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Author: scholz
Jun 7, 2015, 11:56:32 AM

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Nubert ❗ ❗ 😂 😂
Everything always works perfectly! If you write an e-mail or call, employees come immediately with a customer-friendly solution! ❗ 😂 :i:
I would especially like to thank the employee, Mr. Niklas Schäfer. He was a great help to me and I am always amazed at how quickly everything is resolved, whether it's an exchange or a repair! You haven't even sent the mail properly when the problem is already solved by Nubert!
For me, Nubert is a unity of: Quality, design, sound art and customer satisfaction! 😬 :i:

Best regards from Saxony, sends you Elke Scholz 😈

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Götz Solmos
Jun 5, 2015, 10:16:21 AM

I bought the nuline 284 speakers in Schwäbisch Gmünd a few days ago. I have to say that after many hours in hi-fi studios, I have never heard anything comparable. It's hard to find a floorstanding loudspeaker that reproduces high and abysmal tones with such differentiation and cleanliness. I have the feeling that I have only ever heard music from cardboard boxes.
The service is in no way inferior to the quality of the speakers: You get the opportunity to test the speakers at your leisure, without being hassled. Extremely friendly and accommodating service. 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Smajo
Jun 2, 2015, 12:11:51 PM

Hello nubert team.

First of all, a big compliment regarding the products I have purchased so far. The latest acquisition is the nuPro AS-250, a fantastic device in terms of sound and space requirements. The service and the information I received from you on the phone are also excellent. I would like to see improvements to the As-250 at this point: the remote control is very simple and I like it so far. However, the source switching buttons are very creaky and when the device wakes up from standby or is connected to the mains, it takes a very long time before it can be switched or the buttons react at all. For example, if I switch on the TV (optical in) and a USB-IN source was previously active (standby or switched off in between), it takes what feels like an eternity before the sound is available. As I no longer actually need the AV receiver, an Airplay function in the AS-250 would be very nice.

Many thanks so far.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Your comment regarding the remote control is partially understandable for us. We are aware that the remote control could have been of a higher quality. Unfortunately, this is in direct competition with the final product price. As multiple tests have repeatedly shown that such a remote control has the same service life as a perceived "high-quality" one, the advantage of the significantly more acceptable price has become clear to us.

Regarding the switch-on mimic:
In the new generation nuPros, highly complex components work together. As each of these core elements needs a certain amount of time to boot up when the nuPro is switched on, the µController takes the liberty of waiting patiently and forcefully for all the boot-up processes to be completed before it releases operation.
This benefits every user in that there are no switching or clicking noises during the switch-on phase.

Author: DB aus Merzig
May 30, 2015, 7:01:46 PM

Hello to all employees,
Mmh how do I start? I was a very satisfied music freak, i.e. stereo hi-fi listener. My system consisted of the dynavox vr 70, rotel preamplifier, project turntable and project CD player and my beloved Elac FS 58 loudspeakers. I'll say it up front, I'm now a happy, enthusiastic music-loving nubist 🙂 The many positive reports about the small nujubilee 40 made me dare to swap the big ones for the small ones. I was worried and had a bad feeling, all for nothing. The little white ones have convinced me so much and make me happy!!! Yes, white nubis can also make you happy. They sound and look phenomenal!!! Thank you and nubi got a special place🙂)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: T-Virus
May 28, 2015, 4:11:41 PM

Dear Nubert Team,

The Nupro 100 and AW-600 I ordered online on Sunday were dispatched in a flash - thank you.
Expectations were high after the unreservedly positive reviews in some magazines - to cut a long story short: I was not disappointed.

Even my wife was impressed by the clear music playback on the PC (HiRes and 320 mp3's). The fact that the speakers also look stylish in white added to the satisfaction (especially for her).

I wouldn't recommend the larger model for the desk - even the 100s take up space.

The AW-600 I chose provides more than adequate support. Compared to the Logitech Cinema, there is now bass...

Thanks to the presets, different settings for music and games are possible (and useful).

Simple operation, very good workmanship, convincing neutral sound - the only point of criticism: it would be nice if all displays could be switched off completely.

Yours sincerely and with unreserved recommendation

PS: the 1500 AW has also been working faithfully and well in the living room for years

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Patterson,

Thank you for your praise.

Regarding your point of criticism:
The displays of the A-100 can be switched off completely (using the menu function). Then only a small blue dot remains in the AW-600 display, which you can easily "mask off".

Your Nubert team

May 28, 2015, 11:23:24 AM

The Gast & Dancehaus zum Zottel says thank you

1 Super prices

2 Super advice

3 Super fast delivery

Thanks again any time again

With kind regards


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Oliver Fröhlich
May 21, 2015, 9:16:30 PM

Hello to all the Nubert team,

I would like to thank you for the excellent consultation in your Aalen hearing studio. Mr. Schneider gave me the best advice and responded to my individual needs. He picked me up right where I was. I couldn't imagine a better consultation.
I didn't even know Nubert until two months ago, and it was only after a wild search on the Internet for good German loudspeakers that I became aware of Nubert. The extremely good and informative website made me so curious that I combined a business event in Aalen with a visit to Nubert. I spent three hours listening through the product range. I would have loved to take my first selection home with me immediately. My choice fell on the Nuline 84. This was the speaker that best reflected my taste in music. As I still have to convince my wife and fill the Sp*****wein, I'm putting off the purchase for a while. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to listen to the new Nuvero 60 that day, so perhaps I would have changed my choice. If I'm in the area again in the next few weeks, I'll take another look. My curiosity about the Nuvero 60 has now been aroused even more. Congratulations on your honest speakers and advice.

Best regards

from the Westerwald Oliver Fröhlich

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Juergen G.
May 20, 2015, 9:14:18 AM

nuVero 140

Switching from nuVero14 to nuVero140 has paid off. The high/mid range seems much more transparent and fresher to me. Not to mention the bass range.
What comes out when using a Musical Fidelity M6 500i even at room volume is simply terrific. So the question of loudspeakers is solved again for the next few years. An absolute dream ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗

Absolute recommendation, many thanks to the Nubert team!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hartmut Wenzel
May 18, 2015, 6:07:43 PM

Many thanks for the wonderful Nuline34.
These are the best speakers I've ever had and you won't get them from me again.

Thank you and good luck

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Alexander G.
May 16, 2015, 11:00:37 AM

I was lucky enough to win the Nubert competition and was sent the complete Nu Box Set 683.
I already had Nubert speakers before, but the 483. I was always impressed with these "small speakers" and was totally satisfied with them.
Now that I have the big set at home, I'm really speechless!
The performance of this system is almost unbelievable.
I can only recommend these speakers and I am completely thrilled.
I would like to thank the Nubert team once again and now I can continue to enjoy my 5.2 NuBox set.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Congratulations again on your win. We are delighted that you are enjoying it.

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