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Author: Thomas Hondrich
Feb 22, 2013, 6:08:14 PM

...on the subject of the nuVero 14....
I cannot confirm the criticism of the nuVero's tweeter.
The tweeters in my nuVeros work first class.

If I'm not satisfied with a product, I don't buy it.
The Nubert company gives you plenty of opportunity to try it out.
If I only realize after the 30 days that my hearing is offended, I may have done something wrong. I also don't think it's very appropriate to use (or not) a service (test listening) that is offered and then insult the company..." sub-standard loudspeaker".
I am aware that everyone is allowed to express their opinion. So please allow me to do so.

With best regards
Thomas Hondrich

Just called Wolfsburg. I suggested that they reconsider the engine tuning of the last model and the colors offered.

😂 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: R aus Z
Feb 22, 2013, 4:46:45 PM


Well, after almost three years of music experience with the 5.1 Nubox Set
(2x NuBox 511, 1x NuBox CS-411, 1x NuBox AW-441 and 2x NuBox DS-301)
I decided to replace the two NuBox 511s with higher quality speakers.
The NuLine284, Nuvero10 and Nuvero11 were shortlisted. After a few listening tests in the listening studio in Aalen, I decided on the Nuline284 as it simply sounded the best for my requirements.

However, when I connected the speakers at home, they didn't sound as good as they did in the listening studio, which must be due to the room conditions.
Nevertheless, I am not completely satisfied with the speakers. In my opinion, a proud additional price of approx. 1200? compared to the NuBox 511 is simply not justified.
In my opinion, the Nuline 284 only has a positive effect at low volumes, as it simply performs better in the lower bass range.
I simply expected more from the speaker in the high and mid-range.
All in all, I will still keep the Nuline284, but it certainly doesn't come close to the price-performance ratio of the NuBox511.

I also have a small criticism to make about the service. I've bought a lot of Nubert products over the last few years and spent quite a lot of money on them. I don't want to say that the products aren't worth the money, but if you buy a pair of Nuline284s for 1950? for example, and then don't even get 10 meters of speaker cable when you ask for it, then I don't think that's good.

Mfg R from Z

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. "R from Z",

The nuLine 284 is the best sounding loudspeaker we can build in this quality of workmanship - and made in Germany - for a price of less than 1000? per unit.
The much larger nuBox 681 costs about half the price of the 284, which - as with the 511 - was made possible by the foiled cabinet manufactured in Eastern Europe and the less complex chassis technology.
It was incredibly difficult to prepare the 284 with such delicate cabinet dimensions and only 65 liters of gross volume for the
extreme bass response (33 Hz /-3 dB) and at the same time very high bass precision.
For comparison: the nuBox 511 with a gross volume of 51 liters has a lower frequency limit of 55 Hz /-3dB, the nuBox 681 with a volume of 96 liters 44 Hz.

Yours sincerely,
Günther Nubert

Author: E. Olejnik
Feb 22, 2013, 9:26:53 AM

You wrote:
Dear Mr. Olejnik!
We are pleased about your partial praise and respect your opinion about the performance of your nuVero 14 (in your listening room), even if we do not find the drastically formulated criticism of the developers of this speaker appropriate.
The fact is that many experts and a large number of nuVero 14 owners were and are completely enthusiastic about this loudspeaker.
Of course, there are buyers who were not happy with these speakers and therefore returned them. Sometimes it was the bass range, sometimes the mid-range and sometimes the treble range that was complained about? And what's more, (listening) tastes are different?
However, it is not uncommon for the individual support of such customers to reveal that the room acoustics played a very large part in the negative sound perception and it was often possible to achieve significantly more or complete satisfaction through targeted measures to optimize the room.
Perhaps the use of an ATM module with the "sound balance" would also be advisable in your particular case. Please speak to our consultants on the hotline.
(In accordance with our guidelines for guestbook entries, we exclude statements with an advertising background).

My answer to this:
I did not mean to attack anyone personally. If this has been taken as such, I apologize. Just a suggestion, because in a live concert, if it is not an operetta, it is best to recognize which sounds can be heard there. As far as the listening room is concerned, I also tested other loudspeakers there, including the loudspeaker you mentioned. This was very broadband in the treble range, as were all the others, which is NOT the case with the NuVero 14! Once again, the NuVero 14 can do something, even in the treble range, just not what you (as a musician) would expect from such a speaker. I just wanted to make suggestions to improve your product, because anyone who reads through the web will quickly realize that the tweeter of the 14 is a negative feature for many! And I just wanted to make this known! Oh, and the ATM module is there, but that doesn't really help to put the tweeter in a better light.

Honestly, I can't understand how you can praise such a tweeter that doesn't develop any bandwidth but works excellently in the aggressive range!!! It also plays too much in the background. Moved slightly to the front it would work better, because a loudspeaker thrives on diversity and unfortunately this is not the case with the NuVero 14 in this area! A little less of one and a little more of the other and the tweeter would be perfect. But apparently it is not intended to reproduce sounds that are pressed onto a CD! Why is that?
Here are some examples:
Pink Floyd ? Wish you were Here (no to barely audible high hats)
Marillion ? Clutching At Strwas complete CD (hardly any to no high hats)
I could go on and on!

Oh, and some of what the trade press writes is not credible. A lot of things are also talked up because otherwise they won't get any more LS to test.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Once again, we respect your opinion, but we will not change the tuning of the nuVero 14 or replace the successful tweeter of the nuVero series.

Author: Peter Wüthrich
Feb 22, 2013, 7:23:35 AM

Great products and sensational service. Even the cross-border replacement goes like lightning! I had prepared myself for a tedious problem solution - but far from it: A short phone call with competent contacts and 2 days later a replacement is on the doorstep. Many thanks to everyone involved!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: E. Olejnik
Feb 21, 2013, 8:16:32 PM

2 Year report on the Nubert NuVero 14

NuVero 14 with its slim housing, I have it in mocha, is quite something. If you can do without the sound sail, you get even more out of the look. The front with the drivers looks simply brilliant. The body looks less so, but still good.

The sound
The bass and mid-range of the NuVero 14 are reference quality, there's nothing the NuVero 14 can't do. Even higher levels are no problem for the NuVero 14. However, the treble range leaves a lot to be desired. Much too aggressive, even swallows sounds or doesn't play them at all! Is that honest? I say no. A tweeter must develop a bandwidth that covers everything, it MUST also be able to reproduce the lovely, soft, clear high tones, but it can't and that makes the NuVero 14 a sub-standard speaker. If one component is not convincing, the whole sound suffers and this is the case here. Before the narrow excuses of "the tweeter shouldn't be intrusive" come up again, it's true, but it should reproduce what was pressed onto the audio CD and not suppress it. This tweeter is too tiring, you can't enjoy listening to music in a relaxed manner, because you're always afraid that the tweeter won't play something, well, and it usually does.

With the NuVero 14, a lot of attention was paid to the bass and mid-range, but the tweeter range was completely wrongly designed, so that the NuVero 14 does not play many high tones at all! Even the funny switches and controls would be more appropriate as they make it easier to fine-tune the sound. What a pity, the designer has completely misjudged a great loudspeaker. The ........ has better treble and is also cheaper to buy than the NuVero 14. Unfortunately, it is not as level stable as the Nubert. So it's time to make improvements or send the inventor to a live concert so that he can hear how music should sound - indeed must sound. Or even bring out an update that replaces these tweeters because the rest is really phenomenal.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Olejnik!
We appreciate your partial praise and respect your opinion of the performance of your nuVero 14 (in your listening room), even if we do not find the drastically formulated criticism of the developers of this speaker appropriate.
The fact is that many experts and a large number of nuVero 14 owners were and are completely enthusiastic about this speaker.
Of course, there are buyers who were unable to make friends with these loudspeakers and therefore returned them. Sometimes it was the bass range, sometimes the mid-range and sometimes the treble range that was complained about? And what's more, (listening) tastes are different?
However, it is not uncommon for the individual support of such customers to reveal that the room acoustics played a very large part in the negative sound perception and it was often possible to achieve significantly more or complete satisfaction through targeted measures to optimize the room.
Perhaps the use of an ATM module with the "sound balance" would also be advisable in your particular case. Please speak to our consultants on the hotline.
(In accordance with our guidelines for guestbook entries, we exclude statements with an advertising background).

Author: Thomas Wolf
Feb 21, 2013, 12:47:01 PM

Thanks to Nubert and Mr. Dsida for a quick and uncomplicated exchange of a nuPro A-20. I called yesterday and received the exchange box today. Service that is second to none! As I now own 9 Nubert speakers, plus an ATM module, I know the quality that is delivered here. High praise and always Nubert and no ...!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you very much for your praise. Please understand that we have replaced the name at the end with dots.

Author: Tom
Feb 20, 2013, 12:47:12 AM

simply brilliant...

So today I also feel obliged to write how thrilled I am.

I've had the 284 speakers for about 2 weeks and the CS174 as a center speaker, which I was already very pleased with, especially the dynamics and playfulness of these speakers.

But since I'm quite a bass lover, I also ordered the aw1100 last week and got it delivered today... Now I've been sitting here for 6 hours with a grin on my face because it just sounds brilliant, what a powerful bass this sub has.

I'm finally super happy with my surround set, what a sound and how great it looks in white!!!

Thank you Nubert,
my already great enjoyment of music has become even greater.

ps. It's great that you have such good packaging because ups doesn't handle the parts very well (at least for me)... There was a hole in the packaging of both the 174 and the 1100 and a lot of damage. Fortunately there was nothing on the speakers, thanks to the good packaging.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Christian
Feb 18, 2013, 8:35:16 AM

Two weeks ago I bought an AW-600 to round off my 5.1 system. After two days of delivery, I had the feeling of Christmas in February when I unpacked the really excellent packaging. The workmanship and feel of the sub are excellent.

After two weeks of testing with different setups and settings as well as with music and movies, I found the optimum configuration. In stereo mode, the bass supports my front speakers (KEF IQ7) and in home theater mode, it's really fun to watch movies (Gladiator, Lord of the Rings, etc.).

However, my desires are now aroused. Two Nuline 284s and a new center should complete the switch, as the rear speakers are already there with two DS22s.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Amadeus
Feb 17, 2013, 6:33:59 PM

After 2 years of enthusiasm with the Nubox 511, we decided to "upgrade" to the Nuvero 11 about 2 months ago. The speakers were delivered in just 2 days and were waiting to be compared with the already excellent 511s. So I immediately unpacked the speakers and connected them up.
I was quite surprised to find that the differences between the 511 (with ATM) and the Nuvero 11 (without ATM) were not so dramatic at first. Of course, the mids were once again much more concise, the highs somewhat cleaner and the bass range more balanced. But there was initially no trace of the "abysmal" bass. So instead of the Sony Dolby surround receiver, I connected a relatively powerful T+A amplifier (PA 1500R) and set up the speakers in the living room (relatively close to the wall).
Now the bass was there, but the sound "stuck" to the speakers and there was a lack of transparency. After moving the speakers away from the rear wall (and the side walls), the sound suddenly changed completely: the speakers now played with a sovereignty and cleanliness that was hardly noticeable before. However, in the original position - free-standing near the dining area - and with the somewhat weak Dolby surround receiver, the sound was again quite flat. So it was clear that a new amplifier was needed (yes, the follow-up costs...). The old one is quite OK for the 511, but the Nuvero require considerably more power and reserves for the impulses and mercilessly reveal any weakness in the amplifier. I would hardly have thought this possible before.
A phone call with the very friendly and helpful Mr. Härter at Nubert resulted in some good recommendations. After further research and test listening in a hi-fi studio (with sinfully expensive speakers from another manufacturer), the decision was made in favor of the Cambridge Audio 851A, which Mr. Härter named as one of the favorites.
When the amplifier was delivered, we could hardly believe our ears: suddenly the vocals were absolutely clean, the treble crystal clear and the bass deep and accentuated. Even with large orchestras and complex music, the individual instruments are now clearly differentiated and always remain clean, even at relatively high volumes. Low voices, such as on Johnny Cash / American Recordings, are now simply incredible. The same applies to high female voices, be it Joan Baez or Joan Sutherland from the opera world. So far, we haven't found any music that has pushed this combination to its limits.
Our conclusion: The Nuvero 11 are incredibly clean and dynamic speakers that make listening to music an experience every time, but they require a very good amplifier and should also be positioned relatively freely in the room. For us, the Nuvero 11 in combination with the Cambridge Audio 851A amplifier is a dream combination that we can only warmly recommend. Whether reference class or top class: simply world class for us. Thank you and best regards to the brilliant loudspeaker builders and competent advisors at Nubert!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mathias
Feb 17, 2013, 1:23:17 AM

I returned my nubox 481 today ... and after a long comparison, I decided on the nubox 511 - for me personally, the 481s had too little midrange - which led to frequency gaps in some pieces of music. The exchange was sensationally problem-free - despite the missing boxes (both thumbs up and a thank you to nubert for this) - once I got home, my gut feeling was confirmed that I had made the right decision - what would you have paid for this sound quality and value of these speakers a few years ago? - The nubox 511 is an absolute recommendation to buy that is simply fun !!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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