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Author: Ernst Horlacher
Jan 7, 2018, 4:25:59 PM

After buying a Pioneer NC-50DAB CD receiver, the sound with my old floorstanding speakers was no longer right, the new amplifier was simply too weak. I had read about the high quality of the Nubert speakers in test reports.
But what I then experienced on the phone and during the consultation/sales in Schwäbisch-Gmünd was absolutely top. I ended up with the nuBox483 because they were the best match for the CD receiver and the price. Yes, "my" receiver was available in the house and was connected in the studio room, which gave me all the possibilities for comparison, even with high-priced top speakers.
After connecting it up at home, I can now say that my system sounds so good again that the TV is often switched off. Top speakers, top advice, great studio!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Carl Schaible
Jan 3, 2018, 3:40:10 PM

Dear Nubert team,
I've been the proud owner of two second-hand Nubox 380s and an AW 880 for about a month now. Unfortunately, as a student of electrical engineering, you can't afford new speakers or you have to make huge compromises in terms of sound.
I had previously tested a lot of speakers in various hi-fi stores. I only came across you through a friend and immediately fell in love with the sound - this is how loudspeakers should sound!

I just wanted to say thank you for the many hours of music enjoyment I will have with your speakers and wish you a happy and successful 2018.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you for your praise!

For the information of our guestbook visitors:

The nuBox 380 was delivered from March 2004,
the AW-880 subwoofer from July 2001.

Your Nubert team

Author: Jens Albers
Jan 2, 2018, 3:11:20 PM

I wish you a successful 2018.

A note from an enthusiastic customer. Who designed the nuPyramid? I have rarely seen such an ugly speaker. The competition can do better!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Mr. Albers,

as you know, true beauty lies in the eye of the beholder...:-).

In fact, the nuPyramid 717 is a tribute to the original Pyramid 707 from 1975 and we have deliberately opted for a slightly modified "retro design".

You probably have to see (and hear) this loudspeaker live, only then will you understand the design... which is directly due to the function of an omnidirectional speaker. Form follows function...

Best regards,
Martin Bühler

Author: D. Kröber
Dec 31, 2017, 9:43:35 AM

Hello and thank you to the Nubert team.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the fast, free and uncomplicated repair of my subwoofer.
It would be great if other companies could be inspired by this customer service.
Keep up the good work and have a successful 2018 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lars
Dec 30, 2017, 7:12:23 AM

Now it's time to say a few words about the new speakers and amplifiers I ordered from nubert.

Dear nubert team,
For a few weeks now I have been able to call a combination of 2x nuvero 60, 1x nuvero AW 17 as well as nucontrol and nupower d my own. And yes, they sound great. But there are other factors that make this purchase an experience, because: you don't just spend that much money.
I have been following the new developments on your homepage, guestbook and forum for around two years now. I have read numerous test reports and heard them for the first time at the high end on tour in Hanover. It's nice when the company still has the same name as the boss. This gave me the credible impression that someone with heart and mind is interested in the products they sell. The packaging and dispatch (speed!) testify to many years of direct sales experience and good quality management: maintaining a high standard is the great art. So the whole thing was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, regardless of the sound. Only unpacking an AW 17 turns into a bit of work :-) But now to the central topic: what comes out, how does it feel? The feel is solid, confidence-inspiringly heavy and beautifully finished. The speakers and amplifier are well thought out and look great. And: according to my subjective impression, they are also quite large - especially the depth. Reading size specifications and seeing them are two different things. But: no problem. I started with the nuvero 60 and connected them to my old Tech**** receiver. The old speakers had contributed to the desire to renew the system - without me immediately realizing it. I describe it like this: very quiet, everything remained without depth; at medium volume, everything blended into a mash of frequencies. The nuvero 60 was immediately in a different league: everything was layered well accentuated, nothing in the frequency response seemed to influence each other. Great!
But after diligent saving, it should go on: nucontrol, nupower d. By the way: 2nd choice. No problem! Like new packaging, nothing picked apart, no fingerprints on the cases. Days later, I noticed a small scratch on the remote control. Oh dear! The discount exceeds the value of the remote control many times over :-)
And now, everything was diligently wired up and the subwoofer was also connected: At first, everything sounded completely unfamiliar. It's a MUST (!) to get to grips with the settings, which I then did to good effect. The result is stunning. I am delighted and would like to thank you very much for these great products in every respect!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Reiner
Dec 26, 2017, 7:14:27 PM

By chance, I received a copy of HIFI TEST from a friend.
There, the nuline 244 were tested excellently.
I was particularly impressed by the linear frequency response, as I miss this neutrality in most loudspeakers. And I've already had at least 15 pairs, many of which I built myself in the past. Since I also worked in the field of studio technology, I can say that my hearing has been trained.
After a few years in a different industry, I rediscovered my old hobby when I retired.
Unfortunately, I then made the wrong purchase. Big, loud, cheap, but unfortunately not neutral and clean.
And then, of course, I immediately went to Nubert in Duisburg. Great advice, large selection.
The 244 convinced me immediately, because small and yet unbeatable for the price.
A small dent in the presence range can only be heard with voices, but it's nice and spacious and the tweeter is great. The bass is clean and the attenuation with switch is a good option in my room.
I bought the castors at the same time and can push the speakers into the corner during the day. My wife is delighted because they are small and discreet.
Of course, the nuvero 110 would be my dream, but I don't have enough electronics for that as I only have an inexpensive network receiver. But there will be more on the market in the future and then there will be an update in 2 years. But I will certainly remain loyal to Nubert. Now it's time to save.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Niko
Dec 26, 2017, 12:14:42 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,

I would like to take a moment to thank you for the really excellent service and the high level of goodwill. In addition to the quality of the products, this confirms that I have made the right choice and will continue to rely on Nubert in the future. Please keep up the good work!


When I set up and reconnected my NuBox 311 in my study after a somewhat lengthy renovation phase, I unfortunately noticed that one of the two speakers sounded a little musty. After a brief diagnosis, I was able to determine that the tweeter of this speaker was no longer playing.

I then contacted the hotline and had a very nice and helpful conversation with a technician. We carried out a few more tests together and were able to identify the tweeter as the most likely source of the fault.

Although the warranty period had expired about 3/4 of a year ago, I was then sent a new tweeter as a gesture of goodwill and installed it myself. After the replacement, this speaker plays perfectly again and I can enjoy music in my study again.

Thank you very much!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: HighendClaus
Dec 22, 2017, 10:27:16 AM

Dear Mr. Nubert!
I wish you and your family and of course the whole Nubert team a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018

With kind regards

HighendClaus from Hussh.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: David 09
Dec 21, 2017, 2:37:05 PM

Hello dear nubert team!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for your patience, your perseverance and your competent support. I find it unique how you "live" your service to the customer and respond to (also very individual 😉 ) wishes and make them possible!
I enjoy the nubert brand every day, it just fits!

With this in mind, I wish the entire nubert team a peaceful and peaceful Christmas after the Christmas rush, a happy new year and continued success in the new year!

All the best...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: audiofair
Dec 20, 2017, 9:20:35 PM

Hello to you Nubis,
I would like to introduce myself to you.
In 2013 I was introduced to the world of Nubis by Mr.. Domaier introduced me to the world of Nubis with a lot of patience and mega expertise.
Since then, my sound has improved a lot.
I have never been able to hear more detail and precision with such a heavenly reproduction that can really boom from any loudspeaker manufacturer in my price segment (nuVero 4).
I am now looking forward to a small expansion of my equipment.

I will contact Marc Domaier again.

Wishing you always fresh ears


Answer from the Nubert-Team

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