Author: Philipp Rösch
Aug 21, 2011, 11:12:50 AM
Hello everyone,
I have to say something about my Nuvero 11. After owning Nubert speakers for about 8 years now (so far always from the NuBox series), I decided to listen to the Nuvero series in Schwäbisch Gmünd at the beginning of this year. What else can I say, I found THE speakers I had always been looking for (Nuvero 11+ Nuvero 7). After half a year of listening, I realize every time that it is almost unbelievable what kind of sound the Nuvero's bring into my living room. Such airiness and precision is fascinating. I'm currently using the AW-441 as a subwoofer, although this is actually superfluous anyway given the 11's bass range 😬
Brilliant highs, abysmal bass and beautiful looks - what more could you want?
Many thanks Mr. Nubert for the super great speakers and all the best for you and your entire team.
A loyal customer and fan of your products
Front Nuvero 11+Center Nuvero 7+Rear 2*NuBox 311+Sub AW-441
Blu Ray: Denon DBP4010UD+AVR Denon 3808
Author: Andre
Aug 19, 2011, 3:12:26 AM
Hello Nubert team
Your hotline greeting is so quiet that you have to shove the phone into your ear canal to hear anything. And that's certainly not due to my damaged ears, which lose one flicker after the other in constant sound through their speakers. 😬
Author: Rainer A.
Aug 15, 2011, 8:51:50 AM
I'm not normally someone who likes to give feedback, but with the AW-991 subwoofer from Nubert I simply can't help it: I'm very happy with my purchase. Initially, I had reservations because I don't use the sub for home theater purposes, but for listening to music as part of a high-quality chain consisting of a Raysonic CD player, Myryad integrated amplifier and KEF Reference 203/2, which lacked the last 40 Hz of low bass. My aim was therefore not to unleash bass hell on earth (as some home theater freaks seem to be striving for with a subwoofer), but rather to be able to reproduce clear and natural double basses with good classical recordings.
On the one hand, I would never have imagined how effortlessly, easily and, above all, convincingly the AW-991 could be integrated into my chain, and on the other hand, I would never have expected the sonic advantages it would bring beyond my actual goal (natural double basses): the sound of my system now has a much wider stage, the room breathes much more ? in general, there is a clear gain in spatial sound. And that really blew me away. What's more, I honestly didn't think that a 600 euro device could have such a positive effect on my previous system, which was in the five-figure euro range.
My points of criticism: 1) The workmanship! It's more reminiscent of a well-known Swedish furniture store than "high-end". Also, the maple tone of the plastic foil with which the AW-991 is wrapped is not really visually acceptable next to real maple (KEF). But we are sound freaks, after all, and from this point of view we can only say: Hats off! And as low as possible.
2) A slight power supply hum, which is quite audible in quiet passages and is probably due to the design. I have to say: I am extremely sensitive to such things, but even with solo cello recordings ("Birth of the Cello" by Solo Musica ? a sonic delight that I recommend to everyone), the power supply is hardly or not at all perceptible. I find this absolutely tolerable in comparison to the clearly predominant sonic advantages.
Conclusion: Price-performance ratio more than top! Before you invest in expensive bolides, you should give Nubert a chance. This is also a lesson for me that I will certainly remember when I need to tinker with my system again.
Author: Micha
Aug 14, 2011, 4:19:24 PM
Dear Nubert team and especially Nubert development!
A big thank you for building the Nu jubilee 35.
A small dream speaker that sent my old large floorstanding loudspeakers into retirement! What you have developed and were able to offer for such a price really leaves me speechless!
The result is a grin while listening to music and an order for the Nuvero 11 in 2 months!!!!!!
Thank you very much
Author: Udo P.
Aug 14, 2011, 9:51:29 AM
I bought my first Nubert LS a few years ago - a pair of NuBox 311's. I was very pleased with the quality of the LS, especially considering the low purchase price.
Once infected with the Nubert virus, I bought a sat/sub combination after a while - NuLine32, Nuline DS22, Nuline CS72 with 2xAW560. I was completely thrilled with the sound, workmanship and handling - everything was great.
If you take a closer look at the subject of unadulterated music reproduction, sooner or later you come to the conclusion that ultimately floorstanding speakers come closest to the ideal, especially in terms of impulse accuracy and dynamics. I shortlisted the Nuline122 and the NuVero11. I listened to both speakers intensively in Schwäbisch Gmünd. The Nuline was a lot of fun, but in my opinion the Nuvero is clearly superior in several respects. I took a pair with me and immediately connected them up at home.
What can I say. The pleasure the NuVero11 provides is simply incredible. I don't want to go into all the individual criteria regarding music reproduction, but WORLD CLASS is most definitely the bass range, which is both EXTREMELY dynamic/quick and yet ultra-deep. Since then, my subwoofers have been silent when playing music. The mid/high range is not inferior to the bass in terms of quality, in particular the fantastic localization, resolution and airiness in the reproduction is enormous fun. I am completely thrilled with this speaker - a modern masterpiece of speaker development.
Finally, another advantage that should not be underestimated - the size and appearance of the loudspeaker is very suitable for living rooms - a feast for the eyes. Advice and sales were also first class - MANY THANKS to Nubert!!!
Author: Eric S.
Aug 12, 2011, 2:31:17 PM
Hello dear Nubert team,
after 3 years of intensive research on possible speakers, after hours of testing various speakers, I have finally decided on a speaker, and it is the nuVero 11 with ATM module, a pair. They finally arrived yesterday. As soon as I got home, everything was unpacked, connected and a worthy CD was inserted as quickly as possible. I couldn't even begin to imagine what I was hearing. After 20 years of listening to the same flat radiators, no speaker, no matter how expensive, could convince me. Why Nubert in particular? By regularly reading the two major specialist magazines, I simply couldn't avoid Nubert. 1st place in this class, here the best, there super, there clear favorite, etc., like a red ribbon. The rest was given to me by their website, which is so full of information that you can hear the speakers just by reading it. Marketing or not, I think the marketing is just a positive side-effect of the philosophy behind the speakers, which I think is actually authentic. I ordered the speakers without ever having heard them before!!!
I am very excited to see what my 11s can now offer me. The first listening impression was immediately, hm, cool. The decisive factor for me was that a loudspeaker should reproduce the signal as neutrally as possible. And indeed. They sound very neutral, crystal clear in the highs, nice warm deep bass (only deep if there are basses in the recording!), placement-uncritical, elegant, very well made.
Delivery went smoothly. Transportation costs and VAT were clearly regulated, the packaging is 1A.
I am very satisfied.
Kind regards from Switzerland
Eric S.
Author: Michael K.
Aug 10, 2011, 6:28:34 PM
I already own NuBox 681 and other Nubert products. I have always been satisfied with Nubert.
I ordered the Pre Box SE from Project for my son on Friday from the salesman Mr. B* at the Schnäppchen Markt. Mr. B* said that I would receive an order confirmation and that the device would be sent out on Saturday. On Saturday I still had no answering machine, so I called Nubert and had Mrs. P* on the phone who immediately sent me the answering machine, unfortunately the device did not go out on Saturday as Mr. B* had said.
On Wednesday I received the device and unpacked it - then the package did not contain the ordered goods but a different device. Mr. B* must have had a difficult evening beforehand as he passed on the device or was temporarily blinded.javascript:smilie('😈')
In any case, I would have needed the device on Thursday. They offered me express shipping via UPS so the device would be there on Friday before 12:00 noon. Well, unfortunately there are also people in this country who have to work - DHL Express shipping is not possible according to Ms. P*, then I could at least have picked up the device from the post office on Saturday.
I have to say I am more than disappointed with the 'handling'. In this case, I'm the customer who has to pay for the mistakes from the wrong shipping. I paid money in advance, received the wrong goods and was not helped in the situation.
I won't be buying anything from Nubert again
*Please understand that we have shortened the names for reasons of personal rights.
Author: robbieboy28
Aug 9, 2011, 4:31:08 PM
I have owned the new "nuVero3" for more than 3 months now. My conclusion:
As a full-grown, carefully crafted compact loudspeaker from the "nuVero3" series, equipped with the best ingredients, it delivers the best sonic results for me, the likes of which are otherwise hard to find in this price range. Whether movie, pop, rock, pop songs or classical music: thanks to the sophisticated technology inside the speakers, the nuVero3 offers a sound quality that is second to none.
Added to this is the very high level of detail, the clear and precise bass and the very stable, deep, wide and appropriately high spatial imaging. At higher volumes, my Onkyo TX-NR 5007, nuVero 14, 7 and nuVero 3 still manage to keep an overview of what's going on and create order with ease.
My conclusion for the nuVero 3: solid, honest, genuine, powerful, strong and beautiful.
It's great that a company like NUBERT still exists. The super, friendly and fast service from NUBERT should also be mentioned. Thanks again to Mr. Nubert, Mr. Bühler & Co.
Best regards from Munich -robbieboy28-
You can find my picture gallery in the nuForum at: robbieboy28 😂
Author: J. Habermann
Aug 5, 2011, 9:49:31 AM
Yesterday I ordered the nuCable exclusively and paid for it via Internet banking - today I was able to connect it between the amplifier and the speakers.
I'm thrilled: such a neat cable rounds off the system psychologically!
Many thanks (also to the sometimes uncooperative DHL)
from Frankfurt 😂
Author: Teucherdt
Aug 4, 2011, 6:38:29 PM
I've owned the nuBox 660 for 10 years now, and I can tell you that I'm still blown away every time I listen to music, whether it's Beethoven, Mozart, the Rolling Stones or Jimi Hendrix, it's always a new musical experience and every time I'm enchanted by the sound, you simply have to hear how delicate some passages are reproduced, simply wonderful, thank you.
A. Teucherdt