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Author: Oliver J.
Feb 2, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I hesitated for a long time until I finally decided to sell my floorstanding loudspeakers from a well-known English manufacturer, but before I did I took a look at the speakers and was horrified. The quality was the worst in terms of price-performance ratio. What's more, when I bought the speakers, one of them was already at the customer's (it was no longer new). I felt totally ripped off. When I complained about this to the dealer in Hagen, I was dismissed. Nubert is completely different. As a customer, you feel you're in good hands and get expert advice to boot. The people there are super nice, even on the hotline. When I set up the Nubert NuLine 100 at home, a new world of sound opened up for me. Pieces of music sounded much more detailed. The speakers have an uncompromising finish combined with an elegant look. I have heard many models at the High End in Frankfurt, but I have to admit that Nubert simply offers the best in my opinion. I am cured of the English trip. Thank you very much, but I am on a new trip. Congratulations, you have a new regular customer :-)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gordon
Feb 1, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert team, Not too long ago I had decided to finally replace my old JBL speakers with two new ones from Nubert, for which purpose I had chosen the new nubox 400. when they arrived at home, it couldn't be quick enough to connect them to my Fisher (x-101-c) tube amplifier. And what came next was indescribable. I could really hear details in the music that I hadn't heard before, the highs were super-brilliant and the bass was nice and smooth and didn't sound as harsh as the JBL speakers. I am really r e s t l o s excited!!! 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬 Now I'm going to connect them to my DD system and combine them with the AW-850 I already have. Oh yes, and many thanks for the fast delivery! And one more small question at the end: Is this ALU ribbed plate from the AW-880 also available for my AW-850? would be super great, then the SUB would fit better with the 400s. Keep up the good work, you guys are really great! Best regards from beautiful WUPPERTAL!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thorsten
Feb 1, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

As always, super fast delivery service, and the rs-300 and cs-330 are much better than described. 🙂 Only in the picture the center didn't look that big. 😬 Cracker! The sound is now exactly as I imagined. Tip top! Just save up for the sub Greetings from Bünde Thorsten

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: E. Druck
Jan 31, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert team, dear visitor to the guestbook! About a week ago, after a really long period of hesitation, I received the AW-1000 active sub on order. Many thanks to the Nubert hotline, which was always able to answer my questions, which were certainly annoying, competently and reliably. So the device arrived (the packaging alone is impressive), unpacked, set up and unfortunately noticed a scratch on the housing. But it's not tragic, as Mr. Siegle immediately offered me a solution over the phone. Really unbureaucratic and fair!!! And the scratch won't kill me. So, I threw on the Denon AVR-1802 and what came next was simply indescribable. I use the AW-1000 in a room of approx. 30m2 and I can only recommend this device to anyone who wants to buy an active sub. Pearl Harbor or The MummyII or, or, or... are only now a real experience. No Yamaha with 800 watts can compete with that. Deep bass, but you can't get any deeper and sound pressure that still triggers the corresponding wallngen deep in the stomach. For my part, I have never experienced anything like it in my entire life. Nubert should really apply for a gun license for this hammer. I don't know when I'll be able to let my neighbors out of our living room again. It's a bit difficult at the moment because they can't eat solid food and they're constantly spitting out of the corners of their mouths. But joking aside: I've now had a few appliances at home over the past few weeks to test out what to expect in the various price ranges. And my definitive verdict is: NOTHING!!! even comes close to the AW-1000! That's why I've now decided to gradually dispose of my old stuff (Magnat) and replace it with something nice from Nubert. It's just a question of money and I have to save a little but it's worth it to me. Respect!!! 😬 😬 😬 😬 😱

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stefan Nückel
Jan 28, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Last week I took delivery of the Nuwave 10 to complement my existing AW-7 subwoofer and CS-4 center. I can only say that the whole thing sounds gigantic, I can't get out of the living room anymore. Both in stereo and surround mode, it's unbeatable (the old speakers were child's play by comparison). For me, Nubert is the king of speakers. Not to forget the super service from Ms. Völkel and Mr. Siegle. Best regards from Düsseldorf: 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Roland Pröbstel
Jan 28, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I have been in possession of nuWave CS-4, RS-5 and AW-7 since 25.01.02. I picked them up myself and was able to admire the exclusive workmanship the same evening. Despite its low placement close to the floor, the center is fully convincing. The RS-5s in dipole mode surprised me the most. DVD's in DTS format are a dream with the RS-5. My new friend, the AW-7, which my wife affectionately calls the fat Nubi, is more than convincing in the movie sector. In the HIFI sector I'm still struggling a bit, but I don't think it's in the best position yet. I'll have to have this discussion in the next few days, but the AW-7 is also quite impressive, so why hide it? Conclusion: After just 2 days, I think I've made a very good choice and I can say that once you've heard the nuWaves, you won't want to go home without them. Roland 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Helmut Haspel
Jan 27, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubians ! I have to get rid of my opinion about the Speaker Factory again now that I am now the enthusiastic owner of an AW 850 😂 Although I didn't think of buying a woofer at first (which I would certainly have regretted very much) I just thought that the NU Box 360 were already so good 😬 But the Nubert is simply addictive 🙂 And so it came as it had to come that you can't let it go with a Nubert, how could you, with the quality? Nubert = sound experience in the truest sense of the word (AW 850) 😂 😬 😂 The AW 850 has become indispensable, especially in the home theater sector.Well, my flatmates tend not to agree with me, but what the heck 😬 😬 😂 😂 Speaker Factory, their products, their service, their team (especially Mr. Bühler) have completely convinced me 😂 😂 😂 My special thanks go to Günther Nubert for a product that is second to none 😱 :rolleyes: 😬 😂 I only let Nubert, and DVD, touch my ears 🙂 🙂 🙂 Yours sincerely, a convinced Nubian, Helmut Haspel 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ronald Guttmann
Jan 27, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nubert for their customer service. For some reason I had managed to damage the tweeters of my Nuline 30 by overloading them. How this could have happened needs to be analyzed in more detail. After a short phone call with Mr. Bühler, we agreed that it would be enough if I replaced the voice coils of the tweeters myself. These were also sent to me a few days later free of charge! sent to me. Within an hour, both speakers were repaired and although I couldn't visually recognize any damage to the old voice coils, both speakers sound perfect again with the repaired tweeters. This is what I call really successful customer service. Many thanks again for the uncomplicated help to Mr. Bühler In this context, I also have a question for the future forum or Nubert: I also have a large system with a couple of Nuwave 10 speakers including an ABL module. And although the amplifier used (Sony ES top model) delivers over 200 W sine wave per channel, it clearly runs out of steam on the loudspeakers with certain pieces of music (e.g. Lord of the Rings soundtrack or other classical pieces). What sine wave power do you recommend for this configuration? Yours sincerely, R. Guttmann 🙂 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Gross
Jan 26, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

I even use 3/4 of my Nubert's in the aquarium, and I have to say that nothing has happened yet.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas Wegmann
Jan 26, 2002, 12:00:00 AM

Hello dear Nubert team, I am delighted with your service and blown away by the sound of the nuBox 390. I had initially ordered the nuBox 360. I can only agree with the extremely positive reviews of the trade press and their customers regarding the sound of this loudspeaker. In the end, however, I decided to buy the nuBox 390 because a floorstanding speaker is simply the better solution for my particular circumstances. The exchange was completely problem-free. The price already paid for the nuBox 360 was offset against the invoice for the 390 and the shipment included a freeway ticket for the free return of the 360. This also gave me the opportunity to listen to both pairs in direct comparison. Well, you should have seen my face after connecting the nuBox 390 - pure enthusiasm. I was expecting a great speaker, but this is finally the speaker I've been looking for - and at this sensational price. The next time I upgrade my system, Nubert will be the only choice! Thank you so much! :rolleyes:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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