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Author: Freddy
Sep 14, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Holstein, this entry would be best for the forum - these and other questions are gladly discussed there 🙂 Greetings, Fred

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Holstein
Sep 14, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team! I'm looking for a suitable speaker set for my future home theater. The basement room intended for this has a size of 7.20 x 4.90 m with a height of 2.30 m. I am planning to use the Sony STR-DB 940 amplifier. Which of your systems is best suited to the room? Do I need a different amplifier for the room size or is the one mentioned above suitable? Greetings Timo Holstein

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jochen Loy
Sep 13, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team, my compliments on your products! I had been thinking about buying a new system with speakers for a long time. As you know, good professional advice is a problem these days! We visited your store in Aalen spontaneously (coming from Nuremberg) and received excellent advice. Our problem was that we have 10 year old Braun speakers (2xLS150 and 2xLS130) with a Yamaha M85/C85 and now the preamplifier is defective. We wanted to combine the speakers in the best possible way. During the listening tests, everything was explained to us in detail and we went back convinced with a Yamaha AZ1, the AW 1000 and a Nuline CS 40 - but also a few thousand euros poorer. After a few weeks of listening tests in all combinations, everything harmonizes beautifully and we are delighted. It was nice that the old loudspeakers were not made to sound bad to us in the sense of a business deal. The new speakers provide a new sound experience with the AV amplifier and we are enthusiastic customers of your company. Keep up the good work! Best regards, the Loy family😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marco Herter
Sep 12, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Regarding the complaint e-mail from Cinemania dated 08.09.2003: The information provided by the friend of Cinemania is not entirely correct, but it is true that this Friday was very hectic and with heavy customer traffic, which could have caused this misunderstanding. I have already contacted Cinemania directly and explained the situation again from our point of view. Unfortunately, in the hectic sales environment it can happen that we are not able to advise every customer to their complete satisfaction, but we will try to handle such situations better in the future. Yours sincerely, Marco Herter / Sales Hifi

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Maiwald
Sep 11, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

I've just received my Nuwave 3. Ok, they don't go as deep into the bass as my Nubox 400... But the mids and highs are so honest. All CDs have to be listened to again. It's simply brilliant what these little boxes conjure up in terms of space. You Nuberts, I could kiss you .... 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marcell
Sep 9, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

GREETINGS FROM AUSTRIA (TIROL) First of all, the nuboxes are tremendous (got them yesterday) I have 4 nubox 380 + 330 center + 880 woofer + AVR 1804, at the moment it's the best I've ever heard! the cinema feeling is insane!!!! can't be compared to anything I've heard! (just have to connect the rest of my components) so NUBERT: if the speakers stay as they are, then they'll stay where they are - with ME!!!! Aargh *gg* mfg Marcell from austria (ps.: if you get more orders from tirol in the future, i expect a thank you letter *g*)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dolby
Sep 9, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Something like that 😂 I gradually bought the Nubox SET 400 and the AW 880 subwoofer - the whole thing is powered by the Yamaha RX-V740 receiver. The reason for the NUBOX set is not the price, but in my opinion the NUBOX speakers have more audible bass than the NUWAVE or the NULINE series (not referring to the data sheets - just the listening impression). Furthermore, I'm not as keen on concise highs as these two series are. That's why I bought the NUBOX SET 400 (everyone has different tastes when it comes to sound). Since last week, I also own the gigantic AW 880. The brute force of the subwoofer makes my house shake - REAL !!!!😬. For example, I now know (with Starwars I, Harry Potter, Matrix, etc.) how big spaceships actually are, what big doors are in castles. It goes through your stomach - absolutely GEIL. You can no longer hear any depth, but only FEEL the vibrations that pass through my couch set into your body - it sends a cold shiver down your spine - YES - this is DOLBY SURROUND. In stereo mode (Nubox400, AW 880) the bass sounds better than in a live concert. Take Metallica and enjoy the brilliance of the treble and the ultimate gigantic kick bass that (in my opinion) is only available from Metallica. It's a poem to listen to this fantastic set - THANK YOU to the Nubert team and of course to the HIGHEND inventor Günther Nubert. 😬😬 I've heard a lot of speakers but none have been as bombastic as these and certainly not for the price. I can only recommend them. Regarding the comment that the Nubert staff don't know Yamaha products, I can only say that it must have been a trainee - or perhaps an intern or a CUSTOMER ???? After all, Nubert sells Yamaha products. The knowledge of the staff (I shopped in Aalen) is also very good - they don't talk anyone into anything - which I really appreciate. PS: I still have one suggestion for improvement :i:: With the AW880, it might not be a bad idea to be able to switch it off via the remote control (for the late evening hours). My set: 2 x NUBOX 310 as REAR on BS70 1 x NUBOX CS 330 as CENTER 2 x NUBOX 400 as MAIN 1 x AW 880 as SUB 1 x YAMAHA Receiver RX-V 740 Greetings from a new NUBI-FAN

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Cinemania
Sep 9, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Hello guests, finally a small addendum to Bass-King: anyone who works in sales is dependent on suggestions from outside, even if they are sometimes harsh. Since I work in this business myself, I know that there is nothing more untrustworthy than appearing anonymous and unreachable. So the e-mail address is not for you or other customers, but for those responsible at Nubert, in case you want to change anything about the situation I have described. But don't worry, Nubis, I've had the man I trust with you for years - even if you seal him off on the hotline 😂 See you next time... Cinemania

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hans Dieter Kalms
Sep 8, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Sir or Madam, Unfortunately, I can no longer return the subwoofer you sent me, as I am very satisfied with this speaker. As I don't use my system every day, I am still in the testing phase as far as the setting parameters are concerned. Overall, however, I can definitely say that the subwoofer is a top product that works perfectly and adds low bass to my chain and takes the strain off the existing speakers/power amplifier. I was particularly pleased that a comprehensive, easy-to-understand instruction manual written in our native language was included. All of this is extremely positive for me and I am delighted with this purchase.😬 Many thanks! Yours sincerely, Hans Dieter Kalms

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bass-King
Sep 8, 2003, 12:00:00 AM

I don't think you should draw conclusions about the whole company based on one (undoubtedly) bad experience. There are far too many positive statements for that. The fact that an employee doesn't even know that Yamaha is in the program indicates something else. The Monday before we had new apprentices. You can bet that the consultant at Nubis was also a newcomer. In any case, I'm still a satisfied regular customer ❗ Greetings from the Bass King 😎 PS: I find the fact that Cinemania also refers to his e-mail address to stir up trouble a bit harsh and makes him all the more untrustworthy for me.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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