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Author: Jansen
Mar 4, 2013, 10:15:24 PM

I bought a nubert nuBox AW-850 a week ago. Thank you nubert for this brilliant subwoofer! It finally makes listening to music and watching movies really fun!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Jansen,
Information about the AW-850 is difficult to find on our web page (only in the "downloads" / "manuals" section).
So here are a few facts about this subwoofer for our guestbook readers:
The AW-850 was available from October 1999 and had some sensational test results in various specialist magazines in 2000.
In 2001 our nuBox series was given a new design. With this new look, but technically identical, it was then renamed the AW-880 and replaced by the AW-991 in 2006.

Your Nubert team

Author: Thomas Timmich
Mar 4, 2013, 2:30:39 PM

Owner of 381, 411 and DS301 in black/black for 4 weeks.....
Sure - satisfied and for THE price incredible....grad the pressure from the 381er.....Subwoofer runs eigtl only with movie.
But I already know that the switch to Nuline will definitely happen in a year :-)
I really want and have to emphasize the service of the company. Customer friendliness seems to have top priority. Never experienced it like this before.
Can only be described as WORLD CLASS !!!!!!!!!!
Always an open ear and everything - including exchanges - runs smoothly and without complications.
The right way to find and keep customers.
Thank you and greetings from Berlin,

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Uwe Schulz
Mar 4, 2013, 7:32:52 AM

I particularly like the great sound together with my old Harman/Kardon AVR 25II. The design of the black speakers I chose is also very nice. (nuBox 511) I'm already looking forward to my new Yamaha R-S700 + ATM module. I can probably expect a lot more sound improvement.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Franzl
Mar 2, 2013, 6:30:55 PM

Feedback on NuVero 14 with ATM module

Dear Nubert team,

Everything has already been said about the service and sound of the speakers and I can only agree with the numerous praises.

However, I would like to make one point for improvement and that concerns the ATM module:

I would like to see a shielded power cable used in future developments and the phase marked on the plug.

In my experience (in an apartment building), the power supply offers unimagined potential for improvement.

Otherwise, keep up the good work and best regards from Tamm!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: HP Plöckl
Mar 1, 2013, 10:10:43 PM

Nubox 511, AW-441, ATM 511

I am really enthusiastic. After a few satisfied years with the Nubox 310, which were supplemented some time later with the AW 441, I felt the need for something more. (I mainly listen to music in stereo, not much to movies)

In our new apartment, I couldn't manage to get a full, room-filling sound with them, so I needed floorstanding speakers. I decided on the Nubox 511.

The result was okay, the speakers are undoubtedly very good. However, I was still not completely happy, somehow it still didn't sound as I had hoped. Something was still missing. At first I wondered whether my NAD 325 BEE wasn't powerful enough for the 511s, but various searches consistently said that the power should be sufficient.

What to do? I decided to test the ATM 511. But how to connect it? I wanted to keep the sub, which is looped in between the preamplifier and the power amplifier. So there was no connection option left?

A call to the hotline (very competent and friendly help) solved the problem: I should connect the ATM and the sub in parallel with 4 Y-cables, that was the best way and would give the best result.

Well - today the ATM module including 4 Y-cables arrived and I did as I was told.

The result is more than just impressive - it's almost unbelievable! A difference like night and day. I tested with the sub alone, with the ATM alone and with both combined - the ATM (linear position) combined with the sub, set to the lowest possible crossover frequency and moderate volume, produced the best result by far. This way, the AW-441 only plays the really low passages in such a way that you don't feel the transition. No more booming, just wonderful, clear, deep bass.

The ATM sounds as if a veil has been drawn in front of the speakers. They sound much clearer and more transparent in the treble and mid-range. There is simply more music, more live atmosphere, more kick when listening, you have the feeling of being there live at the recording.

When listening quietly (which I often have to do because I usually only have time to listen to music late at night), not only are the basses more present, but the high and mid tones are also clearer. There is simply more to hear. You never feel like you have to strain to hear everything.

In conclusion, I can say that the Nubox 511 should really only be used with the ATM 511, otherwise you are wasting too much potential. The additional use of the subwoofer rounds the whole thing off at the bottom. The combination is really wonderful.

Many thanks to the Nubert team, service, advice and quality are right, and a pinch of ingenuity makes all the difference.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mark B.
Feb 28, 2013, 7:43:57 AM

So what is delivered here is really outrageous! Outrageously sensational!!!
What explodes out of these 311s is brutal. I sound the 2 colleagues with a
Marantz SR-5006 and have found that pretty much everything is playable.
They play classical music like Chopin very delicately. Rock/metal, which is my main focus
you play absolutely authentically and naturally and you can really hear every instrument!
Techno is so incredibly bass-heavy that my subwoofer was sent into retirement!
was sent into retirement!
I also thought about it for a long time and kept looking at the customer reviews and couldn't even imagine these little colleagues (call them dark matter 😉 ). But now that I own them myself, I can REALLY recommend them to EVERYONE who doesn't really know.
The rest was, of course, also brilliantly good: super-fast delivery, super packaging and SSUUUPPEERRR goods. An all-round carefree package!

Hope this helps you to decide😉Wish you a good time with Nubert and go for it!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dragonfly
Feb 26, 2013, 5:28:16 PM

nuVero AW 17 subwoofer

I have been testing the above subwoofer in my living room for a good 14 days now, and would describe the sub as follows.
When I have reached the point of "up to here and no more", then it behaves like a Doge Viper with 8.4L displacement and 612HP, which chugs along the country road at only 80km/h, in terms of heat development and movement of the cone. It is insanely imperial, and where others can't get any further at 200 km/h, it engages sixth gear to accelerate over 300 km/h. Thanks to its good adjustment options, it is surprisingly easy to adapt to my 911 without sticking out unpleasantly.
I can only think of two ways in which this sub could have reached its limits. Firstly, you live in a cathedral with a living room area of over 70m², or you wear hearing protection. In terms of power reserves, workmanship and sound, this is the superior subwoofer for me. A great piece that can be brutal and also tender at times.

Conclusion: The nuVero AW-17 is absolutely IMBA*

By the way, the tip to swap places with the sub is bomb.
Sub on the listening position and off you crawl. One hundred percent the right place.

* IMBA Wikipedia
(abbreviation of imbalanced)
In role-playing games, imba is used for characters who are superior to others, in this case the term has a positive connotation and is often an expression of admiration

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Petersen
Feb 26, 2013, 4:42:40 PM

I can't confirm the hymn of praise from today's UPS newsletter. At the time (six months ago), the driver pulled the nuLine 264 boxes from the hallway across the parquet floor before we could tell him that we were lifting them together. Result: two big scratches in the parquet. UPS sorted it out, but if the drivers were under a little less time pressure, such mishaps might not happen in the first place.
There was nothing wrong with the loudspeakers. I won't give them back.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Precisely because we repeatedly receive negative feedback regarding deliveries, we wanted to show with this customer praise that things can be done differently. We are sorry that you did not have such a good experience.

Author: W. Kraft
Feb 26, 2013, 4:27:05 PM

I would just like to say that we have had the ingenious nuLine 284 (bought as new at nuMarkt) in our living room for a week now.
Since then I - haven't showered, - haven't changed the laundry, - haven't eaten solid food, - have hearing loss, - noise in my ears, - a permanent grin on my face...
No, seriously: what you, Mr. Nubert, and your people have achieved with these nuLine 284s is truly nothing short of a miracle.
We had the nuLine 264 with us for a short time for testing, which we really liked; an incredible amount of sound for little money.
But the nuLine 2 8 4 are even better and really sound the way I imagine musicians want to hear their work!
Subwoofers are no longer necessary here, because the bass is tremendous!
I've never heard our recordings sound so great - and neutral.
I can't believe that there is still room for improvement!
Now we are eagerly awaiting our Yamaha receiver, and then things will really take off, won't they?
Please keep up the good work and don't hang your heads in disbelief at the unspeakable guestbook entries.
Best regards from a regular customer.
P.S.: I'm off to shave and take a shower...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ulrich Pranskat
Feb 26, 2013, 11:38:24 AM

Hello to everyone at Nubert,
You are doing a great job... without a doubt, no matter what it is about. Top performance++++++

And to those who look after the guestbook, I really like the way you deal with criticism.
You are open, honest and authentic.
I am very proud to own your products.... There is nothing to criticize... except that you always make me drool with new HONEST SPEAKERS... make me drool....
My wife went shopping and asked me if I needed anything else, I said yes
" nuVero 11", no she said, what you really need, ok then I said the "nuVero 10".
With very best regards
Ulrich Pranskat

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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