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Author: Roland Pröbstel
Apr 29, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

What do you do when you have the complete nuWave set including nuWave10 and AW-7 ? Think about why so many people rave about the ABL module! Last week I was near SG and took a look inside. After the discussion with Mr. Nubert and trying it out with Mr. Reichelt 🙂, I was a bit sceptical but took 2 statements with me: 1. it always sounds different at home 2. the ABL10 really comes into its own with quiet music. So I took the thing with me and tried it out. Anyone who thought the nuWave10 was a great speaker should listen to it with the ABL10 😂 😂! Saving money and sending it back didn't work out again, everyone should take the ABL into account when buying the nuWave10, then the price won't hurt quite so much :redface: 😭 😂 .

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Markus Badent
Apr 29, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello to Aalen, I bought the nuWave10 surround set (2x nuWave10, 1xCS4, 2xRS5, 1x AW7) 3 weeks ago and traveled all the way from Austria to Aalen for it. The expert, friendly advice from Mr. Hutter was really great. He even took more than half an hour of his time for me after closing time - big praise! Of course, I'm already using my surround set to the full and the super sound in the recording studio in Aalen has also been heard in my living room. I am thrilled. Mr. Hutter sent me a missing front grille for a nuWave 10 within 2 days to Austria. You really have to look far for such good customer service, I found it in Aalen at Nubert!!! So I'm delighted all round and can only recommend Nubert's speakers, which are perfect in terms of both sound and appearance. best regards from Austria Markus Badent

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Norbert Höfer
Apr 25, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert employees! 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Philipp Woock
Apr 25, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert team, finally a well-structured website - congratulations. I have a pair of 360s and they even leave my Bose speakers out in the rain. If I had known that before... The price-performance ratio is really unbeatable, hopefully also in the future.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Norbert.Höfer
Apr 25, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert employees! I've been the proud owner of an AW-90 for 3 years, but unfortunately the defect witch has struck, but no problem at all for Nubert. After a phone call, they even sent the original packaging material free of charge. It took just 9 days from dispatch to delivery after the repair. I am completely thrilled. The part works perfectly again and if Nubert means service, then that's true, and I've never regretted my purchase of the AW-90. Just this much to all Nubert people. Thank you very much and keep up the good work 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hartmut Leuenberger
Apr 24, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

after nubox 310 and 380, i now have the nuline 30 with abl module, and i'm thrilled. it wasn't cheap, but it was worth it.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Kasper
Apr 22, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I'm looking, but unfortunately there are no fully active speakers on offer. Not everyone can afford ME-Geithain or Klein & Hummel. Greetings Frank

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Ahlert
Apr 19, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Despite previous measurements, the CS-4 was a few millimeters too wide for the intended installation location. We discussed a few more options with Mr. Bühler on the phone, but in the end I sent it back with a heavy heart. Now I have already tried two other centers, which fit perfectly in terms of dimensions, but are so inferior to the CS-4 in terms of sound that even my wife noticed the difference 🙂 So now it will be expensive fun, not only that we probably want the CS-4 again (sorry Nubert for the trouble, Mr. Bühler said it right away), but it will also be due for a corresponding conversion in the living room. Many thanks for the excellent advice and the super speakers! Ahlert PS: Which wall bracket can be used to mount the RS-3 from behind? Preferably with a swivel option.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Maximilian Bader
Apr 17, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I recently purchased 2 nuWave10s (bargain list) and 1 nuWave CS-4 from you and tested them extensively (Denon AVR-3802 receiver). THE SOUND IS EXACTLY TO MY TASTE. All the details come across, the bass is simply honest, highly precise and not made to sound spectacular with any pseudo-tricks. After unpacking the nuWave10, the rubber surrounds were dented in some places and I thought I would have to send them back. But no: the rubber suspension practically ironed itself out after a few hours of listening to music!!! The nuWave10s can be difficult to set up, but they are all excellent speakers with a wide dispersion angle and large volume. Thanks to Mr. Herter for his excellent advice during the listening test in Schwäbisch Gmünd, and to Mr. Bühler and Mr. Micklitz for their technical answers to my rather critical questions. EXCEPT: Many thanks to Mr.? from the studio in S.G. for navigating me to Goethestr. by phone. NUBERT can really be recommended to anyone who has high demands on sound (regardless of the type of music or films) and also wants to experience very good service. Max Bader 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thorsten Vahle
Apr 14, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for the deal 🙂 with the 850. The first thing my girlfriend said about the device was "What's this monster doing here?" Today she's the first to turn it on when it comes to watching DVDs. Satisfied all round. Keep up the good work.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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