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Author: Denu
Jan 11, 2013, 10:31:16 AM

I have now received my new SUB AW17 and I have to say that I am thrilled.
In combination with the Nuvero 14, Nuvero 7 and the 4x Nuvero 5 in the surround range
I now have the optimum sound experience.
The service and the dialog with you is very remarkable and you always feel well looked after, whether in service or sales.
You can see pictures of my system under Nuvero and Denon home theater.
Keep up the good work

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Virus87
Jan 10, 2013, 7:56:55 PM

As of today I am the happy owner of the nuBox 511 set, but without rears for now.
The purchase process and packaging of the speakers were very good.
Fast transportation via UPS.
Unpacked the speakers, wired them up, connected the music and I was amazed.
Flawless playback. Whether normal TV, Bluray or music.
I will recommend you to my friends for the time being.

MFG Virus87

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: I. P.
Jan 10, 2013, 6:51:59 PM

Hello dear Hi-End friends,

I did my first hearing test on Monday, January 7, 2013 in Schwäbisch Gmünd at the Nubert Hörstudio.
I was interested in the nuVero 11- nuVero 14. I already own 2 small active speakers nuPro-A 20 they are small, but they sound huge!!! Best reviews, that's how I came to Nubert.

I was allowed to listen extensively, spent a total of 2.5 hours in the listening room and was allowed to listen to my CD favorites at will, switching back and forth between the two LSPs, which became less and less as the listening time increased, as my favorite crystallized. It became the ... nuVero 14, but that doesn't mean that the 11 sounds bad! On the contrary, it's a matter of subjective preference (a matter of taste). Also not to be underestimated is the room size at home, for smaller rooms up to approx. 25 square meters (pi times thumb 🙂🙂, I would prefer the 11s, but as I said, trial listening is better than study. Shouldn't be a problem either, if you don't like it 4 weeks return or upgrading or downgrading possible!!!! You don't lose a single euro! That's what I call service!!! Unique.

Both LSPs play very well on the music fidelity M6. Balanced, very spacious and neutral/precise sound. Dynamics, dry bass, neutral mids and crystal clear highs, the whole thing in a harmonious sound image, the flow of the music becomes audible, even perceptible!!!
Large timpani, fine cymbals struck with a brush, clearly defined and uncolored in the room. The head resonates and vibrates....Yes, there really is space, detached from the 14s, clear, wide and deep with a fine dynamic. You can turn and turn the volume control....they don't go to their knees!!!!voices naturally with a certain timbre (listen to Steve Strauss). This is what high-end LSP sounds like at a reasonable, affordable price.
Mr. Nubert did not exaggerate, I think he rather "understated". I have enjoyed these LSP purely "neutral" (simple 4mmq2 LSP cables, no power strip or filters or extreme cables etc.) not with the ATM module, I save that for home, as I have to have these nuVeros.

Of course there are even better LSPs, but not for me at this price. A "must have" for me!!! Price/performance/service unbeatable. And Mr. G....K... looks after and advises very well, friendly and competent, never pushy, keep it up and good luck, I hope that Mr. Nubert takes his time with a nuVero 15, because well, you understand ... "must have"!!!

I'm ordering a pair with ATM module.
Best regards and have fun with the Hi-End.
:p 😂 :p 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: E. Brost
Jan 10, 2013, 5:58:50 PM

I had been looking for a new hi-fi system for some time. As luck would have it, I went to my son's house in Switzerland to listen to his system. I was immediately very impressed. I asked, what kind of speakers are these? Answer, from Nubert, the nuLine 82.
On the way back I stopped at the branch in Schwäbisch Gmünd and tried them out. Absolutely convincing. At home, I placed the order with Mr. Bühler - a very friendly and competent employee. Mr. Bühler recommended the ATM-82 module, which supports the low bass even more. And it is precisely this part that makes the system perfect.
I had already put CDs away, and with this system a completely new sound suddenly appeared. You immediately get goose bumps.

I can only highly recommend Nubert. I am absolutely satisfied.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Neumann
Jan 9, 2013, 4:53:31 PM

I came across Nubert by chance, I was in a tenant's apartment.
He had the DS 20 running. Click and it was an immediate fit.
So I contacted Nubert and registered on 28.12.12.
In the morning I drove about 480km from Duderstadt to Schwäbisch Gemünd with my wife and son.
Arrived punctually at 9.30am. Very friendly reception by Mr. Köhler.
We then showed him the drawing of the living room and expressed our wishes and ideas.
After a brief conversation, we went into the listening room.
Presentation of the Nubox 511, CS 411, DS 301 with AW 411.
The Kland in stereo and in the movie was outstanding, then the AW 911 for comparison.
This impressed with even more fullness, warmth and depth.
My wife decided on the 511 system with AW 911 in Black/Black because of the convincing performance.
Now all that was missing was the AV receiver. We had imagined a Yamaha rx 673/773, but Mr. Köhler's detailed advice made us switch to the Pioneer SC LX 56. This turned out to be a good choice.
We bought the entire system with stand and cable etc. at a good price.
-Consulting Super
-System super
-sound excellent.
The sound for movies is wow. Especially the depth of the bass is terrific.
The stereo sound is so multifaceted and neutral, I would choose Nubert again at any time.
Nubert again at any time.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jonas G.
Jan 8, 2013, 7:04:22 PM

The NuLine CS 174 has recently replaced the CS 40 here, which has provided excellent service over the years. How the new one performs in combination with my NuLine 80 (...yes, it fits, but nevertheless arouses desires, so be careful 😉 ...) is formidable, with all due respect to its predecessor.
Speech intelligibility, music reproduction at its very best. I know what I'm talking about, there's a pair of NuVero 14s here in HiFi mode as a reference, my wife really wanted them 😉 .

Greetings JG

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: M.P.
Jan 7, 2013, 8:57:14 PM

Hello Nubert team,
I've owned two 311s Black/Black for 3 years and they look and sound really great on their stands. In the meantime, I've also convinced 2 colleagues at work to buy Nubert speakers 😉 Like me, they are just as enthusiastic about their products! I've owned the AW 331 for 4 days now and never thought that it could be integrated so beautifully and easily into a great sounding 2.1 system. I was able to manually configure the sub relatively easily on my Denon AVR 2113. For my application (80% music/20% movie), the sub fits perfectly. It can be nicely integrated into any living room and has more than enough power for my volume levels. Above all, I like the fact that it doesn't have any controls on the front! 😬 One small drawback remains: Despite being black/black, the body color of my 311 is a different finish than the current one, which is quite easy to see in daylight. 😟 Nevertheless, I'm already planning an upgrade to 5.1 with your products. Best regards from the Lower Rhine.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: M.Oswald
Jan 6, 2013, 2:16:47 PM


I bought a pair of nuPro A-20 last year.
The sound is really nice, but after about a week one speaker was defective!

I wrote an email - received a reply with a phone number - called.

I was sent a pair of new speakers with a return receipt for the defective speakers.

The service was a 1 .

The processing was fast, good and, above all, new ones were sent to me first, not the other way around.

Many thanks to the Nubert team

With kind regards
Matthias Oswald

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marc J.
Jan 6, 2013, 9:28:09 AM

Hello dear Nubert team,

Yesterday I completed my nubox system with the nuBox CS-411 and the nuBox DS-301.
I had already bought the nuBox 481 in the summer. The sound was already overwhelming.
But after I was finally able to dispose of the remaining Yamaha compact speakers yesterday 😬 I was proud as punch.

I actually just wanted to do a quick listening test with my friend to see if everything worked. Actually.
So I put in the Bluray 2012 and off we went.
2 1/2 hours later, we were done with the movie.
The sound and the effect were so captivating that we stayed in front of the TV for another 20 minutes after the movie and let everything sink in.

Thank you Nubert for such great speakers.

PS: The only thing missing now is the SUB. It's still Yamaha


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: A. J.
Jan 5, 2013, 10:30:28 AM

A week ago I paid a visit to the Nubert company in Schwäbisch Gmünd. The aim was to test and possibly purchase the nuLine 34. As the required listening studio was currently occupied, we were quickly snapped up by Mr. Günther Nubert and invited to his laboratory. Here we got a small impression of the loudspeaker development as well as some audio samples of various artists. A big thank you for that! Then we went to the listening studio where we were able to test our choice of speakers in peace and quiet and, above all, alone (!). To sum up, I have to say that this was my most perfect purchase to date. The overall package of service and high-quality products was just right. I would like to thank the Nubert team for this wonderful day and for this perfect product. I have fond memories of this day when listening to the sounds from the nuLine 34!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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