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Write your own guestbook entry now
Author: Stephan
Nov 11, 2012, 3:14:33 PM

Dear Mr. Nubert,

Yesterday I became the very proud owner of a pair of NuBox 481s.
It's outstanding, sensational, unbelievable what you can buy from you for honest loudspeakers.
I've been listening to my music collection practically non-stop since yesterday afternoon and I'm constantly amazed.
The richness and clarity of the sound is impressive.
Here's a short story: I went to a wonderful Lisa Stansfield concert in KA in 2002.
I would have loved to take the experience home with me. It didn't work out until yesterday.
Now the concert is virtually taking place in my living room.
I don't know how you manage that: although the speakers are right in front of me, it feels like I'm in a concert hall.
The sound comes from the very back, extremely clear, precise and rich. The listening experience is particularly enjoyable with supposedly
well-known classics: Michael Jackson - Thriller, Whitney Houston - One Moment in Time, Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere.
But also when it comes to new, flashy stuff: Avicii - Levels.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanke !!! 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Doofe Ohren
Nov 10, 2012, 10:59:47 AM

I have received my nuPro A-20 and would like to thank you for the fast shipping and good packaging. Now I'm looking forward to listening to them!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

I hope you can judge the sound quality of the speakers well, despite the name you have chosen! Regards
Your Nubert team

Author: mst
Nov 9, 2012, 3:20:00 PM

Hello Nubert team

My 101s arrived today to expand a 5.1 system in the home theater. Since the stands haven't arrived yet, I thought I'd connect the "little ones" to the Sony CMT-G1 compact system in the kitchen to play them in. To my regret I have to say that the 101s beat the original speakers by a LONG way. Sooner or later I will probably need new speakers for the kitchen.

Thank you Nubert team.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andreas Schütz
Nov 4, 2012, 10:50:16 AM

Hello dear Nubert team,

Where should I start?
I ordered the Nubox 681 set from you. At first I was amazed at the short delivery time of one day and missed the UPS driver the first time. I then made time for the next scheduled delivery date to be at home.
He finally arrived in the evening, visibly demotivated as he had to carry these rather large speakers up several flights of stairs at the end of the working day. Together, we lifted the 141 kg to the second floor.
When I had unpacked everything, I immediately noticed the very good quality of the speakers. Very solid and top-quality speakers. Then I immediately started with the wiring. Of course, it took some time before the 681 set was integrated. Then it was time for the first test tones and, of course, calibration. So far so good.
My Yamaha RC-V2600 is now also compatible with the speakers and the TV. 😂 😂 😂 😂
Just today I played a few pieces of music and am absolutely delighted with the extremely deep bass, which is also great for watching movies.
I am very enthusiastic about the speakers and will of course have a lot of fun with them for a very long time. I would especially like to thank the Nubert team for their helpfulness in selecting the system and placing the order.
Keep up the good work.

Greetings Andy

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Musikus
Nov 3, 2012, 1:48:51 PM

Dear Nubert company.
Thank you for being here. You and your products have brought me very close to the truth.
After reading your homepage and all the positive test results in the trade press, I thought long and hard about my hobby.
I sold my old system. Naim and Spendor are gone. Then I bought an amplifier at Saturn. Since you write that there are hardly any differences in the sound of amplifiers and that a tone control is not a bad thing, I had a wide choice.
I tried out various Nubert speakers on the amplifier that were in the circle of friends. I was immediately impressed by the honest reproduction. The amplifier also works much better than the old one. If I turn the treble all the way down, I can also enjoy mp3 music in wonderful quality.
I don't even connect my record player again. I don't need it anymore.
The second pair of Nuberts, this time floorstanding speakers, really big ones, were even better. At last I have tweeter reproduction that sounds really live. And finally I have a real whistle in my ears, like after a concert.
And that live feeling - let it finally be over - like at a real concert, when you can't hear anything anyway because there seems to be nothing but foam on your eardrums - comes after just about 10 minutes of listening with the Nuberts.
For people who don't like honest speakers, there are levers on the back to adjust the sound. What would honest speakers be if you couldn't adjust the sound?
But as I'm a meticulous music lover and listener, I'm going to test the tuning modules. They can make the sound even more honest. I'm curious and will be happy to report back.
Your speakers are a revelation for any music lover and have shown me completely different ways and philosophies. I now also buy red wine in tetrapacks. For years I let myself go astray and get lost. That's over now.

Dear Nubert company, you make life a pleasure
Thank you very much


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear "Musikus",
I actually think it's a shame that you have posted your contribution "anonymously".
For decades, we have been having lively conversations, discussions and relaxed or concentrated listening sessions with music enthusiasts of all ages. Regardless of whether they are predominantly musicians, sound engineers, hi-fi or high-end fans - it has never happened that anyone has found "subliminal sarcasm" likeable.
If there are different ideas - for example about the sense or nonsense of "demagnetized" CDs - you can take note of this in a friendly way and declare it a "ceremony" that can somehow enrich the hobby of music reproduction for some people.
I consider pointing out physically untenable prejudices and strange practices in my booklet "Technik Satt" to be one of my most important tasks - also with regard to the aforementioned "honesty".

Yours, Günther Nubert

Author: M. Huber
Oct 30, 2012, 8:52:19 PM

Germany a service desert? At Telekom? At Lufthansa? At xyz? From my own experience, definitely yes.

With Nubert? NO! In the last few days and weeks, Nubert has shone with a level of service and responsiveness that I have never experienced in Germany before!

Unfortunately, I can't run a commercial for you, but in any conversation about music in general and loudspeakers in particular, I will recommend Nubert as a brand. Of course, not only because of the service, because without high-quality and good products, that doesn't help for a recommendation either. But at Nubert you can find both and at a price that is not cheap but more than reasonable.


With best regards, especially to Mr. R. :-)

M. Huber

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mario
Oct 30, 2012, 5:24:35 PM

Hello dear Nubert team

I recently bought a pair of Nubert speakers (Nubox 681) and I'm not sure which stereo amplifier I should buy.
Which amplifier is recommended in terms of power and sound?
Are 2x90 watts RMS enough or is that not enough?

I'm currently listening to the speakers on my old amplifier and I'm already thrilled, but because it's slowly giving up the ghost, it's time for a new one!

Can you help me?

Best regards Mario

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Mario,
the nuBox 681 has a very high level of efficiency and, with 2x90 watts, develops quite a bit of steam.
However, it can also handle much higher power levels. With 2x200 watts you can achieve rock concert volume in an average living room. We will be happy to advise you on the hotline about amplifiers that you can purchase from us. If you would like tips on other amplifier brands, a visit to our nuForum would be useful.
Your Nubert team

Author: Andreas W.
Oct 27, 2012, 7:54:27 PM

(Part 2) In short, this is a wonderful story of what nubert knows how to do with the signals transported by its loudspeakers and what happens, is triggered and begins to grow in the listener. The nuVero 14s have practically never had a day off since they were connected to the cable. The colleague who drew my attention to nubert at the time was not yet familiar with the speakers from his own listening experience. During a visit, he organized a small listening test with pieces he had brought with him, which he had been comparing everywhere and at every opportunity for many years. During Jean-Michel Jarre's OXYGENE, he suddenly jumped up with enthusiasm, he had never heard this sound, or this one, before; during Pink Floyd, he nodded with a grin when the echo of the running person's footsteps reflected off the wall was clearly audible in ON THE RUN (which in many places is lost in a general mishmash of sound). With my final bouquet, the CONCERTO FOR GROUP AND ORCHESTRA by Deep Purple, we almost "beat ourselves to death" in view of the incredible pressure that flowed unhindered (undisturbed!) from the nuVero 14; our jaws were definitely dropped. Want more performance examples...? With pleasure! For example, with your eyes closed, you believe that the Gewandhaus Orchestra is playing Bach right in front of you in your living room; the tragedy of Rimsky-Korsakov's SHEHERAZADE goes straight to your soul; if you hear YOU ARE LOVED by Josh Groban, it doesn't take much more to really believe this completely energized; Andreas Vollenweider's harp playing sounds as pure as can be imagined. If you want to get a first impression of what kind of spectrum you can imagine with the nuVero 14, bring along GOLDEN HEART by Mark Knopfler, for example, as an effortless introduction. We are more than satisfied with the nuVero 14: We are happy! The purchase was worth it in every respect and I can only wish that everyone could listen to and experience the music as we have been doing for almost two years now. As I said, there is a life before and a life after listening with nubert speakers. That really is the case!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Dear Mr. Andreas W.,
Thank you for your two-part article, which makes our hearts beat faster!

It is wonderful for us to see how you honor the ambitions of our development team around Günther Nubert in practice.
Your Nubert team

Author: Andreas W.
Oct 27, 2012, 6:59:18 PM

(Part 1) Two years ago, at Christmas 2010, the time had finally come - over the unbelievable period of almost three decades, the smouldering desire for an "audible" stereo system had begun to manifest and materialize. Initial soundings in my "hi-fi crazy" circle of colleagues quickly showed that it was a matter of finding the right loudspeakers. A colleague at work, who has had a wonderful knowledge of loudspeakers and stereo systems for over twenty years, and who was able to compare a lot of things in his environment with his own system, and who also knew my budget was not unlimited, gave me the tip about nubert loudspeakers. The information available on the Internet, the relevant test reports, the customer feedback and the introductions to the subject written by Mr. Nubert himself (his philosophy is clearly noticeable) began to convince me. I went ahead with the online order without having heard a sample. Due to the subsequent telephone contact with Mr. Bühler regarding my listening habits and general expectations, I quickly decided to bring the flagship, the nuVero 14, into my living room. The nuVero 14s are connected to the azur 840A "Class XD" amplifier from Cambridge Audio via nubert's own silver cables and the active tuning module. This receives the signals from the 840C upsampling CD player, in which the Swiss ANAGRAM upsampling processor ensures an analog-like sound space. I play vinyl through the 640P. To be honest, my hearing cannot (still) distinguish between the softness of real, analog vinyl sounds and the upsampled discrete signals sent to the amplifier, except that I can of course clean my records as long as I want, the typical crackling cannot be completely eliminated; in my opinion, it is simply part of the analog listening pleasure. Anyone who comes from a vinyl listening and understanding background and argues and compares will also be able to say on this system that the extrapolated signals of the CD still sound too clean and too pure. In any case, I have never been able to hear my vinyl treasures as fully as I do today. Since the flawless spatial impression of the music you hear is directly dependent on when exactly the sound reaches your ears, it is essential that all possible sampling errors on the CD are corrected; this is done by the upsampler. Vinyl and CD, both worlds have their specific listening qualities in my system as I have currently configured it. Now we come to the loudspeakers: These have - I can still put this on record without a doubt, even though I am "just a listener" - the design, the devices and characteristics that the aforementioned specific qualities of both analog and digital sources are transported to the ear without restriction. Even a layman like me can immediately determine whether "something" is interfering. The complete absence of any interference/impairment (probably not just within my auditory horizon) is what makes the overall quality of the speakers and the entire system. So I can also confirm at this point that the combination of the nuVero 14 with Cambridge Audio is a successful one; as I said: nothing disturbs. When I say that nothing disturbs, then this statement refers to everything that I have listened to with the nuVero 14 to date: all the recordings that I have played; all the musicians; all the vocals; all the choirs; all the instruments; all the styles; all the highs, mids and lows that you can imagine and that are available in my collection (which has been growing even faster since I bought the nuVero 14), simply everything that I and my wife have listened to with the nuVero 14 in the almost two years that we have been using them, at all adjustable decibel levels. Whether extremely loud, extremely soft, or somewhere in between, the speakers never have to "master" anything, they are always and confidently in harmony with the music being played. If something sounded below the usual level, it was a poorly recorded sound carrier (careless cheap production) or our visitor had played around with the various loudspeaker controls without being asked and forgotten to reset them to our preferences. Every "session" is pure listening pleasure - a quality of life that I couldn't and wouldn't want to do without. In my wife's life, there is even an era before and after nuVero 14: before, she wasn't interested in listening to music at all, listening sometimes even caused "pain" and therefore rejection and complete abstinence. Since our nuVero brought the sound to our ears, the situation had changed abruptly: Admiring, amazed listening and immersion in the music. Building up our own collection and individual singing courses were the further consequences of the listening pleasure. (To be continued in part 2)

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Fred Goeres
Oct 27, 2012, 6:08:54 PM

Hello Nubert Team

Thank you very much for the fast delivery and the great speaker (nuBox 311). I am very satisfied. I immediately integrated it into my existing system.
AW880, CS65, 4 old Canton 251s, 2 of which have now been phased out and replaced by the 311s. What an enrichment and I'm already looking forward to replacing the last two Canton speakers. The whole thing is powered by a Yamaha RX V1800 and sounds quite good and is very affordable overall. Many thanks for the very good quality at a reasonable price.

LG Fred Goeres

PS:I am super satisfied :-) with Nubert

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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