
Feb 20, 2006, 4:28:41 PM
This error will certainly be rectified if it was not a mistake on your part.
Otherwise you have the right of return.
THERE IS NO PROBLEM with Nubert, you will see!
Otherwise go to the forum
Greetings Ebse
Author: Roland Spiegler / Nubert
Feb 20, 2006, 4:18:32 PM
Dear Mr. Franz!
I have just personally verified that the bargain lists we received on February 11 and 14 did not offer an AW-560, but an AW-550 for 455 ?
The only mistake we have to admit is that the price for the 2nd choice AW-550 was out of date, as we now offer a remaining stock AW-550 at 430 ?
We are sorry that you assumed it was an AW-560, but all attempts to reach an amicable agreement with you have been rejected. What a pity.
Author: Thomas Franz
Feb 20, 2006, 2:56:42 PM
To all those who want to use the box bargain website to place an order
want to use !
On February 12, 2006, the AW - 560 subwoofer from the nuLine series in beech was on offer for 455.00 ? The delivery was made immediately, but the rude awakening came - it was the wrong one - AW - 550 in beech with 2nd choice.
After a telephone consultation, Mrs. Peter did not know about this offer on the Internet.
My tip to ALL, always print out the desired offer and have it confirmed in writing by e-mail.
Author: Hans-Joachim Junge
Feb 19, 2006, 9:55:13 PM
Hello, Nubi friends,
spoiled for years by the nuLine 100 with ABL 10/100, I treated my PC sound studio to two nuBox 310s. It's unbelievable what sound these shoeboxes produce. The former children's room is just 15 m^2, but the sound experience is amazing. The previous Heco speakers, almost 3 times the size, look (sound) pale in comparison.
The Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 made my eyes water. Concerto No. 6 by Rameau (La Poule), Les Musiciens du Louvre, completely won me over, it was simply overwhelming.
Sound engineers of all countries, listen to these "nearfield monitors", or do you have too much money?
Dear Mr. Nubert, I may be speaking against customer interests, but if you continue to sell your speakers at such low prices, you will be threatened with ruin, unless the quantities make up for it.
Hajo Junge
Toshiba Aurex mini system from the early 80s (still top of the range)
Preamplifier SY-C12
Final verst. SC-M15 (stove top)
Tuner ST-F15
CD player Philips CD 650 (swivel arm drive)