Author: E. Olejnik
Feb 23, 2012, 7:18:28 PM
My answer to this.
It's true that you've gotten used to a certain sound from your old speakers, but to claim that the nuVero 14 has a pleasant tweeter range is provocative! The nuVero 14 doesn't even play some things and so the image of a tweeter is falsified. Let's take the example of Pink Floyd - Wish you Were Here, this CD is heavily dependent on the high notes and what does the 14 do, it doesn't even play the high-hats! You really notice a hole in the music and it doesn't matter whether you play the SACD, Remastered2011 or the original (which is actually also very well recorded). This effect can also be heard on many remastered Genesis CDs. I'm not saying that it can't do anything, but for a loudspeaker that claims to deliver honest music to the listener, it should have a much wider bandwidth. This tweeter often sounds as if it is coming from behind another room. It plays almost perfectly in the harder tweeter range, but only there. The best example of this is the CD by Marillion- Clutching At Straws, Track 5 Just For The Record, CD is quite well recorded and the mentioned track lives from the high hat effect. But the nuVero 14 doesn't play anything, very faintly in the background and that's not due to the habit of my old Infinity 9A. DEFENITIVELY not!!! Because the nuVero 14 can also handle the aggressive high tones, so why not the softer ones? And the cute switch doesn't help either. What am I supposed to do with a Brilliant position when it already plays so hard? It's a mystery to me.
To get to the point. The high frequency range of the nuVero 14 is not what I would have expected from it. It's disappointing for me. I have yet to experience a live concert where the high-hats, cymbals. Percussions or anything else, somewhere in the background!!! These MUST always be in the foreground, because they determine the music immensely!!! Oh and if you read the forums carefully, you will also recognize that the tweeter is often criticized! Precisely because it plays so aggressively.
To make one thing clear, I do not want to and will not denigrate the nuVero 14 here, because it has more than enough advantages for that. The midrange, for example, is so precise and has a bandwidth that I would have wished for in the treble range. We don't need to talk about the bass here, everything has been done right!
My euphoria was very high at the beginning and later became very disillusioned. With this in mind, I wish you continued success with your products and hope that one day you will have a tweeter range that is really convincing.
P.S. I would have liked to have linked this article to my report, but unfortunately this was not possible. Oh and your decision to publish this here. I can't wait to see how you deal with it!
Author: E. Olejnik
Feb 23, 2012, 8:54:04 AM
One year Nubert NuVero 14
Here I report on my experiences with the Nubert nuVero 14 loudspeakers, which I have now owned for almost a year. This is not intended to be an advertisement or anything else, just pure information!
The individual sound ranges, appearance and accessories are evaluated. The speakers are free-standing in a 60 square meter rectangular room with a large glass front.
The nuVero 14 is a beautifully slim speaker. The front image is the absolute highlight. The eye is literally drawn to the style. The great arrangement of the drivers and the glossy finish do the rest. Unfortunately, the side panels look a little cheap. If the nuVero 14 is placed next to furniture, this is still pleasant, but if the nuVero 14 is standing open in the room, it looks a little cheap, which it definitely is not. The nuVero 14 also looks great with the sound sail. The sound sail does not affect the sound in any way.
Here the thought should be cultivated to possibly paint everything in clear lacquer, or to include this variant as a special request in the offer.
Now we come to the individual sound areas.
1x high-tone silk dome tweeter 26 mm
This one is a mystery to me. While it plays all aggressive, hard, shrill high tones perfectly, it is more than meagre in the soft, sweet, quieter range. I also find the tweeter plays too much in the background. If the nuVero 14 is loaded with higher levels, the high frequencies unfold accordingly to the positive, but even then it lacks a bit of sweetness, it always remains in the aggressive range. Too bad. The nuVero 14 would benefit from a little more airiness and more in the foreground, then it would have been almost perfect. As it is, it can only be placed in the lower mid-range of the upper class!
Improvements MUST be made here.
2x midrange 70/112 mm with glass fiber cone
Now we come to my favorite area, the midrange. In the nuVero 14 this is more than perfectly resolved. It reproduces everything there is to hear with a clarity and accuracy that leaves you lost for words. Absolute top performance.
For me, top reference class.
4x ultra-longstroke woofers 180 mm with glass fiber sandwich cone
Bass, yes, that's important and not always achievable in the quiet range. But the nuVero 14 manages to convince at all volume levels. Whether hard, deep, very deep or soft, the bass plays everything and with a very beautiful sound that never seems annoying or overwhelming. If you want to annoy your neighbors, all you have to do is turn up the volume a little and you'll have an unexpected visitor. The nuVero 14 produces bass as deep as a subwoofer, but always clear and shrill.
Absolute reference class.
ATM modules nuVero series
This part is a small miracle for me. It actually manages to boost the performance in all audio ranges. Yes, even in the treble range, but unfortunately not as I had hoped. The bass doesn't need to be adjusted, unless someone likes the speakers to be very bass-heavy.
For me a top device with a great effect, but does a speaker like the nuVero 14 need such an additional module? Shouldn't the nuVero 14 be powerful enough to handle this on its own?
I'll leave it at that.
If the appearance is refreshed and the high frequency range (Ideal Infinity 9A*) is improved, the nuVero 14 is an absolute reference speaker that is second to none in its price category. You're probably wondering whether I would buy the nuVero 14 again. Quite clearly, NO. At least not with this tweeter configuration!
I'll even go so far as to say that anyone who makes me a good, fair offer can buy a pair of nuVero 14s in mocha + ATM here.
* The tweeter range of the Infinity is clean, clear, foreground and really plays everything loud and clear. Regardless of whether the speakers are playing loudly or quietly. And this despite the fact that the Infinity has been around for more than 20 years!
Author: Wolfgang aus Krefeld
Feb 21, 2012, 8:25:35 PM
It's done! I am the proud owner of 2 Nu-Line 32 front speakers and an AW 560 subwoofer as well as a great Onkyo TX-NR-609m AV receiver. So far so good. The advice and the order were professional.
The delivery arrived the day after next. Set up, connected and then the shock!!!... The subwoofer was just humming with low bass. The hotline was friendly and helpful. All connections were made correctly, the settings were perfect...the subwoofer was humming as usual.
A new subwoofer was sent on its way immediately and the old one was sent home. The new subwoofer arrived the next day. There was great anticipation and disappointment. The sub was humming like its predecessor 😭 The hotline was called and together we tracked down the culprit:
A defective Y-cable was the reason for the humming. Replaced, connected and everything was SUPER!
The sound is amazing in combination with the subwoofer...just right for carnival! The hotline was super friendly and helpful. The delivery was lightning fast and the AV receiver was still 40 ? below the Media Markt price!
All in all, first-class service from advice to delivery. Then there's the 5-year guarantee and perfect design in multi-layer matt black lacquer! What more could a man want?... Maybe a woman who is interested in more than just the color of the speakers! But that doesn't detract from the listening pleasure in the slightest.
I can only say that Nubert was worth every euro and the sound is a pleasure for my ears.
Author: Karl Schoiswohl
Feb 21, 2012, 4:52:38 PM
In addition to the good quality of the speakers, "Team Nubert" shines above all with really competent advice, prompt service and friendliness.
In addition - which is no longer a matter of course these days - they are quick and accommodating in the event of damage.
I was able to experience this on the occasion of damage to a woofer.
Many thanks in particular to Mr. Lothar Schneider (Aalen) and his team!
The long drive to Aalen turned out to be an experience that I remember with pleasure.
Best wishes from Austria!
Author: Thomas
Feb 20, 2012, 1:41:35 PM
I am now finally in possession of my Nuline 32 incl. AW441 subwoofer. As I live in a rented apartment, I treated myself to the "smaller" bass! Having listened to the speakers twice in Gmünd and Aalen, I am now really impressed and hear exactly what I had hoped for. Made in Germany - that alone was an important reason for me! Top!
I have the bass about 1.5m to the left at listening height. My setup doesn't allow any other placement, but it sounds very good here too. The Nuline 32 are about 3m away and are powered by an Onkyo 509. The subwoofer is cut off at 80 Hz and I set the phase to 80 Hz sine wave due to the setup.
As I have already listened to several speakers - including expensive studio speakers at university (Geithain) - I am all the more convinced of the sound quality of the Nuberts!
By the way, the workmanship is outstanding!
I can recommend the Nubert speakers to anyone who appreciates good sound!
Now all I need is the right house to use the speakers outside the normal room volume! Yesterday evening, at the first movie night, I accidentally turned off the subwoofer and was sitting on the sofa with my mouth open. When I then switched on the sub, I couldn't stop grinning! Awesome!
I can only recommend Nubert!
Author: Thomas Welsch
Feb 19, 2012, 6:19:56 PM
Dear Nuberts, dear readers of the guestbook.
Six months ago, I replaced my "old" nuBox surround system with a new one: 4 nuVero 3s, a nuVero 7 and, just before Christmas, a new nuVero AW-13 sub. And I was thrilled, as I always am when I receive speakers from the Nuberts.
But my dream was actually two floorstanding speakers for the front. However, this dream could not come true due to the presence of a wife and the corresponding wall unit. It is said in the relevant specialist literature that the natural enemy of a hi-fi enthusiast is his wife. However, I can now provide a counter-example: My sweetheart has cleared out part of her oh-so-loved wall unit so that I can place my floorstanding speakers in front of it, because the cupboard compartments no longer open. Of course, I had to do a lot of convincing for that. But you should never give up hope. I'd like to say that to all those who consider specialist literature to be godlike.
Anyway, a week ago, on Sunday, I fulfilled my dream and ordered two nuVero 10s. They arrived on Tuesday. That afternoon I put the new family members in their rightful place and had them calibrated accordingly. And then, of course, I set them in motion. That was 6 days ago...
Since then, I have once again been delighted with these "made in germany" speakers. I am simply very, very happy that I can experience this sound. I am "blown away", so to speak.
Many thanks for that. Nubert rules. Or should I say: Nubert for President? 🙂
Author: B. Rainer Sieber
Feb 19, 2012, 10:58:48 AM
Nubert not only delivers top quality, but is also very interested in satisfying its customers with outstanding service. I have never experienced this level of exceptional friendliness before.
Author: Manfredo
Feb 17, 2012, 10:58:25 AM
I've been listening to music with the NuWave 3 for eleven years, but recently I thought I wanted a new sound and picked up a pair of second-hand T&A Helios MIDIs - not bad either. Plugged in and listened, good sound. But when I plugged my NuWaves back in, I had a big 😬 on my face! Although not bad, the T&A can't hold a candle to the Nuwave and so I will probably use it for parties and listen to my Nuwaves in the living room for the next eleven years! 🙂
Author: Michael R
Feb 16, 2012, 8:13:25 PM
Episode 3 for Heim Sound.
After two 681s provided stereo and front surround sound, a 411 was added as a center and two 311s as rear speakers. Now the 991 has been added.
After "correct" tuning and adjustment of the 991, the listening test followed with various test CDs and DVDs.
The result can be seen and heard: rich bass (powerful through the 681s and deep through the 991s) great mids and highs (clear and distinct).
The system is almost unbeatable when it comes to music and top in the movie sector.
My verdict: unbeatable for this result and experience in conjunction with the price!
Tip for testing the speakers: Yello-The Race
Thank you and please keep up the good work!
Author: Oliver
Feb 16, 2012, 2:44:10 PM
Hello everyone,
Yesterday two CS-72s arrived, which I picked out after a lot of back and forth, because I need a replacement for my 25 year old Teufel M200. Large floorstanding speakers aren't exactly ideal in our living room, so I decided to go for these two as my main speakers. In a nutshell, they're really great, we sat in the living room until half past twelve this morning and rediscovered our old CDs.
I'm already looking forward to making some more when the bank account plays along again 🙂
"I'm curious to see how you deal with it!"...
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