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Author: Thomas Weiser
Oct 17, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

Addendum to my entry of 29.08.: There I described my impressions of my new NuForm100. In the meantime I am the proud owner of a Ma... (no surreptitious advertising!) amplifier - which I of course also purchased from Nubert after extensive expert advice - and have reached the second stage of bliss. The sound is wonderfully harmonious, the bass is dry, the treble clear, voices sound human... When I have my ABFL100 bass module to cover the frequency range up to 20Hz linearly, I will probably have reached the third stage. Service and advice were (as always!) excellent! Best regards, T. Weiser

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Volker Mehler
Oct 15, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team, hello HIFI friends. After my guestbook entry on May 23rd, I now have to say a few words a second time. ..... At 8 o'clock on a foggy Saturday morning, I set my car in motion in order to arrive in Gmünd on time and get hold of the last free parking space in front of the Walls of Ecstasy. What can I say, I had a sleepless night behind me. The idea of making my dreams come true the following day almost robbed me of my sanity. It was clear: my NuBoxes 660, which have been doing a breathtaking job for half a year now, finally had to find their complement in the CS3 center and the large RS6 rears. In the meantime, my small RS3's had to be passed into loyal hands. Despite a cruel, seemingly endless drive through the Swabian fog and the pressure of what seemed like a night of drinking in my head, it came (once again) as it had to: After two and a half hours of driving and defending my parking space, I climbed the stairs that I had already climbed several times in my mind. Despite an enormous number of happy-looking Nubert customers, Mr. Siegle spontaneously found the time to take care of me and my needs. Once again, the service was simply phenomenal. This patience paired with friendliness and expertise is second to none. Nowhere else - and certainly not in these red and yellow fast-buy stores - have I ever experienced more customer proximity. Huge praise for that! Back home at ......, I was astounded: the Canton Center (AV950) that I previously owned was surpassed in every respect. The RS6 put the icing on the cake. The difference in dynamics compared to the RS3 definitely justifies the higher purchase price. Congratulations, Günther Nubert, on your ear, your knack for development and also on your team! I would now like to end with a tip: DVD MIB Track 4😂the only thing that really steps on the gas here is ........ - Nubert Speaker Factory. See you in half a year: I still have a single part from my Canton set, the AW25 subwoofer .... you already know what I need now ..... Your Volker Mehler,Schifferstadt

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas Huchtemeier
Oct 14, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

Actually, I didn't want to buy any new speakers, but after reading the test report on the nuWave10 in the current issue of STEREOPLAY 10/00, I thought to myself: Why not order them without obligation and try them out? No sooner said than done. After the first 10 minutes I knew that these speakers would never leave my living room. Dynamic, airy, transparent - simply brilliant. Without a doubt one of the best speakers I've ever heard. The only drawback was that the nuWave10 are so devilishly heavy that I had to wait until my wife could help me unpack them before I could try them out :-))

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Reinhard Nödler
Oct 14, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

I would like to make a recommendation for blues fans: Riding With The King by B.B.King & Eric Clapton, the old masters of the blues! Not only musically a pleasure but also technically an excellent recording. If you have an AW900 and 2 Nuwave8s to fall back on, you are always on the winning side and can enjoy your music in full depth and breadth. MfG

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sonja Unger
Oct 12, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Axel, unfortunately we cannot answer your request as you have not left us an e-mail address. Please send us your request again by e-mail. Thank you very much

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Axel
Oct 10, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

Hi, I'm thinking about buying the NuForm 100. So far I have an English sound chain (Linn, Mission) and would like to listen to multi-channel in addition to good (classic) HIFI in the future. Will there be a visually matching center at some point? My target combination would be NuForm 100, RS6 (both in bird's eye maple) and a matching center Axel

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas Franzka
Oct 9, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

hello Nubert team i decided to buy the aw550 subwoofer today it goes very well with nad and audiophysic compact speaker step. a great woofer that puts other brands in the shade keep it up a.franzka from dresden

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Uwe Kretschmer
Oct 7, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nuber team! I would also like to sign up here to show others that Nubert is worth listening to. On 2.10.00 I bought a pair of NuWave 8 with an AW 900 and this choice turned out to be brilliant in my home. I can only confirm various test reports about these pieces from the bottom of my heart (and ears)!!! Keep up the good work and I wish you every success in the future as a fully satisfied customer.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bernd Guggenberger
Oct 5, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

Hello Nubert team I have just seen the new AW-7 sub of the NuWave line on the homepage. I'm really looking forward to more information about the sub.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian Fölsch
Oct 4, 2000, 12:00:00 AM

Dear Nubert team! I have gradually filled up my surround system with Nubert speakers (first nubox 390 then nubox200&nubox cs-2). I don't need to say anything about the sound, because it really is fantastic. But unfortunately you didn't take the quality of the nubox200 and cs-2 very seriously, did you? Crooked screws (especially on the nubox200) and a cover that could only be removed with tools (cs-2) can really take the fun out of it. Fortunately, however, I still enjoy listening with the screen, so I wouldn't want to be without it. Yours sincerely, Christian Fölsch

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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