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Author: Klaus Hoffmann
Mar 18, 2013, 1:15:49 PM

After three years of trouble with a ? system from a discount store costing 1500 euros, my wife and I drove the 340 km to the Nubert company in Schwäbisch Gmünd.
I wanted to be sure and listen to the speakers. The result of the trip and the excellent advice from Mr. Kohler was the purchase of 2 nu Line 264 floorstanding speakers and 1 nu Line CS-174 center channel speaker, as well as a Cambridge receiver and Blu-ray player.
The purchase was delivered to my home and set up immediately. The difference in sound compared to the old system is impossible to quantify.
However, the system was unable to meet my needs as a control center for television, computer, network and Internet.
Two weeks of fiddling around couldn't solve the problems. Nor could a replacement device (receiver) delivered within 24 hours.
Nubert then offered to replace the devices with the Marantz SR+DU 7007.
After the devices arrived, the ?skeptical? set-up.
And now to an absolutely positive surprise, the device was switched on and all connected devices or network Internet etc. were recognized and were fully functional. Now configure the speakers with Audyssey and the setup was complete.
According to my wife, I could have done the same with this very easy setup software.
Tip for all users who don't speak English: I've never come across such a good German-language
operating instructions and set-up wizard like the one from Marantz.
Conclusion: Thanks to good advice and super, super good service, I now own a Hammer Power system. Incidentally, thanks to the Center, I can now leave my hearing aids off and understand every word without my neighbors having to listen in.
From now on I am also a Nubert fan and will make my expansion purchases there.
Thanks again to Mr. Kohler.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: MvdV
Mar 15, 2013, 8:55:51 AM

Hello Mr. Bühler!!!

Many thanks for the super-fast and uncomplicated replacement delivery of the threaded rod for my speaker stand!!! My NuVero surround set is finally complete!!! 🙂 The sound is simply gigantic and I am completely satisfied and happy!!!

Have a nice We and rocking greetings from Bremerhaven!!!


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Michael
Mar 14, 2013, 8:32:40 PM

Since I live in Aalen and therefore have the privilege of having the Nubert company right here, I would like to express my enthusiasm today.
I have been listening to music with Nubert LS for many years. I bought my first Nubox speakers and system from Nubert when I graduated from high school in 1991. They stayed with me until I bought a complete Nuline surround set in 2007. The speakers are simply fantastic and I enjoy the great sound and quality every day. Over the years, I've bought all my equipment from Nubert and as the stereo range is now more important to me than surround, a lot has come together. Most recently, I bought a Transrotor ZET1 that is both sonically and visually stunning. I would like to express my great praise and thanks to Mr. Schneider. Whenever I've fallen victim to the Nuvirus in recent years and needed advice, I've always turned to him specifically, as I always feel I've received great and very personal advice here. He always has an open ear for problems and I feel like I'm in good hands with my questions! Thanks for that and see you soon. That's as sure as the Amen in the church!

P.S. Hello Mr. Schneider, the Transrotor is top class and the Marantz is no comparison. Everything works great and I am very satisfied! Thanks again !

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dino & Martina
Mar 10, 2013, 7:50:18 PM

Nuline 34 to Pioneer SC-LX85

Can tell everyone with full conviction that the Nuline 34 puts some well-known floorstanding speakers in the shade. 😱 😬

The BASS and crystal-clear sound you can hear is absolutely amazing.

A clear recommendation to buy

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Holger
Mar 10, 2013, 11:38:09 AM

nuBox 311 (walnut): Fantastic sound, very high-quality workmanship!

I use the Nubox 311 in stereo mode with a Marantz NR1603 AV receiver.
What can I say, I am overwhelmed by the volume of sound. I would never have expected that with this size. Where these speakers conjure up this volume and the fine bass is a mystery to me?

I bought the speakers to set up a 5.1 system, but now it's questionable whether I should expand any further? I'm already very happy with it as it is. But of course I'm curious about adding a matching Nubert subwoofer... 😬 , this sound is addictive!

Absolutely recommended to buy, outstanding sound experience, great workmanship, look absolutely high quality!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marco
Mar 9, 2013, 4:06:24 PM

Moin Moin from Hamburg, which is quite snowy at the moment . . .

A few days ago, my long-awaited "Nubox(es) 381 arrived, heavy as hell, well packed and delivered mega fast after ordering.
I discovered Nubert years ago, looked at it, ordered a catalog, browsed, browsed for years and thought about it a lot, but still ordered it unheard and was really thrilled. I get goose bumps when I listen to music, I can hear things that are incredibly audible and so finely clean ...!!!! I'm sad that I didn't treat my ears to this sooner, but nevertheless the joy is huge now!!!!

. . . . or as we Hamburg guitar music lovers say: "Great thing Digger"

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Basko Münster
Mar 9, 2013, 12:08:07 PM

Dear Nuberians
I've owned two nupro A20s for almost two years now. The enthusiasm is unbroken and some friends were already jealous and some advocates of refrigerator-sized male speakers were looking for the subwoofer. But now my real concern: when I asked for an A30 on July 6, 2011, I was told that Rome wasn't built in a day either. I made enquiries; that's true! But now almost two years have passed and I'm starting to get my HIFI tingles again. But I would wait for an A30. Honestly, between you and me - am I waiting in vain or can I be hopeful?
All the best until perhaps a test listen

Answer from the Nubert-Team

It's always difficult to talk or write about unlaid eggs.
We have been receiving and discussing suggestions for our active speakers since the very beginning (i.e. for two years).
The desire for larger models within the nuPro line has been expressed time and again.
It's really only a question of how long it might take before we reach the quantities required to expand the product range.
Your Nubert team

Author: Christian Geuer
Mar 7, 2013, 7:39:05 AM

I bought the AW 331 subwoofer from you the week before last: Simply great! Bass as it should be, makes movies and music a lot of fun! And then there's the great build quality and the small dimensions, and the service was great again (the speaker was at my doorstep within 2 days!). I will highly recommend Nubert to all my friends. If my good old ALR No. 4 floorstanding speakers ever give up the ghost, I will of course only use Nubert floorstanding speakers, as I already own center and rear speakers from them.
One more question: I'm running the system with the Denon AVR 1509 receiver. Does it make sense to switch to a larger receiver and do you have any recommendations? (5.1 is quite enough for me, 7.2 or similar is of no interest to me).
Best regards, Geuer

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Gauer,

We will be happy to answer your question about a suitable AV receiver on our toll-free hotline:-)!

mfg Nubi

Author: Manfred P.
Mar 6, 2013, 11:14:42 PM

Dear Nubert Team!

After long deliberations and listening tests to buy a home theater set, I came across your company through a musician colleague (who also owns Nubert speakers) and your very clear website. As I am a professional musician in an orchestra ( trumpet instrument ) and an absolute home cinema fanatic, I needed a system that could reproduce both music and film equally realistically to satisfy my spoiled ears and now I have found it. My players are:
-LG 55 LM 960 V, -Yamaha RX-A 2020, -Oppo BD 103 Blu-ray player

Speakers: - 4x Nu Box 511 two front, two sour.rear in black high gloss
absolutely clear, realistic and completely adequate reproduction and
sound fullness in all areas

- 1x Center CS 411 Nu Box

very good dispersion characteristics and very clean dialog

- AW 1300 DSP subwoofer

for me, the absolute hammer belly rumbling and pants fluttering
is guaranteed, I had previously ordered 2 AW 600s, but these were
rather disappointing in home cinema mode, the AW 1300 fills the whole room
the whole room with indescribably clear and powerful bass
and gives music and movies exactly what you would call a live
feeling, with clear, full bass even at low volumes.

I would like to personally thank Mr. Domaier once again for his competent, patient, kind and calm manner and his excellent advice throughout the entire process from the purchase of the speakers to the subwoofer. Although I can't remember the names exactly, I would also like to thank Mr. Schäfer, Mr. Herter and Mr. Steeb for their perfect answers to my technically ignorant and annoying questions, I think there were 2 more gentlemen to mention, but I can't think of the names at the moment, so a big thank you to the whole team of consultants.
Furthermore, an extraordinary thank you to the nice ladies on the hotline, especially Ms. Nubert and Ms. Kellner, who always took the 40 annoying calls calmly and always gave me correct information.

Finally, a big compliment to your boss Mr. G. Nubert, who I believe must have a huge amount of expertise and hearing to build such realistic sounding loudspeakers.

As I travel a lot (tours, concert trips, workshops etc.), I will be on my way at short notice to get even more listening impressions, and I have rediscovered my audio/video hobby thanks to you, among other things.
Tomorrow I'm going to listen to the Alpine Symphony with picture and Nubertton, accompanied by a nice wheat beer, which is balm for the soul.

Yours sincerely
Manfred P.
😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Uwe Barnstein
Mar 5, 2013, 4:33:12 PM

Hello Nubis,

I wanted to congratulate Helmi on the company anniversary (his warm humor is unforgettable) and I like to think back to the time when we listened to music in your first "backyard store" until late at night.

I still remember the Thorens reference and the Alan Parsons project records. (By the way, I'm going to the concert in Stuttgart on March 21st. Maybe I'll see you there?)

Greetings from Lake Constance and maybe you'll open a store here sometime?
Uwe Barnstein

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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