Author: Joscha M.
Jun 5, 2012, 8:28:09 PM
About 5 weeks ago I decided to buy a pair of NuLine 32 and an AW-560.
I had originally decided on floorstanding speakers and had therefore picked up the NuBox 481 in the Nubert store in Aalen. Unfortunately, when I got home I realized that they were far too big for my limited space and that I wasn't quite as satisfied with the sound quality as I had been in the Nubert listening studio.
Well, after a brief conversation with Mr. Schneider, the clear recommendation was NuLine32, possibly with a sub.
I then had two weeks to compare the NuBox 481 with the NuLine 32 + AW-560 at my leisure. After getting used to the sound of the NuLine 32, which I originally found a little too warm and velvety, I decided in favor of the latter.
I kept the AW-560 because the NuLine 32s are a bit weak in the low bass - at least without the ATM. I also want to keep the option open to upgrade to 5.1 at a reasonable price if necessary. But even as a 2.1 system, the package is now really fun to listen to music with!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nubert once again for their excellent advice. Great - keep it up!
I'll be buying the rest of my system (new receiver and CD player) there too.
Best regards
Author: Martin Ritter
May 31, 2012, 12:15:10 AM
My nuVero AW-12 was delivered 3 days before the High End. The AW-12 makes a very good impression and of course fits in perfectly with the rest of my nuVero equipment, although at first it seemed rather bulky next to my nuVero 10. The AW-12 is the first subwoofer that practically doesn't boom in my living room. The AW 441 and AW 560 were much more critical in terms of placement and positioning. The performance is perfectly adequate. The wait for the AW 12 was worth it for me. The Nubert consultant's comment that an AW 13 would have quite a lot of electronics for my small room (just under 20 square meters) was absolutely correct.
In my opinion, Nubert has developed exactly the right extension for the nuVero series with the AW-12. If you don't necessarily need the technical possibilities of the AW-13, you should be happy with the AW-12.
Author: Heinz S.
May 28, 2012, 5:21:50 PM
I have now had the nuVero 4 since March 2011.
I've changed a lot this year, because the nuVero's, with their high quality, really uncovered every weak point in my system mercilessly. I could hardly believe how
audible the differences are even with very expensive RCA or loudspeaker cables.
I then brought the CD player and amplifier up to the latest standard and
together with the usual tuning measures ( power strip, power cable, stands and
spikes) the system is now completely new. I can only say that it was really
worth it. Everything had to be measured against the nuVero's, and together it now sounds
really "divine". Many thanks to the whole Nubert team.
Author: Patrik P.
May 24, 2012, 3:27:26 PM
Good news - the AW-1000 is not dead!
Lately, Mr. Nubert has been surprising us with a large number of new subwoofer models. Is the AW-1000 now on the sidetrack, far from it. My Magnat Omega 300 with downfire system has ended its service after a long period of work and now a new subwoofer was needed. Initially, due to testosterone-driven overconfidence, I ordered 2 x AW-1000s to go with my existing B&W 683 set. During calibration, the Onkyo TX-NR5009 showed that there was probably a little too much bass on the way. It demanded 75db when calibrating at the listening position. The clock on the subwoofer was perhaps only at 7 o'clock. Operation was then possible at about half past nine. It's certainly a visual treat, but an SBA (single bass array) couldn't convince me. Maybe it was the room or the unusual stereo bass experience. But perhaps reason and my wife prevailed and now we at least have an AW-1000 in our 35m² living room.
At first I wasn't sure whether the highly acclaimed and multi-award-winning home cinema subwoofer would meet my high expectations in the audio sector. As I listen to 70/30 audio/movies, the sound of audio tracks was extremely important to me.
A quick check and the BluRay "Source Code" inserted, fast-forwarded to the first train derailment and there came the Intercity, which flew through my living room and across the kitchen like a long-range rocket. The explosion came across really well. My old Mr. Magnat tended to boom and sometimes it rattled from the chassis. The AW-1000 remains clear, crisp and powerful and without any background noise. Simply marvelous. Of course, the train derailed several times in the movie, as you can imagine.
When it came to audio, I took my time and tried out many genres. I mainly listen to jazz, blues and sometimes a groovy reggae. As a test, I start my playlist on the Logitech Transporter. Here are a few songs that really helped me decide what to buy:
1. Beat Hotel - Allan Taylor
Beat Hotel is a classic for audio demonstrations. Right from second 12, when the bass kicks in, the Nubert shows how powerfully it supports not only the bass guitar but also Taylor's deep voice. An experience!
2. no sanctuary here - Chris Jones
A number that I could never listen to because my old subwoofer shifted the clarity of the bass in such a way that the listening experience was rather modest. The Nubert convinces with clarity and precision in this number. Surprise!
3 Silence - Ron Carter
If you want to listen to a private concert in your living room, you should listen to "Silence". If you close your eyes, you can see the man on the double bass standing in the living room. You can even see his fingers plucking the strings. Marvelous!
4th Broken Wings - Mr. Mister
The AW-1000 breathes life into this dusty 80s record. Nice to rediscover the music collection with a new subwoofer. Revival!
5th Julsang - Marianne Mellnäs
If, like me, you're not a fan of classical music, you should listen to this one. In the masterpiece "Julsang", the Nubert transforms the listening room into a concert hall with a lot of empathy. From minute 1:00 where the big choir starts, the AW-1000 gives you goose bumps!
Finally, I am delighted to have found a suitable subwoofer for my existing system. It has been confirmed that a Nubert speaker can also perfectly complement other systems. So it doesn't always have to be a complete reboot! Thanks also to the other customers for all the information in the forum.
I also have the following suggestions etc.:
Maybe you could organize a collective delivery, otherwise you have to take vacation on 3 different days for the UPS person.
Author: Weber
May 23, 2012, 9:55:46 PM
I would like to thank you for the very good service. The volume potentiometer on my 10 year old AW 900 subwoofer was defective, after a call to Nubert the complete circuit board including new Alps potentiometers was delivered to me within 2 days for a fair price.
Everything is working again and I hope the sub works for another 10 years.
Please produce reasonable successors to the Nuwave 125. Nuvero 11 and 14 are rather disappointing in terms of bass. Thank you very much for the great fun I have with your speakers.
Author: randy666
May 22, 2012, 7:41:54 PM
I have now also bought a cs411 to go with my 681s - top sound at a top price!
I'm still thrilled years later! 😬
In addition to the great products, there is always the great service by phone and email. I've never experienced that with any other company! Nubert is the best!
Author: Peter Richter
May 22, 2012, 11:37:20 AM
Yesterday I got the Nuline 102 delivered..... everything went smoothly and first class!
I have to say about the NuLine 102:
Excellent speakers that deliver perfect bass performance with the ATM-102, while covering treble and midrange very finely!
I had been listening to Audioplan concept I..... and was honestly surprised by the sound performance of the Nuline 102!
They also look very good...cherry veneer!
My tip for all rock/jazz/prog rock fans:
Andreas Vollenweider-Eolian minstrel
UK - First album
Genesis - The Lamb lies down...and the classic: Suppers ready
I am completely satisfied and convinced!
Peter Richter
Lautersheim in the Palatinate
Author: Carpenter
May 22, 2012, 8:38:48 AM
Hello everyone,
Yesterday my new Nubox 511s with ATM fluttered into the house and the first impression was sensational!
Never before has Smetana's Moldau sounded so wonderfully transparent and at the same time so tidy through my room. Simply brilliant! I wonder what it will be like when my lobes are completely accustomed to the new sounds...a poem!
The way it sounds at the moment, the boxes will most probably not make the return journey...
Best regards from Minga
Author: blitz_udo
May 20, 2012, 12:09:30 PM
Hello dear Nubert team,
The transaction went smoothly, the team was extremely friendly when it came to questions and order requests. The delivery matched the order and the quality of the nuBox 381 exceeded our expectations at the first listening tests. We are absolutely satisfied with the crystal-clear sound, even if the fine-tuning of the Onkyo receiver, which is also new, still needs to be done. The second choice is also hardly recognizable, overall a super price-performance ratio and also visually great. Keep up the good work, thank you very much!
LG from the Rhine-Main area
Author: MST
May 18, 2012, 1:18:21 PM
The nuboxes 101 for the rear arrived today, amazing performance for the size, I'm only missing 2 more and an AW 441 then my 7.1 is finally "PERFECT" for me. 😬 😬 😬