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Author: aw.kraft
Jan 31, 2013, 3:57:22 PM

nuLine 264 🙂

Hello, as of today we are the proud owners of two nuLine 264s.
It's hard to believe: until a few days ago we had two nuBox 381 compact speakers and two nuBox AW-441 subwoofers.
These have now been replaced by the nuLine 264 and when I first heard them I thought: "Well, I disconnected the two AW-441s yesterday and packed them away? Are they back? Hello?
These narrow super speakers, measuring just 15 cm in width, produce a truly incredible bass.
Not to mention the brilliance and naturalness of the reproduction of a wide variety of sound sources.
As a user of various subwoofers for decades now, I can tell all interested parties here and now: If you have space problems and can therefore only place narrow floorstanding speakers and are afraid that there won't be enough bass for movies and live concerts, far from it! HERE is the answer: nuLine 264. I can't even imagine if one day we "ascend" further in the direction of nuVero. What must be going on then ???
We are now driving a 5.0 system and are absolutely thrilled.
Mr. Nubert, thank you!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: der Lars ;)
Jan 30, 2013, 1:43:07 PM

As many of you have already mentioned, the customer service is first class!!!
I bought my nuBox 311s at nu Markt six months ago at a good price (always worth a look!!). No matter what the previous owner did to them, they are still great after about 2.5 years!!!
This is where German craftsmanship meets German engineering, the best I've ever had around my ears... but I'm sure you've already heard that from others. In addition, price/performance queen, as a poor student I turn over every cent, but here the investment was worth it!!!

Brilliant customer service, even if you have general questions about audio hi-fi, customer service is also a point of contact if you're not so well versed in this area (they helped me buy a suitable AV receiver)!!!
Hotlines generally don't have a good reputation, but it's ALWAYS worth giving them a call, they're friendly, nice and very competent, which is also relatively rare.

Conclusion: perfect products, perfect customer service, perfect prices!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas Hondrich
Jan 28, 2013, 10:46:05 PM

No, not another song of praise for Nubert....

I called Aalen half an hour before closing time and the friendly lady told me that I would be called back because everyone was talking to customers.
The call back came. 15 minutes after closing time....!!!!
Mr. Schneider advises me patiently and gives me the feeling that I'm not a nuisance, even though he's already closed for the day.
Two days later, the nuVeros arrive. PERFECT. Many thanks to Nubert.
This customer orientation is more than you could wish for.
Please keep it up!
Best regards
Thomas Hondrich from Neuwied

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Thank you very much for your praise! We are of course pleased that Mr. Schneider called you back after hours and gave you detailed advice.
However, we cannot guarantee this service - it can sometimes happen that our employees are unable to return calls or reply to emails on the same day. We therefore ask for your understanding...

Author: Michael
Jan 26, 2013, 3:25:31 PM

After looking for a headset for my PC and listening to this horrible offer, it's a relief for my ears when I come home, turn on my Nuvero 11 and listen to music as it should be!

Me and my ears thank you very much!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Olh
Jan 26, 2013, 2:04:23 PM

Nuline 264: I spent half a year thinking about what type of loudspeaker would meet my expectations (sound: transparency, low bass (especially a bass carpet as known from subwoofers), homogeneity, clear mids) and appearance: a floorstanding speaker that is unobtrusively conspicuous, i.e. modern design, perfectly finished, solid and heavy and also with a metal grille because of the children's hands. They have a perfect homepage with all the technical information, trade press tests, pictures, forum and the opinions of customers who have also bought this product. I ordered it after I had taken a look at the many well-known German competitors... I am so completely thrilled that after 4 weeks I am still lost for words!!! They meet all the above requirements beyond measure! Even my wife, who doesn't listen to music with this focus, was immediately impressed and said: "Wow, what a sound and the bass comes out of these narrow, good-looking speakers?" Amazing!!! You wouldn't believe what a sound and what a bass: whether quiet! Or loud, precise, rich and dry with a "bass carpet" for both movies and music. I connected a NAD C 355BEE. A dream combination! Thank you Mr. Nubert & team for this new development. By the way, the room to be filled with sound is 40 square meters.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Volker Mink
Jan 24, 2013, 11:55:50 AM

unbelievable what some people complain about

UPS, cables etc

this is about speakers and they are simply great

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jens
Jan 24, 2013, 11:51:32 AM

After having had a bad experience with a high-end hi-fi store in Munich (I might have been treated like a potential customer if I had worn a suit and pinned my payslip to my lapel) and numerous reports on the Internet praising Nubert, I decided to make the perhaps not entirely obvious journey from Munich to Aalen.
I arrived on Saturday without an appointment and was nevertheless immediately welcomed in a very friendly manner, offered a recording studio by a charming young employee (along with a coffee offer), and I was able to test-listen for as long as I wanted. Another colleague (I hope I'm allowed to mention his name: Mr. Schneider) was incredibly friendly and gave me very good and honest advice, and not just based on my experience in Munich. I can't remember the last time I experienced something like that - no matter how much money was involved.
The result: Nuline 284, even though I had actually wanted to spend less money. Well, this concept works for buyers like me: If you feel very well and honestly advised (almost "looked after") (e.g. the honest recommendation to do without expensive speaker cables), you are more willing to exceed your financial limit.
I haven't regretted the purchase, by the way: very stylish, perfectly finished speakers that are also forgiving of suboptimal setups. The sound blew me away - and that's certainly the most important thing - and still does.
I can only hope that the Nubert company can remain true to its unusual business idea of providing customers with friendly and courteous advice and producing speakers with a very good price-performance ratio.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Florian Behrens
Jan 21, 2013, 9:36:05 PM

Oh man ... I'm eagerly waiting for my boxes ... my ears are already looking forward to it ... :-) 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Mr. Behrens,
this information is for the readers of the guestbook, so that your contribution gets "more information".
We can deliver most of the products in our product range from stock. For the speakers you ordered yesterday, the "delivery date approx. week 7" is stated on our web page and has also been confirmed by us.
We hope you enjoy your speakers.
Your Nubert team

Author: Fabian
Jan 21, 2013, 12:29:48 PM

I recently ordered 2 x Nubox 681s from you and am really impressed!


I do have 2 points of criticism. Criticism no. 1 (although you are actually less to blame) is the supplier!

A brief history of this: !!! 2!!! UPS drivers came with the boxes, unfortunately I wasn't at home so I couldn't accept them, but my roommate did. The UPS drivers didn't think it was necessary to take the boxes upstairs, they just went upstairs, got the signature and left again. When my flatmate asked what happened to the boxes, all he got was "they'll have to do it themselves". The boxes then stood in the hallway all day (my flatmate would never have brought them up to the 3rd floor on his own)!!! I was quite angry when I heard this, but as I said, you can't help it. I think it's normal to feel uneasy when there are 1000 ? in the hallway, which theoretically anyone can get into.

Criticism no. 2 is the cables supplied. I know they're only emergency cables, but that's what bothers me. At a price of just under 500 ? per box, you could actually expect proper cables to be included.

Apart from that, the speakers are really great! Clear sound from the tweeters, rich bass and very good workmanship. And the walnut color also looks very classy!
They're really good speakers and I'm glad I got some from Nubert! 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are sorry that you were not satisfied with the UPS service. Unfortunately, it is not possible to move parcels to floors with "normal" parcel services. (possibly for a tip...).
Regarding the simple "emergency cables": Many customers appreciate these makeshift cables. There would probably be even more criticism if we were to include higher quality cables in the "wrong" lengths, as everyone has individual requirements. It is not possible to supply expensive cables in the desired length free of charge for cost reasons. We ask for your understanding.

Author: Marco
Jan 20, 2013, 1:18:43 PM

I don't want a long blah blah, conclusion after 1 1/2 years: I haven't regretted a single cent! I use Nuvero 11 and Nuvero 7 as a center. I'm still thinking about the rear. The speakers are simply brilliant, with clean resolution and dynamic bass. Visitors can't believe their ears when you send 200 W of sine wave to the Nuvero 11 and how they thump. A friend of mine just shakes his head and says: "Like in a disco

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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