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Author: Franz-Josef Nett
Mar 22, 2022, 2:18:31 PM

After extensive consultation in the forum and with Lothar Schneider, I decided on the NuLine34 as the successor to my NuBox380.
And unbelievable: ordered on Monday, arrived on Tuesday, unpacked and overjoyed! I was already spoiled by the NuBox380, but what these smaller NuLine34s achieve is outstanding, even deeper, dry bass, differentiated tones, resolution, a dream for me as a classical music fan!
Thanks to everyone, Nubert for ever!!!!

Franz-Josef Nett

Author: Mibo
Mar 12, 2022, 11:44:12 AM

Hello, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nubert for their great products and outstanding service. Some time ago I ordered a bargain (B-goods) online. There was an overlap so that the goods were sold twice. The problem was solved in the blink of an eye in a phone call by simply sending another bargain. No big fuss made about it! Very outstanding! Can only recommend the company to everyone!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gerald Hirmer
Mar 2, 2022, 1:37:38 PM


I ordered a Marantz sr 6015 on January 10th and it was delivered the very next day.

That's what I call service.

Any time again

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Wolfgang A.
Feb 19, 2022, 11:25:43 AM

Hello Nubert Team,
Thank you very much for the exemplary super service!
I'm still enthusiastic about your convincing products years later and keep looking for new ones.
Maybe I'll buy again...
Greetings, keep up the good work...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Johann
Feb 14, 2022, 1:49:01 PM

Swabian perfection. Delivery within 2 days. Well packaged, clear and brief operating instructions, no frills. Sound as hoped for, only more voluminous and precise, easily adaptable to the room, voice plus is an asset, especially with actors mumbling in Swabian or politicians chattering in Baden. I am completely satisfied.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Heinz-Wilhelm Eissing
Feb 13, 2022, 8:21:00 AM

I received the nuboxx as 425max last week. As always exemplary packaging. I couldn't wait, dismantled the as250 and connected the as425 and put it into operation, even though it was still ice cold.
The first sound impression was not so intoxicating. Somehow too sober, bland, sterile.
The next day it sounded completely different.
Voices sounded warmer, a real low-frequency foundation with contour, which is amazing with the small drivers. Voice+ was the reason why the as250 was replaced, because my mother has poor hearing. A considerable improvement for her. I like the sound with deactivated effects best. That's why I still really like the sound of the as250, which I was able to make a colleague at work happy with.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mike
Feb 5, 2022, 4:01:32 PM

Hello nubert team,

I received my "nuPro AS3500" order today, and of course I connected it straight away. I have to say, simply great. I previously had a Teufel "Cinebar THX 52" and I have to say nubert surpasses it by far in terms of sound quality, but Teufel is ahead with the connection options.
But I'm still very enthusiastic about "nubert" and don't regret the purchase at all.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: BS
Jan 30, 2022, 2:04:33 PM

Hello everyone,

We are using the Nubert nuBox A-125 and are very happy with it. We recently bought a Deebot Pro U2 vacuum robot and discovered by chance that the Nubert nuBox A-125 remote control can switch the vacuum robot on and off with the volume up button. The Nubert remote control probably works on the same frequency. It's fun when you watch Netflix, adjust the volume and hear the Deebot "Starting cleaning" at the same time, as long as the sound is right and the floor is clean.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Maybe they don't clean as nicely, but we are sure that the nuBox A-125 sound better than the vacuum robot!

Author: thorsten
Jan 20, 2022, 11:25:37 AM

Dear Nubert Team,

I have already written a sales review. Nevertheless, I don't want to miss the opportunity to write a few lines here in the guestbook. Essentially, I am writing here exactly what I wrote in the sales review.

After quite a long odyssey, I have finally arrived. It started with a soundbar from another supplier, which was pretty decent. But I was never really satisfied. Then I got an XW-700, which unfortunately boomed in our room, which I just couldn't get under control.

I then ordered the Nuline 34 with a CS-64 and was very impressed, better, much better, especially without booming with a rich bass.
The sound that comes out of these comparatively small parts is phenomenal.

Unfortunately, I'm quite a perfectionist and I wanted it to be really good, so after another conversation with customer service I ordered the Nuline 264 + the CS174.

Now you can really hear every crackle and pop. The bass is perfect for our room and, above all, there is still no boominess.

And again, my perfectionism left me no peace and I phoned the
with the customer service department because I wanted to test the Nuline 284 - as we all know, things can always be better, especially for perfectionists.

However, they advised me against it because of the room size, as I would then have problems with room modes again, which I really wanted to avoid.

Nubert couldn't really care less, after all it's all about money. But it's not and that's exactly what I really appreciate about the company. They don't try to talk the customer into something just to make a margin, but they also put the brakes on if it gets too much and the customer gets carried away. That's exactly what I mean by good advice.

Great, where else can you get that today? In the end, that was exactly the right decision. I'm sticking with the Nuline 264 and the CS-174. Maybe I'll upgrade with two rears at some point, we'll see.

I sent the Nuline 34 and the CS-64 back. Two days later I received the message that the credit note was on its way. It doesn't get any better than that.

All in all, I am more than satisfied and will definitely stay with Nubert!

From the advice to the shipping to the refund, I give them a full 10/10 points.

A user from OWL (NRW)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Holger
Jan 17, 2022, 4:40:49 PM

Dear Nubert team,
I would like to praise your employees. I had contact with Ms. Preuschen, whom I would like to mention on behalf of the colleagues.
Always very patient, very helpful, very competent, even if hi-fi experts don't always call and sometimes certainly come up with \"trivial questions\" ....

Even during the telephone greeting by the robot, an \"honest consultation \" is offered when pressing button 2. I find that extremely successful.

Keep up the good work !!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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