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Author: Attila
Oct 1, 2015, 10:15:53 AM

Hello Nubert Team

I actually wanted to buy a Sonos soundbar in April and became aware of Nubert through forums. It's amazing, this company, this many test successes, practically with every LS. Sure, you could sponsor some reports with "gifts", but so the speakers must at least be very good. The company philosophy also really appealed to me. It made me want more, so I decided to buy a full 5.1 set and sought advice in forums. It's better not to do that, then you have to read answers like "have you heard them before", "why Nubert, there are others" and much more, and still have to justify yourself. For me, the transparency of Nubert, the workmanship of the speakers compared to the other manufacturers and the use of higher quality parts were the deciding factors.

I bought 2x NuLine 264, 1x CS-174, 2x NuLine 24 and the AW-600 as a sub. I spent almost 7 times as much and saved up until August, but it was really worth it. I played Pink Floyd as FLAC and I got chicken skin on my shins, thighs, forearms and upper arms from these precise sounds. That's never happened to me before. OK, these were only the 264s in 2 channel but WOW, even in surround, a stunner. Every time I listen to music or watch movies (with Yamaha Aventage 1050) I can hear details and precision, both quiet and loud, these are the best speakers I have ever heard and I smile every time I switch on the AVR. For all those who are undecided about the bass: it is really sufficient and I am writing this as a bass lover.

NuPro AS-250
Shortly after my purchase, my brother wanted to buy a Sonos or Teufel soundbar. I advised him to buy the AS-250 and after he heard and felt my NuLines he was convinced.

Neither of us had high expectations compared to my set, but what can I say? It's a really powerful bass for its size and beats many off-the-shelf stereo systems. I was a little envious of his budget.

With every track you hear, you think WOW, that sounds good.

If you don't need a 5.1 and like it compact, you can hardly avoid the AS-250.

Thank you for your passion Nubert.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Chris (aus Bayern)
Sep 30, 2015, 12:15:43 AM

I ordered a Nubert AS 250 without listening to a sample and after 40 hours I was able to unpack it. After another two hours I came to the conclusion that I no longer needed the OVP. It's a great piece and has much more pressure than I could have imagined.

Thank you for this great all-in-one solution, I had to part with my old system with a heavy heart and now have no more reason to mourn! 😉

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Rainer K. aus Dortmund
Sep 28, 2015, 5:21:27 PM

It's time for a huge thank you to Mr. Domaier...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent service.
You helped me with patience and competence with an unusual problem of interference radiation with my 443 subwoofer. The device was not - as I initially suspected - not sufficiently interference suppressed, but was subject to very, very special conditions. With lots of good tips from Mr. Domaier, we were then able to identify (by telephone!) the source of the interference.

A thousand thanks for that... I am highly satisfied and remain a loyal customer! 😉
Great job, Mr. Domaier.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Karol M.
Sep 24, 2015, 12:53:37 PM

Hello I have never written anything in any guestbook, but my extremely positive experience with FA Nubert compels me to comment on this. First the order: customer-friendly advice, joint search for the best solution (provided you know what you want), then the "ultra-fast delivery" - the next day all my nuVero 50 with the SUB nuVero AW 12 were there. My best experience was with the hotline advice - professional recommendations, patience (I'm not a "professional") and in the end super positive and equally ultra-fast handling of the complaint - these are the characteristics of a solid, customer-friendly FA, where service is a top priority!!! I am very, very satisfied with the handling of the entire transaction. OK, that has its price, the items are not among the "cheap products", but you can really praise FA Nubert for that.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A. Peters
Sep 18, 2015, 2:42:44 PM

I've been very happy with my Nuline 34 for two years now. For "normal" music, these speakers are more than sufficient, even in the frequency range, in my opinion. But then I came across the "Tiefenträume" by Steffen Schorn, the low frequency specialist. I wanted to be able to hear and perhaps even feel frequencies below 100 Hertz - where the frequency response of the 34s slowly begins to drop - louder. Level orgies are not the goal.

Because floorstanding speakers are not to be placed in our home, the special offer of the small AW-500 end-of-life woofer came at the right time to experiment with it. The first test with connection via Y-Cinch to the subwoofer output of the amplifier was already good ? the deep dreams and some Bach from a Leipzig organ sounded more complete. The desired sound can now be worked out even better by looping between the preamp and power amplifier and the precise adjustment of the frequencies that is then possible.

Conclusion: This loudspeaker also does what it should. The deep wood now vibrates sensually, the timbres and instruments of other music are fanned out even more beautifully by the support from below. Compact loudspeakers can also be supplemented with just one subwoofer to save space and enhance the sound if the music requires it. The only downside: I can no longer recommend this fine product because it has been discontinued.

P.S. I've had a few questions for the technical department. Call-backs were promised ? and came quickly with friendly information. It's fun to talk to professionals who know and like music, musicians and, of course, their technology. The package of products and service is a reason for me to always give Nubert a chance and recommend them when good sound is needed.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: C.Böhm
Sep 10, 2015, 4:45:22 PM

Good day,
It's been a damn long time since I've written in the guestbook here, but once again I feel the need to express my thanks and praise to the NSF team.
I ordered two NuJubilee40s on Tuesday 08.09.15 and snatched them from the DHL employee today 😬
For months I've been reading with curiosity in the forum about what's being written about the new NuJu, there was talk of processing errors, hardly any bass etc. but of course there were also lots of positive things.
Today I was able to see and hear the NuJu's for myself, as I am extremely fussy and also known among friends as a perfectionist 😂 I was very curious to see what to expect.
Dear NSF dear Mr. Spiegler, I read your article where you briefly explain that the NuJu is manufactured in Poland and that with a price of 240 euros and especially white foil, certain manufacturing tolerances have to be expected and lived with.
It may be that, as is always the case in life, a product is sometimes not quite perfect, but with the NuJubilee that would be complaining at a very high level. My eagle eyes with 50x magnification could not detect the slightest flaw. Yes, for example, there are minimal fringes in the foil from cutting out the cut-out where the connection terminal is embedded, but there is no other way. And there is a gap at the transition to the sound sail, perhaps a millimeter wide, but there is no other way.
But all this has to be like this, and in my opinion it is perfectly executed craftsmanship, especially the sound sail 100% lacquered, no dust inclusions, nothing.
And the drivers are absolutely perfectly embedded in it, at this point a praise to the guys in Poland who do a great job here and contribute to the fact that the NuJu can be offered at this price.
To the development team... I take my hat off, what you have created here once again will probably go down in company history. To create such a compact loudspeaker that sounds so great and is such a pleasure to listen to and to look at because it is visually perfect is a damn great art.
Keep up the good work, dear NSF, I'm looking forward to seeing what else you come up with in the next few years, stay healthy and continue to have fun and enjoy your work, because that is transferred to your products.
Greetings from the beautiful Sauerland

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Armin
Sep 8, 2015, 7:27:29 AM

Hello Nubert Team,
I ordered the NuVero 4 on August 27th and received it on August 29th ? great!
I have been watching this speaker in the press and in other presentations for years and was shocked to learn that this speaker is being taken out of the range, for whatever reason.
After about a week of intensive listening tests in my relatively small room (5 x 3.7 m), this decision is incomprehensible to me.
I had already suspected before ordering that I would send the speakers back, but I finally wanted to find out if there was anything that could shake my Dynaudio enthusiasm.
And I have to admit, it was a big mistake to wait so long to test them, my Dynaudio Contour is now retiring, I'm totally thrilled with the NuVero 4, these speakers perform so brilliantly in every respect that you almost don't want to believe it.
Maybe the reasons for the end of life are due to the suppliers, I couldn't understand any other decisions, the speaker should easily cost twice as much, then it would still be the best in its price range. There is a gap between the NuVero 30 and 60, the NuVero 60 is not a real successor to the NuVero 4. I would keep it running, perhaps as the NuVero 40, then everything would fit again in terms of marketing.
The workmanship is beyond reproach, but perhaps the cabinet should be made to look a little more valuable, but that is purely a matter of taste, the high-gloss lacquered fronts and the mouse-grey cabinet don't really match the exceptionally strong sound image that this speaker delivers, but that really is a matter of taste.
With this in mind, many thanks for this ingenious product at this sensational price.

Greetings from the Hessian hinterland
Armin Schudt

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael Rabe
Sep 4, 2015, 6:52:18 PM

Dear Nubert Team,

As I was visiting friends of my parents only 7km away from Aalen for 2 days, it was clear that a visit to Nubert was a must today to listen to a sample and ask a few technical questions.
This worked out great, because Mr. Kropshofer was super nice and his expertise was really convincing.
Once again, many thanks for the explanation of Dolby Atmos, as well as the rehearsal? Really impressive what is still possible. (I can only recommend everyone to try it out)

Thanks for the coffee and I'll take the "Atmos speakers" with me on my next visit.



Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: D. Walter
Sep 4, 2015, 4:22:59 PM


after almost three years of using the Nubox 381 set, in the meantime upgraded from 5.1 to 7.2 and equipped with ATM modules, I decided to take advantage of the sale discount on the 2014 Nuvero series after receiving the newsletter dated 26.07.15.

Two Nuvero 14s, a Nuvero 7, two AW-12s and two Nujubilees, all in white, now arrived in my living room.

When the delivery arrived two days later, I was very impressed by the dimensions and doubted whether I had overdone it this time. Set up, connected...but what's this... There was a large defect on the left side of the body of a 14. 😟

Checked the box. It was also damaged there. So I took pictures, wrote a nice email and sent it to [email][/email].

Mr. Seidle got back to me and explained that he would be happy to exchange the 14er, but that it was sold out in the meantime.

So I decided to exchange the defective 14er for a II-Wahl 14er, which was still available, with compensation. The new II-Wahl 14er has minimal damage to the Nextel surface on the underside which, logically, is not visible when assembled.

To summarize, all's well that ends well. The sound of the set is incredible with a good setup

It was the first time I had to use Nubert customer service and, although I read a lot of good things, I was very surprised by the commitment of Ms. Kellner and Mr. Siegle in my case. I always felt that I was in good hands. Always in a good mood and very professional. Best regards at this point and keep up the good work.

Although there were the difficulties mentioned above, you will keep me as a customer

Greetings from the pot
D. Walter

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Fritz K.
Sep 1, 2015, 8:43:20 AM

Dear Mr. Nubert

Knowing that you have other things to do than read fan mail', I will nevertheless take the liberty of writing you a few lines about why I chose the nuVero 140.

My ageing KEF 203 was to make way for a worthy and better sound transducer. Actually, I had already decided on the Kxxx, I just had to listen to them.

Rather by chance, I met an employee at the ... store in St. Gallen to talk to an employee about loudspeakers. He was at the 'High-End' in Munich and was raving about a speaker called the nuVero 140. Top performance at a reasonable price.

I quickly came across your homepage, read the test results and watched various videos. I also rummaged around in 'Technik satt' and was amazed at how much knowledge, tinkering and even obsession you and your employees invest in the development of loudspeakers. I also had to make a trip to Schwäbisch Gmünd to listen to the wonder things. All this convinced me.

After a week, I had the speakers in my living room and compared them with my old ones. The difference is enormous. The 140 sounds better in every respect, more natural, fuller and more powerful. The bass is downright brutal, but fortunately there are enough options to keep it in check and adapt it to the local conditions. I don't know of any other loudspeaker that does this, it's superbly done.

Nevertheless, I had to get the Kxxx. It was clear to me that it would easily outperform the nuVero because it was more than twice the price. Even the (unfortunately not so independent) specialist magazines didn't let me doubt my prejudice.

But what I heard there was more than just astonishing. The Kxxx sounds different, more discreet and less present than the 140. I wonder whether you can make a really good speaker with such diminutive dimensions. When listening to a live Tina Turner concert with the nuVero, you're not standing in front of the stage, but on it. Eye to eye, so to speak, with this exceptional entertainer.

The 140 sounds very similar to the Bxxx. Perhaps with a little less pressure, but that suits it very well. It can also be too much of a good thing. Unfortunately, I was only able to listen to these in a hi-fi studio, but I'll allow myself a more or less objective opinion anyway. The same goes for the Dxxx. The Exxx sounds rather cozy and not so precise - to each his own.

In short, it wasn't the price difference but my own personal opinion that persuaded me to stick with the Nubert'. But there is still one fly in the ointment. Opinions may be divided on the simplicity of the design, but the speaker is clearly too high. The wives should also like it and the eye can also hear a little.

Who knows, maybe there will be a 'nuMaxima' or 'nuPrimo' one day. Then it would be great if the transducer were about 25% wider and 25% less high.

Finally, I would like to thank you and your team for the excellent loudspeaker. They don't have to hide in any way, even from speakers that are twice as expensive. It's been a long time since I've been so happy to fork out a few thousand.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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