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Author: Klaus Quirrenbach
Feb 15, 2012, 12:57:44 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,

In the course of our living room renovation, I opted for the nuline WS-12 set in conjunction with the AW-560 subwoofer (also for visual reasons). The flat speaker system is not only a feast for the eyes with its stylish wall brackets, but has also more than fulfilled my high expectations in terms of sound. I have been a fan of large-volume floorstanding speakers for more than 20 years. I was pleasantly surprised that a flat-panel loudspeaker system in combination with the really excellent subwoofer could easily keep up. Both in stereo mode and in 5.1 surround mode for movies, the sound is absolutely convincing. My wife agrees, by the way. Her greatest joy was and is that the huge speakers have finally disappeared from the living room and there's now something to look at on the wall that also sounds really good.

Best regards from a new Nubert fan

P.S.: As far as adjusting the subwoofer on the set is concerned, I can only recommend that everyone takes the time to do this properly. If the phase, volume and frequency are not set correctly, you will be disappointed at first. For example, I had set the phase completely wrong and was somewhat disappointed by the strong but imprecise bass of the woofer. I then adjusted the phase correctly days later and the sound was perfect 🙂 :p

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Felix Radke
Feb 11, 2012, 11:24:35 AM

After visiting the studio in Aalen at the beginning of 2012, I have been the proud owner of the NuVero 11 for about two weeks now.
I use the speakers with the T+A E-Series music receiver. The sound is simply outstanding. Even the first test, quickly connected to my old Denon integrated amplifier on the evening of delivery, was really impressive. I can hear my CDs (classical, jazz, rock) in a new way. I'll see whether I'll buy the ATM module. The bass is already so convincing without the module that I'll do without it for now.
In my opinion, the NuVero fully deserves the title of floorstanding speaker of the year 2011. The speaker is really technically and with its slim silhouette also visually 😂 a success.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

We are delighted that we were able to inspire you with our nuVero 11.
Please allow us to point out that for the nuVero 11 and 14 models, the ATM module is not primarily used to extend the low bass, but simply provides more options for individual listening or room adjustment by reducing the bass level and adjusting the mid/high control.

Author: Andreas Regel
Feb 9, 2012, 10:55:38 AM

Hats off, very good advice from Mr. Siegle.
2 nuLine 82 and a CS-42 driven by an Onkyo TX-NR609 bi-amp.
Cleanly resolving speakers, clean bass range. Very good stage imaging in stereo mode.
Finally got speakers that meet my requirements. I will also replace my rear speakers.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hubertus Schaal
Feb 7, 2012, 9:29:22 PM

After 2 happy Nubox 681 years, I have purchased a 681 ATM module for use with a CD player on a trial basis. For my taste, the Nuboxes without the module are sufficiently powerful and brilliant for electronic/dub music (even at low volumes), but I find the effect of the small box with acoustic music (choirs, jazz, pop of any kind) so wonderful and convincing that I wanted to mention it here.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jens F.
Feb 7, 2012, 9:20:02 PM

So now, after almost eight years with my NuBox set as a home theater, I have treated myself to a sound upgrade for my study in the form of the NuPro A10.
At the time, I had already praised the excellent neutrality of the NuBox 380 and was and still am impressed by the sound and dynamics.
After my old PC squawkers from tortured me with a squashed frequency response and exaggerated bass, I have now achieved the optimum.
A light, airy and well-resolved sound, if necessary with a dry and astonishing bass foundation (tested with music by Tiesto, Schiller and Nightwish).
The localization of individual instruments in orchestral music also totally inspires me, because sometimes it sounds !almost! like live music...

MP3 songs below a bit rate of 192kBit, however, should no longer be listened to. You can 'hear' the missing components immediately in comparison with the CD audio version.

What I am particularly pleased about is the audible and visible evolution at Nubert. Thank you for this reliability and the great developments. 😂

P.S.: Now I just need this brilliant sound in my next car :rolleyes:

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mario
Feb 4, 2012, 6:00:59 PM

Hello dear Nubert team.

What can I say, how should I start?

After the more or less poor sounding days I had with my Teu... speakers. I thought I needed something newer, some compact ones that don't show their strength immediately. Present themselves as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

After several hours spent in forums and countless test reports that I studied on the Internet, "NUBERT" came up again and again.

Okay, I thought to myself and ordered the highly praised nuBox381 together with the BS-650.
Ordered on Tuesday evening and already in the living room on Thursday morning.
Set up and connected to my Onkyo SR-TX507.

And then...

...hmm, well, the treble is good. But the much-praised bass backdrop is missing.

I thought, that can't be right. Are they perhaps broken?

I tried different positions and nothing changed.

Okay, then radical cure. Set the AVR to factory settings, pressed the small inconspicuous "Pure Audio" button on the AVR and...

"Mouth open"... boar ... has someone hidden a sub here?

Now the little infernal things are playing so precisely and coherently and so richly that you can't stop spitting.

!!! Chapeau!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: claudio sechi
Feb 3, 2012, 10:04:24 PM

hello again

the problem* with the br pipe was clarified objectively and, above all, very competently
thank you to mr. bühler 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

*...the BR pipe was just not flush in the cut-out. The tip with the rubber mallet was probably helpful...
All is well. :-)

Author: claudio sechi
Feb 3, 2012, 3:14:38 PM

I bought the Nu Box 381 in December 2011
In combination with my Onkyo TX NR 709 in stereo mode simply a wonderful clean sound...even without the much-praised ATM module...
Unfortunately, I'm not entirely convinced by the build quality of the two compact speakers...
One of the two bass reflex tubes is not exactly flush-mounted, but protrudes disgustingly over....or to be more looks as if the cut-out wasn't cut out big enough...I actually wanted to complain to Nubert, but haven't gotten around to it yet due to shift work...and I don't really feel like packing everything up again and then possibly waiting for new parts...
Thank goodness I haven't noticed any flow noises so far...but I think that this shouldn't happen with Nubert in particular...maybe it's simply because they're currently producing a lot of parts and quality assurance is suffering as a result.
All in all, I'm very satisfied

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Mr. Sechi!
We are sorry that the BR tube of your nuBox 381 was not fitted perfectly by the sound furniture manufacturer. This is absolutely not "normal", so please do not hesitate to call the hotline. We will find a solution.

Author: Oliver Fachinger
Feb 3, 2012, 3:18:19 AM

I was previously a satisfied customer of Txxxxx......
In the end, I decided to give Nubert a try and ordered the nuLine 102 set.
My expectations were not met - they were exceeded!
In terms of quality, there's no comparison with anything I've had before. And in terms of sound, what can I say - outstanding!
I wonder why I waited so long for this dream combo, life is far too short 😂
Unfortunately I have to tell you that I will not be returning this ensemble, these speakers will never leave my home theater again.
Many thanks to the Nubert team!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: CarstenT
Feb 1, 2012, 6:22:23 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen of Nubert!

I would like to buy an affordable (at least for me) 5.2 system that delivers very good results and a first-class surround impression for both music and movie playback. Their nuBox series with large floorstanding speakers caught my eye during my search. Unfortunately, the nuBox DS-301 dipole rear speakers seem a little undersized for large rooms and I also feel that the midrange driver is missing towards the rear. Hence my question: Will you also be offering such an excellently designed large dipole speaker as the nuLine DS-62 in the nuBox series in the future?

Best regards

Carsten T.

P.S.: It probably makes little sense to combine both speaker series.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Carsten T.

there are currently no further dipole speakers planned in the nuBox series.
Many recent tests have explicitly praised the outstanding quality of the nuBox DS-301!
From a technical and sonic point of view, there is nothing to be said against combining a nuBox 681 or 511 set with the nuLine DS-62 dipoles.

Yours sincerely

Nubert Speaker Factory

Armin Siegle

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