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Author: A. Koch
May 16, 2015, 6:35:25 AM

WOW! What a performance. I heard the new NuVero 60 at the trade fair yesterday and I'm really impressed! But not only that, but also all the other products on show.
A very successful trade fair appearance. Congratulations.
I am now pondering whether the NuVero 60 might be of interest to me. I was actually planning to use the NuLine 284 as my main loudspeaker.
Let's see ...

Best regards

A. Cook

PS: I was the one with the yellow T-shirt :-)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christoph
May 12, 2015, 1:19:09 PM

I've been the proud owner of a pair of Nubox 381s for two years now. Unfortunately, my student accommodation is an acoustic nightmare in the form of a shoebox with lots of exposed roughcast on plasterboard in all three degrees of freedom. The Nuboxes are doing well, but it is far from possible to exploit their full potential.
At the last barbecue weekend, the desire for music was expressed. For lack of a decent portable device, I decided to set up the amplifier and the Nuberts outside at a distance of 10-15m from our barbecue.
What can I say? I was blown away. No, not just me, who knows them from normal indoor use - all the guests were simply speechless. I have never heard such a powerful sound, clear highs, balanced mids and especially this crisp, deep bass in most clubs or open-air parties.
No booming due to room modes, no rattling reverberation.
I think I'll only listen to my Nuberts outdoors from now on. At least there they can show what they can do!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: AON ein Schweizer
May 12, 2015, 10:30:56 AM

Nubert nuLine AW-1300 DSP
The commitment of the Nubert team is remarkable - they're not employees, they're fans, it has to be said!
It all started with a veneer not available in the range! No, we don't have it as standard, but we might still have an exhibition model - and it was mine! 🙂
About the sound: If you love to hear bass not as a barely audible leg note, but also like to fill the room with it even at low volumes and not only hear the bass, but also like to feel it, then the Nubert subwoofers are the right choice!
Perfectly adjustable with DSP, the nuLine AW-1300 does a great job, making listening to music a new experience. The combination with the Cambridge Audio Azur 851 amplifier and preamplifier output and the Cambridge Audio Azur 752BD, which also reproduces mediocre CD material dazzlingly and without difficulty, has also proved its worth.

Thank you dear Nubert team for your commitment, your passion for music and good sound is infectious. Gladly again! 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: E,der Sauerländer
May 6, 2015, 6:06:17 PM


It's a pity that the fan community is not best and most readily informed by the manufacturer itself.

In the trade magazine "Audiovision", issue 05/2015, you can see the first pictures with excerpts of the new NuVeros.

The information on the new colors is: "crystal white, diamond black and golden brown". The midrange driver appears to have a flat cone.

Greetings from the Sauerland

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We think that we will do our best to provide information to the fan community in the nuForum. We will inform you about all new products via nu's Letter in good time for the trade fair. Unfortunately, we have no control over the fact that some editors report on our new products earlier than we would like.

Author: Reinhard Reim
May 1, 2015, 5:22:09 PM

Dear Nubert team,

You have given yourself and your customers a wonderful anniversary present: the nuJubilee40!

I did something that you really shouldn't do: I ordered these speakers from you without having heard them, based solely on the consistently positive, and in some cases exuberant, test reports on the Internet. However, as you grant a 30-day right of return, I thought the risk was low. To say it straight away: I won't be giving my Nuberts back!

They were ordered and delivered quickly. My request for a suitable mounting plate for the very nice BS-752 speaker stands was also met without any problems for a small fee. First-class service!

So now I have a very high-quality and compact pair of speakers at my home recording workstation, which I use intensively every day just to listen to music. Before enjoying the music, however, I gave myself and the speakers time to prepare everything first. The speakers are powered by an integrated amplifier with 2x60W RMS at 4 ohms, which is more than sufficient for my purposes (Pioneer A-207R). Digital sources are fed in via the Fostex HP-A3 DAC, which also serves as my headphone amplifier.

Then I simply let music of all possible styles loose on the speakers at random. Sometimes louder, sometimes quieter, sometimes classical, sometimes electronic, sometimes jazz, sometimes metal. Whatever I listen to, just to get the speakers used to me. Then I set up the optimum placement as near-field monitors: Distance between the speakers 1.20 m, distance to the listening position also approx. 1.20 m. Thanks to the 75 cm high speaker stands, the tweeters are exactly at listening height. I then angled the speakers approx. 20° towards the listening position. The result of this adjustment: a large "sweet spot" so that you can move your head without destroying the sound image.

But now to the most important thing: the sound. First, I listened to Stravinsky's "Le Sacre du Printemps" in a DG recording by Claudio Abbado with the London Symphony Orchestra. It's very close to the sound of a live concert! I am impressed by both the uncolored sound and the good localization of the instruments. The wide stage has a first-class effect together with the very considerable volume dynamics of the work. The smallest nuances become audible, for example in the playing noises of the bassoon at the very beginning, and when it really "thunders" in the last movement, the speakers simply go along with it completely unimpressed.

My second listening example: J. S. Bach, Toccata and Fugue in D minor BWV 565, also in a DG recording, played by Karl Richter. Such a radiant, authentic sound can probably only be experienced directly at the organ console.

But how do the "little things" fare with the bass? I simply tried Depeche Mode with "Angel" from their album "Delta Machine". My first impulse was to look under the table for a subwoofer, but there wasn't one... First-class, crisp, precise synth bass!

And I could go on and on - my last session lasted eight hours without any signs of fatigue. How do you do it at this price?

Yours sincerely
Reinhard Reim

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Achim K.
May 1, 2015, 1:51:31 PM


Outstanding! More transparent, more detailed & bass-fuller than the - already good - nuBox 313. With the Jubilee40 there is no desire to use the "Brilliant" position. Also suitable as a shelf speaker, at least at a distance of approx. 10 cm from the wall and moderate volume levels.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael
Apr 30, 2015, 3:47:03 PM

I've been using them for a good 4 months now: the NuLine 24. I wanted to install better-sounding speakers in the bedroom for the existing "Yamaha-Pianocraft 840" micro system with its standard (relatively good) speakers. The room is 18 square meters, the speakers are about 2.50 m apart. My listening habits: Mainly classical music, in particular: Acapella music, organ, oratorios, masses, early music (de Victoria, Palaestrina) symphonies. But also: radio plays, jazz, pop, rock. What matters to me when listening is linearity, purity of sound, richness of detail, precise localization and the representation of a "wide stage". The many positive test results for Nubert products and the outstandingly positive response from many users finally persuaded me to buy the "Nuberts" after years of waiting. After a good 4 months of use, I can, indeed must, report that these speakers have far exceeded my wildest expectations. The sound that comes out of these speakers is unbelievable. Even in retrospect, I have to say that I could never have imagined this sound performance. Every day I am amazed that such small speakers can deliver such a brilliant performance. If you close your eyes, you think you have much larger speakers in front of you. The sound is very pure, there is no hiss. In view of the "size" of these speakers, the level stability and bass foundation leave me speechless. A large, wide stage builds up in front of my ears. Voices and instruments can be located precisely. A powerful orchestra does not overwhelm the speakers, nor does an organ concerto in tutti. Solo vocals and solo instruments are reproduced faithfully and in great detail. The sound of a harp gives you goose bumps. I listen to my CD collection as if it were "new" and am amazed at what I can now hear. It's exactly as the manufacturer says: "You can hear details that you've never heard before". In the meantime, I have been able to win over new Nubert customers, all of whom were speechless after a listening test at my home. And, they are a musically and aurally educated audience. I have now heard "shaking heads" and the comment "unbelievable" more than once. And, what pleases me: my hearing doesn't get tired, even after 4 months of intensive use nothing has "relativized". Prolonged listening does not lead to a tiring perception that causes boredom and habituation. These speakers are something very special. When you listen to them, you think you are listening to much larger speakers and I realize how much development work has gone into them in my home. In view of the small dimensions, the loudspeakers play really big and I think of the "squaring of the circle". I would also like to mention very positively that the contact with the hotline in the run-up to the purchase was friendly, competent and inspiring. I could have been recommended the next larger model, but I wasn't. On the contrary: I was advised that the small speakers would be the better and sufficient choice for the characteristics of the existing room I had described. I was not impressed. They didn't want to sell me something for fiscal reasons, they really wanted to win a satisfied customer... I must also report that my more than two years of contact with specialist dealers ("What speakers should I buy?") were very sobering. They almost always grimaced at the mention of the name "Nubert" and in one case even tried to dismiss the speakers as "fast food". Today, after many daily sound experiences, I realize that specialist retailers have the greatest difficulty in being able to advertise a comparable product (price-performance ratio). Nubert's direct sales are worth emphasizing at this point. Many music lovers, especially those with a small budget, are able to purchase high-quality products at a fair and affordable price. These speakers are "good value" in the truest sense of the word. I am now considering replacing my old hi-fi system in the living room and opting for a solution with Nubert active speakers. Friends of mine have ordered these for their living room on my recommendation and are delighted. I've had the chance to listen to them and have to say that they really are exceptional (NuPro 200). My small speakers play really big. By the way: I had previously connected a subwoofer to provide a (not exaggerated) foundation for the sound. Organ music without a rich bass foundation is too narrow/weak. I gave the subwoofer little Nubis don't need that kind of support. I wouldn't have believed anyone who told me that beforehand. Conclusion: Small, fine - big, really big! Unreservedly recommended!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

What GREAT praise for our SMALL compact speaker! Thank you very much for this detailed review! We are very pleased that we were able to inspire you with our compact sound wonder.

Author: Nordlicht
Apr 29, 2015, 8:56:17 AM

Hello Nubert team,

I received my long-awaited Nuvero 14 yesterday. I would like to take this opportunity to praise you for the care with which you ship your goods. When I unpacked the speakers, I was absolutely thrilled - I've never experienced anything like it. And the fact that you also included gloves to protect the speakers is really worthy of praise.

Many thanks for that and keep up the good work. Oh yes, the speakers really do sound fantastic. At first I was skeptical as to whether such a relatively inexpensive speaker would really sound that good. But I was proved wrong. I am really impressed by the neutrality and the pin-sharp spatiality right up to higher levels. The speaker is absolutely unobtrusive even after turning the amplifier to the right.

My recommendation within my circle of friends for Nubert is certain!

Best regards from the north!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heinz-Wilhelm
Apr 26, 2015, 1:52:28 PM

Yesterday I went to the listening studio in Duisburg to listen to the new Nuvero 110 .
It sounds very direct , is close to the action , everything is sharply defined and very accurate .
It will probably be another success story. The price is more than justified for the value.
In direct comparison, the current NV 11 plays more restrained and softer overall.
Whoever chooses the current NV 11 is not making a mistake, because in my opinion you can listen to it for an ultra-long time.
After listening to the speakers I fell into the nuPro AS-250 trap.
I thought someone was listening to a music video with the support of the NV 14 and AW 17 .
Wrong thought , only the nuPro AS-250 was playing .
I'm probably not the only one this happens to .
Maybe it's because Nubert speakers sound so balanced that you can't immediately tell which speaker is playing without a direct comparison.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sch...aus 12103 Bln.
Apr 26, 2015, 9:05:26 AM

To the NSF,
Dear Nubert team, I received a call from you,
with an offer I could not refuse. ❗
Thursday shipped & Saturday 16:00 he was there dream center
Nuvero "Clasick" 7 in " B " True.
Flawless condition, except for minimal 😱 damage to the sound sail
sound sail, which I can no longer see from half a meter.

Have I ever returned an order, NO
not even this one.

Now I have already ordered several centers except for nubox.
These included Nuline CS 42 / CS 44 / CS 174.

If you don't want to hear, you have to feel.....
because your employees always talked about the "homogeneous" sound,
which in combination with the Novero 11 ( Clasick) always did not really
but now :?:

DOCH ❗ , yesterday of course immediately connected and already without Yopo
Calibration program fantastic. we are calibrating, because everything always takes three quarters of an hour.
always takes three quarters of an hour.

I know " He " will stay


Answer from the Nubert-Team

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