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Write your own guestbook entry now
Author: Maik
May 16, 2012, 7:37:22 AM

Dear Nubert team,

The ongoing switch from a "Berlin home theater set" to the nuBox combo has already paid off. FINALLY LISTENING TO MUSIC!!!

I hesitated for a long time and did a lot of research before taking the next step. Unfortunately, I had to cancel a visit to the hearing studio due to the mileage. For about two months now, the nuBox 381, together with the CS-411, has been the acoustic front line in my living room of about 22 square meters. And I've been impressed right from the start.

After connecting it up, I forgot to calibrate the old Denon AVR-1509, which I noticed immediately after the first few bars of Yello'a Kiss in Blue and immediately made up for it... the old setting was simply too focused on bass (the Sats from Berlin simply had too little volume, which I somehow tried to compensate for). After the calibration I gathered the following impressions...

The first track played ("Long After You're gone, Chris Jones)... WOW!!! Even the first few bars at room volume were reproduced extremely clearly and didn't stick to the speakers, but really filled the room. At the first attack of the low E string, the time had come. GÄNSEHAUT! Despite the AVR's neutral setting, the deep playing of the acoustic guitar really got under your skin. A moment of surprise was followed by a broad grin. I was now completely sure that I could do without a subwoofer for the time being and "buy my way through" from 2.0 to 3.0 to 5.0.

Now I'm already at 3.0, with the aforementioned CS-411, and I have to say that the three front speakers play as if they were one piece!!!

For the upgrade to 5.0, I got help from Nubert after hearing different opinions in various forums.
As my couch is right up against the wall, I thought that I might get a better result with the DS-301s. This was confirmed to me in the NuForum and also by M. Domaier (Nubert team) by e-mail with a plausible explanation. Many thanks again at this point.

After a defect in the AVR (my fault), I once again requested help from Nubert. I simply wanted to rule out the possibility that the 4 ohm loudspeakers were to blame for the death of the Denon AVR-1509, as these may only be operated with 4 ohm speakers to a limited extent, according to the BDA.
Again, great service! I not only received verbal confirmation that this was not a problem, but also a diagram from a test measurement by e-mail, which showed that the nuBoxes do not fall below a certain impedance value even at maximum level and therefore more than meet the standard. Thanks for this too!
However, the manufacturer of the AVR refused to budge and suggested sending the device to an authorized workshop... I refused. After all, repairing a device with such a low resale value is simply not worth it, which is why I had to look around for a new device and therefore also postpone the DS-301.
But the time will come soon and I'm already looking forward to the pod race from Star Wars: Episode 1.

And to the team at G. Nubert... keep up the good work, you're great!


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Norbert Putz
May 14, 2012, 9:35:38 AM

I don't want to comment on the quality of the nuBox 381 at length here - I've owned the nuBox 381 for about a week and it exceeds all my expectations - sensational value for money.
I would also like to emphasize Nubert's excellent customer service. There was a problem with the installation using a wall bracket from B-Tech (Nubert was really not at fault in this case), which ultimately made it necessary to replace a box. The unbureaucratic, fast and friendly way in which this 'case of damage' was rectified is exemplary and something I have never encountered in this form before.
Call to the hotline, case described, brief internal consultation necessary on the part of Nubert -> callback promised. Call back after half an hour, speaker replacement is promised - even return of the damaged speaker is organized.
Impressive - thank you!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Benjamin E.
May 13, 2012, 2:13:09 AM

I spent over two years looking for the right speakers. After some time, I finally dared to order a pair of NuBox 511s. I was a little hesitant at first, as I had been disappointed several times in the past by manufacturers who rely on direct sales. In the end, I decided to buy them because of the large amount of positive feedback (customer testimonials), as "official" test results have long ceased to have any weighting for me. the way, the credibility of the customer testimonials was also evident from the fact that critical customer testimonials are also accepted without simply being filtered out.

But now to the essentials, the sound:
I have been operating the speakers for 5 months in an approx. 45sqm living room via an AVR. Once I had overcome the initial configuration hurdles of the AVR, the sound was such that I couldn't stop grinning when I tried them out.
At this point, I would like to recommend to anyone with a musical ear to get all their CDs out of the shelves again, especially those from live concerts. Those who rely on mp3 and other lossy formats will miss out on a lot! You will rediscover all your albums and concerts and will perceive sound ranges and nuances that you have never heard before.

With my very sensitive hearing, I was often disturbed by highs as soon as they didn't come across crystal clear, which often led to me "enjoying" music and movies rather quietly. To my great delight, the treble is crystal clear at absolutely ALL volumes! The treble experience is really worth the money, but now to the bass.
With a relatively discreet speaker like the 511, you naturally expect a broad sound image, but you will be surprised by the bass at the latest. It's an unexpected experience when you literally feel an action movie (with lots of explosions and a lot of ruckus, of course ;-)) in your own living room for the first time.
After I had started the first video evening with friends, the first comment from a friend after the movie was "you don't need a subwoofer anymore...".
This statement prompted me to turn my living room into a home theater. I'm curious to see what kind of experience it will be as soon as a 991 subwoofer joins the 511s.

In short: I'm thrilled and glad that the search has come to an end!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Klaus G.
May 12, 2012, 12:21:10 PM

Hi Nubertians !
Another illusion less... I always thought that Nubert had something to do with quality and now you're pandering like 'everyone' on Facebook (airheads of all countries unite)
Did you have to do that? Does quality no longer prevail without giving up any individuality?
prevail ?
Nevertheless, good ear and continued success
Klaus G. :redface:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: R. Krause
May 11, 2012, 2:33:03 PM

I've never come across anything so low-level! And if you need 30 days to realize that you have bought alleged electronic scrap, that speaks for itself! Missing the return deadline and then shamelessly moaning about it here is extreme.

So here's another "disgusting and slimy opinion" for a change.

I opted for the NuBox 311 for reasons of space, after having thoroughly informed myself about Nubert. These speakers are the new front speakers in my 5.1 sound system and after a few days of testing I'm really impressed. The speakers have a great and well-balanced sound and I can only now understand the phrase: "I hear something you don't". You can actually hear subtleties that were simply not there with my old speakers, not to mention the excellent sound in all areas.

I've listened to a lot of music, from pop to classical, and the speakers are completely convincing in all areas. I particularly like the fine, transparent and differentiated sound, even at low volumes. It's simply great fun to listen to music again.

What have I done to my ears in the past and I wonder why I only came across Nubert now? I will soon be replacing my surround speakers with Nubert.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Patrik P.
May 11, 2012, 11:02:52 AM

Good news - the AW-1000 is not dead!

Lately, Mr. Nubert has been surprising us with a large number of new subwoofer models. Is the AW-1000 now on the sidetrack, far from it.

My Magnat Omega 300 with downfire system has ended its service after a long period of work and now a new subwoofer was needed. Initially, due to testosterone-driven overconfidence, I ordered 2 x AW-1000s to go with my existing B&W 683 set. During calibration, the Onkyo TX-NR5009 showed that there was probably a little too much bass on the way. It demanded 75db when calibrating at the listening position. The clock on the subwoofer was perhaps only at 7 o'clock. Operation was then possible at about half past nine. It's certainly a visual treat, but an SBA (single bass array) couldn't convince me. Maybe it was the room or the unusual stereo bass experience. But perhaps reason and my wife prevailed and now we at least have an AW-1000 in our 35m² living room.

At first I wasn't sure whether the highly acclaimed and multi-award-winning home cinema subwoofer would meet my high expectations in the audio sector. As I listen to 70/30 audio/movies, the sound of audio tracks was extremely important to me.

A quick check and the BluRay "Source Code" inserted, fast-forwarded to the first train derailment and there came the Intercity, which flew through my living room and across the kitchen like a long-range rocket. The explosion came across really well. My old Mr. Magnat tended to boom and sometimes it rattled from the chassis. The AW-1000 remains clear, crisp and powerful and without any background noise. Simply marvelous. Of course, the train derailed several times in the movie, as you can imagine.

When it came to audio, I took my time and tried out many genres. I mainly listen to jazz, blues and sometimes a groovy reggae. As a test, I started my playlist on the Logitech Transporter. Here are a few songs that really helped me decide what to buy:

1. Beat Hotel - Allan Taylor
Beat Hotel is a classic at listening demonstrations. Right from second 12, when the bass kicks in, the Nubert shows how powerfully it supports not only the bass guitar but also Taylor's deep voice. An experience!

2. no sanctuary here - Chris Jones
A number that I was never able to listen to because my old subwoofer shifted the clarity of the bass in such a way that the listening experience was rather modest. The Nubert convinces with clarity and precision in this number. Surprise!

3 Silence - Ron Carter
Anyone who wants to listen to a private concert in their living room should listen to "Silence". If you close your eyes, you can see the man on the double bass standing in the living room. You can even see his fingers plucking the strings. Marvelous!

4th Broken Wings - Mr. Mister
The AW-1000 breathes life into this dusty 80s record. Nice to rediscover the music collection with a new subwoofer. Revival!

5th Julsang - Marianne Mellnäs
If, like me, you're not a fan of classical music, you should listen to this one. In the masterpiece "Julsang", the Nubert transforms the listening room into a concert hall with a lot of empathy. From minute 1:00 where the big choir starts, the AW-1000 gives you goose bumps!

Finally, I am delighted to have found a suitable subwoofer for my existing system. It has been confirmed that a Nubert speaker can also perfectly complement other systems. So it doesn't always have to be a complete reboot! Thanks also to the other customers for all the information in the forum.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Meisehen
May 10, 2012, 11:13:19 AM

Yes, that gentleman from Remscheid, another one of those! :redface: And to the Nubert company: If satisfied customers were important to you, you would still be trying to find a solution today, but you can do without a dissatisfied customer, as there are enough walk-in customers. And I don't attach any importance to further comments. :p

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We will publish this entry, but that should be enough. You have expressed your point of view forcefully, we have responded.
And DO, satisfied customers are very important to us! But you can't please everyone in life...
We cannot customize the box for you and a return after the 4 weeks is simply not possible.

Author: Andreas H.
May 10, 2012, 8:50:55 AM

Good morning,

It's hard to understand some of the posts here. You need 30 days to hear whether a loudspeaker suits your own musical tastes. And if not, you insult your fellow human beings.
Well, it's a nasty world.
Now to the topic:
I've known the Nubert company since the very beginning and also the store in Aalen in Stuttgarter Straße next to the petrol station 😉.
Even there, my brother and I often listened to the sound of the speakers and later bought them.
As the years went by, I changed direction and ended up with tube amplifiers. And as we all know, these need very efficient loudspeakers at low power (2x1.5 watts is already power 😎) - from approx. 95 bB/1Watt/m.
Unfortunately, the Nubert quality products were ruled out.
After a full-range project, the bass range was naturally lacking and Nubert moved back into the living room in the form of the AW441.
And it sounds so great. Only slight bass support for music and a decent level for movies. The combination of the full range drivers with the excellent subwoofer is great.
But my fingers start to tingle when I see and hear the Nuveros and the new Nulines. But the newly built house and the small tubes prevent a switch - yet 😉 😉 😉 😉
Conclusion: I think Nubert builds damn good loudspeakers (and quiet speakers) in excellent quality. And if you like the tonal balance, you get very good speakers at a fair price.
And whenever I come home to Oala, I drop by Nubert whenever time permits. This regularly makes my better half shake her head, but that's life
I just say:
Nubert keep up the good work and to everyone here in the forum who I bore with my writing
have a nice day and see you soon

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Meisehen
May 9, 2012, 5:52:37 PM

😈 Good loudspeakers were built up until around 1995, but this developer here has not set any new milestones in loudspeaker construction, I don't know, has the whole world forgotten what great loudspeakers there were, but maybe people are reading them today? 32 components and such a sh---s.And then the disgusting slimy customer opinions.Everyone hears a fart more.For me this is a synthetic overanalytical speaker with a sharp high tone that hurts the ears.Especially with guitars and hard-hitting piano keys terrible.And that no matter how and where I turn you. And the bass range has probably fallen victim to the concept, but there's a module for that, which is very questionable, but Opel also has Ecoboost engines, so it's a pity that everything is no longer normal. 30 days are up before you really notice it, and the electric scrap is in the corner, which is also a pity.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We very much regret that you did not make use of the 4-week right of withdrawal! After all, we prefer satisfied customers...
There are different tastes and listening preferences. We do not claim to build the ideal speakers for EVERYONE...
But we are convinced that you will achieve a good price when selling your speakers...
Is it necessary to insult so many other customers who have expressed their enthusiasm here?

Author: Micha
May 7, 2012, 12:55:32 PM

Dear Nubert team,

01.2009 I bought the NuVero 4 (tip from my son) from you as a "blind date". At that time, the NuVero4 was still playing on a Sony TA3ES and I was pleasantly surprised by the sound, detail and stage. Although the Sony was not really convincing in terms of hard sound.
Today the speaker plays even better on an almost new Marantz PM8000 (unfortunately you can no longer get a brand new PM17). The Marantz is "fed" by the Sonos ZP90 / Spotify music portal / 320kb/s via a Rega DAC converter.
Conclusion: The Nuvero 4 is always great fun and never gets boring as a speaker.
Its appearance at the High End trade fair on May 4 - 6 in Munich once again convinced my son as a passionate sonus faber guanerie listener.
Literally: "You can't get past Nubert!"

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Write new guestbook entry