Author: Sven Meinhardt
Feb 1, 2006, 7:27:17 PM
I have been the proud owner of 2 nuline 80s, 2 DS 50s and 1 CS 40 for 2 years now. My family and I, as well as all my guests, are absolutely delighted with the stunning sound. As a newly retired person, I wanted to expand my listening horizon and purchase an AW 560. I placed my order by telephone on 30.01.06 at 11.00 am. After 3 minutes order confirmation by e-mail.
It arrived on 01.02.06.
Immediately unpacked and connected. The listening experience was once again extremely enhanced.
EVERYTHING is just right with the nubis - design, workmanship and listening pleasure at a fair price.
Plus this extremely polite and knowledgeable team.
I can recommend Nubert without reservation in every respect!!!
It's just a shame that it's so far away from me, I'd like to see everything up close and express my thanks in person.
In any case, I am a 100% convinced Nubert fan. 😬
Author: Roland Spiegler / Nubert
Feb 1, 2006, 7:41:15 AM
Subject: Your \"complaint\"
Hello Mr. Werder!
Well, for once there's nothing we can do. You'll have to live with it! You could have returned the boxes within four weeks...
But I think in reality \"suffer\" they don't suffer that badly...
Have fun listening to the nuWaves!
By the way: Schwäbisch Gmünd is located in Swabia, in the beautiful Rems Valley, which stretches from Stuttgart eastwards to Aalen. And Gmünd is right in the middle of it.
Come and visit us, it's beautiful here!
Author: Werder, Thomas
Jan 31, 2006, 8:51:23 PM
Subject: COMPLAINTS !!!
ok.- it can't be that my CD collection has halved (crappy recordings), I'm talking about the sense and nonsense of \"sounding\" Lsp.Cables or that I'm sitting here and actually banging classical music into my head while the neighbors are miming the revolutionary - SORRY at this point again, but no, that's not true what's going on here yeah thanks again to Schwäbisch Gmünd (wherever that may be) but your speakers (nuWave35) don't leave anyone in my apartment cold, regardless of whether hip hop (YEAH), rock stuff and yes even classical music, there's something going on - sorry but I can't express myself like the ones from\'n magazines (audio or something) but I sometimes sit there for hours and listen to uh experience music - ok. so thanks again and greetings to you !!!
MfG Thomas
Author: andi
Jan 31, 2006, 6:15:53 PM
recently became a nubert owner - wouldn't want to be without it.
greetings andi
Author: Hartmut Z.
Jan 30, 2006, 12:30:50 PM
After listening to my CDs and old records with Nubert speakers
I can only say: I agree with all the comments of the previous writers - the masses have been sung.
Chapeau Nubert!
Author: Jens Sommerfeld
Jan 28, 2006, 8:38:27 PM
Hi, I just wanted to tell you about an important experience:
I have proudly owned a Nubert AW-550 subwoofer for some time now. The sound is absolutely stunning and simply great. It has upgraded my chain considerably. In the beginning, I (like probably many others) was inclined to get everything I could out of the sub, i.e. to exhaust the volume in addition to the correct positioning and settings. However, I now realize that a quarter of the (possible) volume is better suited to the overall sound. The rumbling in the stomach area is not necessarily decisive.
So people, give it a try: lower the volume on the sub and enjoy...
Author: Ulrich Antl
Jan 27, 2006, 8:16:29 AM
Ordered 2 NU 310s on Sunday and proud owner on Thursday! (prepayment)
A big compliment for the super-fast processing.
I'm going to test them properly at the weekend...
I will recommend you to others!
Author: Carsten Kähler
Jan 26, 2006, 3:46:18 PM
😬 I ordered a nuLine AW-560 active subwoofer in mid-December. After the speedy delivery, I was initially disappointed. The subwoofer was defective.
And now the positive surprise:
I called Nubert on Friday and described the fault.
A replacement unit arrived in the post on Saturday. Nubert had also enclosed a return receipt so that the defective subwoofer could be returned at Nubert's expense.
That's what I call exemplary service !!!!!
About the subwoofer itself:
Great sound, even though it's the smallest subwoofer in the nuLine series. Now you really get that movie theater feeling.
I can only recommend the subwoofer to anyone.
Author: Hannes
Jan 26, 2006, 8:33:39 AM
Wow...that works exactly as discussed... Ordered on Monday morning... Nubert delivered the same afternoon and on Wednesday afternoon on my doorstep. I am very satisfied. Good product and smooth order processing.
Author: Carsten D.
Jan 24, 2006, 3:37:26 PM
Now it's time to pass on my experience with the NuWave 105. I have owned the pair of speakers for almost a year now and the joy, euphoria and enthusiasm - .... have remained! Since then, I have listened to several hundred CDs, some of them very intensively and generally loudly, and my conclusion is still very positive, regardless of my initial enthusiasm. They are powered by a Harman Kardon 6650 R. The ATM module could be looped in wonderfully between the preamp and power amplifier. Speaking of the ATM module: I would buy the NW 105 again at this price any time, but n o t without this module, unfortunately it is a must, because without it they sometimes sound too narrow-chested and poor, treble-overloaded recordings are easier to listen to. However, the 105 doesn't like a narrow, long room. I didn't recognize them when I heard them there. The brilliant spatial resolution (e.g. great to "hear" on the first track of the STING CD ...all this time) is best experienced in larger, wider rooms. However, the NW 105 has already found a champion in my home: The Quadral Platinum M is even better in this discipline and in terms of liveliness... but: it is 2-3 times more expensive and the 105 with ATM is easily the winner in the bass; I have hardly heard a speaker that delivers the bass so dry, so deep and clean. No annoying booming effects; even critical listening rooms (my basement room with the Quadrals is certainly one of them) don't unbalance it. If it ever sounds too \"narrow-chested\", it's always due to the recording; then there simply wasn't much more bass in it, other speakers only seem to have more bass by suggesting it via booming frequencies. Speaking of music recordings: never before has a loudspeaker revealed good and terrible recordings in such detail... And the bad recordings include records by very well-known artists... The naturalness of the 105 is also evident from the fact that I haven't used the tone controls for a year. They are set to 0 and remain there. On the one hand, the 105 doesn't need a bass or treble boost and on the other, it reacts immediately with an artificial and poorer sound image (it goes without saying that the Phase Correct Loudness button has also been in the unusual "OFF" position for a year). Here, too, only the ATM module is able to soften the shrill, mixed-in treble of the hearing-impaired sound engineers. This naturalness can also be seen as a "disadvantage", as some CDs are almost impossible to listen to! My wife and I realized just how natural the speakers sound when a fire alarm went off on the TV (which we always have on the system) and we jumped up as if stung by a tarantula because we suspected our own alarms... In the end, they were actually just too quiet to have really signaled! So the conclusion of this long review: a box that you absolutely can't go wrong with for the price and that you can simply order unseen and unheard, as I did. In addition, the terracotta tone blends perfectly with the rest of the southern ambience of (our) living room - a no less important aspect when it comes to the \"right of the local government\"! 😂