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Author: a.m
Mar 30, 2005, 10:18:10 AM


i received my nubox 380 today. i have to say that i can now share the enthusiasm of other box owners.
super-fast shipping, good value and great quality.
at first i was afraid i would be overwhelmed by the bass when i unpacked them (22cm bass) but the speakers are super neutral.
they are only used in a recording studio, i think the 380 speakers are a great choice for mixing, although it doesn't only show after a few hours, but in comparison with ns10, adam & genelec
(which i also used) i wonder why these speakers cost 3 times as much. this company has a fan base, and rightly so!

a.m 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas S.
Mar 28, 2005, 8:03:48 PM

Hello dear Nubert team!

First of all, I had the detailed and superbly designed catalog sent to me. I spent many evenings studying page after page before going to bed. Each time I got hot looking at the pictures. After careful consideration, checking my budget and reading lots of test reports, I decided on the Nu-Wave 105. After 2 and a half days, the delivery man finally arrived at the door. After the two huge transport boxes had arrived undamaged in my living room, I set about unpacking them. There they were at last. No longer just a picture but tangible. Now it was time to be patient and let the mighty sound towers acclimatize. But the next day was the day. I have now been testing for 5 days. The ever-so-slight changes to my Yamaha 596 system and the loudspeakers are making me more and more enthusiastic. I have never heard such clear sound and powerful bass. Simply brilliant. Whether jazz, pop, rock or metal. But I still have to test more, because I think it could be a little better. But one thing is already clear. You build excellent speakers!!! I'm glad I decided in favor of Nubert. Now I have to treat myself to another sound experience.

Best regards from Vienna
Thomas S.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: 3014732
Mar 28, 2005, 10:21:21 AM

Good afternoon,
I also received the letters for 3012873, 3013689, 3015402, 1045963 and 3004455 with my nu-news. They all live "around the corner" from me. Is the idea now that I copy the nu-news a few more times and then bring it to the others?
With kind regards,

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sebastian Gypser
Mar 25, 2005, 2:06:37 PM

hi guys,

once again i feel compelled to immortalize myself in the guestbook. intrusive, intrusive... i know. i recently rearranged my whole room to finally squeeze the last bit out of my 35 nuwaves and lo and behold, the results are in. but what a result. the bass the speakers are now emitting is simply incredible. i'm just sitting there and can't believe it. even though they're still not optimally positioned and are only connected to a 100 watt amplifier. now i can hardly wait to afford an abl or. atm and have my powerful 500 watt amplifier repaired. then the walls here will crumble. it really is a pleasure. since i bought the nw, i haven't regretted it for a moment. even though i've gone far beyond my budget. apart from that, i've become an absolute bass junkie. i'm already on a high. well, i could go on raving like this forever, but i'd rather devote myself to my bass wonders again. they deserve a little affection!
best regards,

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Franks S.
Mar 25, 2005, 8:01:44 AM

Many thanks to the Nubert team for the fast delivery (the wrong color doesn't matter). I have had the nuBox 380 for 4 days and use them as monitors in a home recording studio - they are hard to beat in terms of neutrality and precision.
neutrality and precision. Compared to the Yamaha NS10 and Tannoy Reveal, the Nuberts still have a decent bass foundation 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Düren
Mar 25, 2005, 1:37:44 AM

I still have to get used to the new homepage

Otherwise: Thank you Nubi team, you build great boxes
You are also nice.
Keep up the good work

Please don't go so broad with the marketing


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Matthias Kneißl
Mar 24, 2005, 5:48:02 PM

Dear Nubert team,

Like many people, I have never spent a lot of money on a good sound experience. My thrifty upbringing may have played a part in this. Nevertheless, I have known for some years that the spectrum of sound qualities and the associated pleasures is very broad.

In 1997, I sat in a small hi-fi studio in Göttingen to test a system. The employee went to a lot of trouble to adjust the speakers for me, which I thought was a bit of an exaggeration. Then I heard the music, a jazz piece by Norwegian Kari Bremnes, which I would never forget, as it turned out. The associated sound experience was a profound turning point in my life, it had provided a pleasure that I had never known existed before. It was as if for years you had only known the \"Rebenschoppen\" in a tetrapak from the discount store, and suddenly, unexpectedly, you try a Chianti. Then it goes "boom" and you're gobsmacked: because you can't believe it!

After that, many things were different, I had experienced a piece of musical heaven and always had the desire in the back of my mind to have this experience, this rare, sensual pleasure again. After that, either there was always no money or other things seemed more important. A few weeks ago, when I had just got the necessary money together, I decided to spend it on something I had been longing for: my first self-bought system (I'm 30, by the way) and proper speakers. Since then, a new era has begun for me.

In addition to the extensively tested NAD system (AV receiver and DVD player), this is due to the two nuBox 400s, which I also decided on after careful consideration. I now know how a smoker must feel who has to satisfy his addiction first thing in the morning after getting up, and also at lunchtime or in the evening, in every free minute.

Apart from the brilliant sound quality, which always makes me smile, what I particularly liked about nubert is that complicated things are explained simply and yet well. In no time at all, I had leafed through all the brochures and had the impression that I now really knew something - not just about nubert, but about acoustics and loudspeakers.

I congratulate Günther Nubert because he, himself obviously more of a technician than a salesman, has brought someone just like him on board. There are plenty of products that were great in terms of technology or content but went under because of poor distribution. I guess that without direct sales, advertising plays a special role for nubert. During my selection phase, I happened to see nubert advertising in the FAZ. In \"my\" newspaper, the Frankfurter Rundschau, but never before. Why not? So I almost didn't find out about the existence of Günther Nubert and his speakers.

Best regards from Darmstadt,

Matthias Kneißl

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Kevin R.
Mar 24, 2005, 2:44:09 PM

@Brian W.

Nope, the youngest customer is not you and not me 😉

I already had the 380 at 15 and someone from the nuforum
already had the nuWave 35 at 14 😂

I'm definitely super happy with the 380s!
But I'm still going to get the nuWave 35 (yes, the upgrade craze)!

Come to the forum Brian! We need more young people!!!

Greetings, Kevin

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dr. Mathias Babel
Mar 24, 2005, 2:07:04 PM

Dear Nubert team!

I've been the proud and happy owner of the nuWave 105 in anthracite for almost three weeks now. And I can only agree with many of the previous speakers: the nuWave 105 provides insights into worlds of sound that I didn't even know existed on the CD.

The music doesn't seem to come out of the speaker as usual, but seems to float a few centimeters in front of it (apart from the stereo surround sound effect anyway).

The result is a sight to behold: given a properly recorded CD, I feel like I'm sitting right in front of the orchestra pit. The experience with chamber music (e.g. Mozart's Kegelstatt Trio) is also very impressive; here, too, I literally feel like I'm right in the middle of it (instead of just being there 😉 ). I don't even want to rave about piano pieces (Goldberg Variations, A major Sonata).

But the nuWave 105 also promotes new listening experiences, for example with the contrasting program Heavy Metal.

When the nuWave remain silent, I simply enjoy their aesthetics. I also consider them to be two of my most beautiful pieces of furniture. Such beautiful speakers whose appearance doesn't compromise on sound - on the contrary, it's the result of detailed acoustic analysis...! A big compliment.

At the moment I'm only thinking about buying an ATM module. Men are and always will be playful children.

Best regards

Mathias Babel

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jan-Derek Müller
Mar 23, 2005, 10:54:09 AM

Hello Nubert Team!

Even though it's almost getting boring, here's a short, enthusiastic feedback about my two NuLine 100 speakers in silver, which I received a good 2 weeks ago:

Sales: very informative, competent website and catalog with super detailed descriptions (even for non-experts) on every conceivable topic. Hotline available, very friendly, competent staff who take a lot of time to give you individual and comprehensive advice. Reviews and opinions of Nubert on the web, in specialist magazines and in the guest book are overwhelmingly positive. The process was very straightforward and professional (except that silver front grilles were delivered instead of black - but I actually think the silver ones are prettier now). The boxes were delivered within a day in sturdy cardboard boxes.

Product: beautiful, timeless, unobtrusive, simple, high quality workmanship, attention to detail, solid quality in design and execution

Sound: I'm no expert, but I was almost shocked to realize how much more I suddenly hear in terms of tonal depth, substance, detail, staggering and instrument localization. In general, I often listen to sonic fast food such as deep house, hardcore, chillout and the like. - Now I'm completely rediscovering what music can mean beyond that - completely new dimensions are opening up and I'm listening to all my old CDs again...!

Price: I thought long and hard about whether it was worth the money - now I always come to the conclusion that I will spend more money on a high-quality product that is timeless and has design quality, because I can enjoy it for a very long time and look forward to it every day - quality simply costs time and money. In combination with direct sales, the price is also absolutely "value for money"!

Conclusion: As I am a designer myself and develop products / brands, I really appreciate the effort, the know-how and the attitude towards the product and the customer at Nubert. There are tinkerers at work here who love what they do and for whom they do it - you can see that and it is rewarded by satisfied customers - ultimately, it's simply the concept - other companies with gigantic (artificial) marketing concepts can perhaps take a look at how economic success can be achieved... With this in mind, keep up the good work!

Best regards
Jan-Derek Müller

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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