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Author: Manni L.
Dec 13, 2012, 6:24:41 PM

Hello everyone,

I recently bought a Nubert system (4x nuBox 311, 1x noBox AW-411 and the WS-201 as a center).
I've had my hands on one or two surround systems in the last few years, but never a system like the nuBoxsystem.......a dream, set up, calibrate and done!
Top sound, top workmanship..... an all-round carefree package is the right term for it!
A long time ago I bought the AW-991 subwoofer for the party room and recently added the CS-411 center speaker.
I wasn't quite sure about the choice of center, as I still have some old Tannoy speakers in the party room (which will soon be replaced by some nuBox 381s).
A call to the hotline, thanks to the very friendly and professional Mr. Görtler and Mr. Bühler, very quickly brought a decision to light!
I have set up many surround systems, but never one as perfectly matched as the one from Nubert.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Guido
Dec 11, 2012, 3:53:23 PM

I've had the nuvero AW 12 in the house since December 10, 2012. I see it as a complement to the Yamaha 3020 and 1020 (BD).
Initially I had problems with the control of the subwoofer. A call to the hotline cleared things up and I set the speakers manually. The friendly colleague from Nubert gave me the appropriate instructions and also said that I would kneel down when the nuvero kicked in.
That's exactly how it was. Like a dream! That music can be so awesome!
You really have what it takes! 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Muggel
Dec 9, 2012, 6:02:01 PM

"Ex Swabian" greetings from Hamburg.
I had an experience of the third kind yesterday.
I was browsing in a social department store and there were two little boxes with "Nubert" written on them. I thought it sounded like quality workmanship, interesting, turned one thing over and it said "Schwäbisch Gmünd" and I, who only buys local things and no longer wants Chinese stuff, said:
"want it!"
And now imagine that I put down exactly 10 (in words ten) euros for both, very well-kept 360s together :redface: . Then I connected them to my old Yamaha CR 1020 (28 kg) and now my wife keeps saying: "come to bed"... but I can't, I don't want to, I'm not allowed to, I just want to listen, listen, LISTEN... (e.g. Parov Stellar, David Byrne and Pink Floyd and EVERY instrument can be heard clearly!!!)
What a sound that is! Man, man, man and what a bargain!
😬 😬 😬
One more question: The serial number is 09674
Is this the first series? Does anyone know anything about it?
Do they already have these overload fuses in the crossover?

We (Nubert and I) will stay in touch, I swear! If necessary, I'll move back home to the country...

Best regards from Hamburg
Yamaha CR 1020, WEGA V 3841 and the large, white perforated boxes to go with it

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bluesky
Dec 6, 2012, 8:27:40 AM

Hello I am looking for a home theater system. I am rather technically adept but not an audio specialist.

Well, I was able to find Nubert in a test. I landed on this page and am now trying to find an audio system for myself.

Conclusion up front: Well, I think you should revise your WebPage.

Try to find an audio system that meets my needs without knowing Nubert. No answer, but that's probably the case with all types, not just surround. Back to the topic: Clicked on Surround set... Explanations, lots of set types ... Configurator.... hmmmm what now? Would be nice to find a configurator link right here.

Clicked on a set > endless choice > final decision criterion is probably only the price but.... a link to the configurator... wow. If I had to, I would have left here again.... sorry.

Well, now you can click through the systems.... Prices dominate... but at least I can look at the systems visually.....

Where can I find the data??? .....

Ne ne ne..... I'm not looking any further.... wanted to get an overview.
Is there a system that might fulfill my requirements in terms of sound, price, performance, appearance,...

Unfortunately I can't find one quickly..........

The info I take with me: Lots of boxes, probably good too, prices from small to large, but no estimate possible for me.

2nd conclusion: The site doesn't help me, because I already had this information before......

What now????

Answer from the Nubert-Team

What now???? the free hotline (in Germany), describe your wishes and ideas and work with the consultants to find the right system for you or at least determine the direction. Experience has shown that this works much better in conversation than through some online step-by-step guide such as "if your room is 30 square meters, system XYZ is ideal for you". Try us out - we look forward to your call...

Author: lepkew
Dec 4, 2012, 10:35:07 PM

A super part!

I picked up my new nuVero AW-12 in Schwäbisch Gmünd. For four years I've had a surround system consisting of 2x nuVero 4, 1x nuVero 5 and 2x nuLine DS-22. The 4s are already quite deep in the bass range. Now everything is complete. I had already expected a significant increase in movie sound from the sub. And it delivered. But how would it be with music?
With normal CDs - even turned down - I kept noticing this warm, deep foundation that wasn't there before. Then I put Norah Jones "Live in New Orleans" into the DVD player. Suddenly the double bass player was standing in the middle of the room. That was very impressive. I wouldn't want to be without the AW-12 - and listening with headphones is less and less fun.

Many thanks to Nubert and greetings from Switzerland

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: karma
Dec 4, 2012, 7:17:20 PM

I have bought 14 Nubert speakers in the meantime! The speakers still have a fair price-performance ratio! But the price is not everything! A technical problem has now occurred for the first time with an active subwoofer! This happens to all manufacturers from time to time. No problem, I thought. Not so with Nubert! The circuit diagrams required for the repair, to be carried out by a master radio and television technician of my choice, are not provided, with reference to the manufacturer's own service! This is unique! This is the first time in the last 30 years that a manufacturer has not provided circuit diagrams for repairs outside of the warranty. In future, we will only buy speakers from manufacturers who also provide the necessary documentation for servicing! Please post with an "I don't like it" worldwide!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

It's not that we can't understand your annoyance. From your point of view, it may be incomprehensible.
However, please bear in mind that, as a medium-sized company, we invest a lot of know-how and large sums of money in the development of our products. And then we are supposed to make our circuits "freely available" worldwide? As far as we know, there is no obligation to do so. Our own service guarantees professional repair and, if necessary, replacement of the electronics. If you want to avoid having to transport the entire woofer, you could have considered repairing the module alone. Please contact the hotline again - perhaps we can still find a solution that is acceptable to both parties. Thank you very much.

Author: Markus R.
Dec 3, 2012, 6:50:27 PM

So hats off to this subwoofer.

I have to say that the delivery was very fast, but UPS does not handle deliveries properly. The package was very oily and very dirty. I was a bit dissatisfied.

But after unpacking and connecting it, this was forgotten.

I can't say anything negative except that the glasses came loose from the cupboard and hit the floor 😂

Nevertheless, I will return this monster as it is really too extreme and then get the smaller one.

The subwoofer is the non plus ultra. However, I recommend a room of at least 40 square meters, otherwise it will be cramped.

It's just too blatant for my home and I don't want to give my neighbors a heart attack.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Maik
Dec 2, 2012, 1:46:43 PM

I can only say THANK YOU!!!!

I have been the proud owner of the Nubox 101 as a center, the NuBox 311 as a front, the Nubox 301 as a rear and the 441 as a woofer for a good 2 weeks now.
The quality is more than good. Top product.

Service is a top priority at Nubert, first-class advice, all questions are answered, they take time for you.

The components harmonize very well together, the system is more than sufficient for a 30 square metre living room 😉 , there's room for more, but the dear neighbors 😂

In terms of sound, I thought I'd heard everything, but I was proved wrong.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Winni
Dec 1, 2012, 7:25:07 PM

I've been the proud owner of a pair of NuPro A-20s for a week now.
These things are absolutely amazing: so small, and yet so much power
Simply unbelievable.

But now a bit about the purpose of the speakers:
10 years ago, nobody in the company where I work dared to set up a radio.
When a late shift was introduced, I simply found it too boring.
As we all know, everything is better with music, so I brought a small "ghetto blaster" with me. As there was a very loud machine next to my workplace, I soon realized that it didn't have enough power.
This could then be improved with an inexpensive 2.1 PC system.
A little later, however, the radio stations in the Stuttgart area got on my nerves, as they still do today. The same music every hour, just boring.
So I bought a cheap CD receiver with an MP3 function, which gave me a bit more variety. I also bought a larger 2.1 system, which worked for quite a while. The only problem was the plug connection to the subwoofer.
Because not all colleagues in my company are as honest as they should be, the "music system" :-)) has to be dismantled and locked away every day.

At the beginning of this year, I modernized everything:
I bought a DENON M-38 micro system and a Logitech Z-623.
Denon is really great for my purpose (the associated speakers are too weak, of course)
This Logitech system, on the other hand, is obviously real junk.
The subwoofer died 2 times within 4 months, although the manufacturer claims 200W RMS. Never again such a cheap sh....

So I used the original speakers for a short time, but they produce almost no bass.
As the M-38 has a subwoofer output, I thought that an active subwoofer could be the solution and I searched for one on the Internet.
The problem was of course the size, because as I said, I have to lock the system away every day. However, as the space in my cupboard is limited, this would not have worked.

During my subwoofer search, however, I found NUBERT, and while browsing through the homepage I found a lot of speakers that would be interesting for me. I was particularly interested in the new small NuBox 331 subwoofer (which is unfortunately not yet available).
Then I came across the NuPro A20, whose performance values and size were of interest to me.

Of course, I first read a lot of test reports and comments about it and then sent off the order last week.
The response time from the Nubert team was unbelievably quick:
Ordered Friday at 2:30 pm, order confirmation in no time.
I didn't expect it to be processed on a Friday, let alone shipped. When I checked my e-mails on Friday night, I received another e-mail from Nubert saying that the package was already on its way via UPS.
I entered the attached tracking number at UPS and the surprise was perfect.
The package was already at the logistics center in my city at 22:39. It's just a shame that UPS didn't deliver it until Monday. Still a record... simply great.

But now to the listening experience:
Connecting it to the DENON M38 was of course no problem at all (headphone output), but setting it up perfectly was a little more complicated.
The first time I tried them out, the bass/mid-range speakers rattled badly. At first I thought...oh...nothing with low bass. But the fault lay harmlessly with the M38.
Because of the weak original speakers, the bass was set to maximum and the additional boost (SDB) was activated. Of course, the A20s couldn't do anything with the bent signal.
Then I noticed the big difference in volume between the left and right speakers.
This is undoubtedly due to the 3m mono RCA cable between the speakers. 1.5m left to 4.5m right. I'll probably split the jack cable so that L and R are the same length.

However, the "real" bass experience still didn't materialize, but this was due to the wrong positioning. There was still room on the top shelf, but unfortunately there were windows behind the bass reflex ports. It couldn't work, so I moved it to the bottom of the shelf, where a subwoofer would normally end up.
Amazing, now it works great.
Interestingly, you can still hear the high/mid frequencies perfectly, even though they are so low to the ground.
Another amazing thing is that you can hear the music undistorted in the entire factory hall, even though the A-20 is intended for close range and the various tests from the relevant magazines tend to indicate smaller rooms as the place of use.

In any case, the A-20s are perfect for my purpose. Compact, level-resistant, and the excellent workmanship adds to this.
Actually far too good for the workplace, but you can't treat yourself to anything else :-))

Finally, praise to the entire Nubert team
Great service, great quality

Merry Christmas


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marco Öfele
Nov 30, 2012, 11:18:01 AM

For 3 weeks now I have been the proud owner of a NuBox 5.1 surround system consisting of 2x NuBox 511, 1x NuBox CS 411, 2x NuBox DS 301 and 1x NuBox AW 441. I can't imagine a more perfect sound. I am completely convinced and enthusiastic about this system. Both in hi-fi mode and in surround mode, the system impresses above all with its clear treble and deep bass. As a listener, you are right in the middle of the action or in front of the stage. Many products from other well-known manufacturers in much higher price categories can only look old next to the Nubert speakers. Thanks to Günther Nubert for such a sound!!! Simply awesome!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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