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Author: Jürgen E.
Sep 3, 2021, 1:16:14 PM

Also, the website is very clear, with information about the product and general information about accessories etc. SUPERTOLL! A telephone inquiry(s) super-competently answered/solved. The ordering process went smoothly and very clearly. The delivery 1a³ (ordered: mi-noon delivered: fr-morning). The packaging was top-notch, assembly was problem-free!
We are very happy with the quality, performance and price and enjoy the full sound of our new "Melody" music system. Absolute top address: "nubert"! Definitely again.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andre G .
Aug 31, 2021, 1:26:03 PM

I am in heaven . In high end heaven . I really didn't think that the difference between the Nuline 284 and the Nu Vero 140 was that big. One man's mousse au chocolat is another man's NuVero 140 . We can only say thank you to everyone who helped develop this fantastic box. It must have taken many years to get it to the point where it is now. The ease and lightness with which the sounds bubble out of it is absolutely amazing. Whether pop classical electro, everything sounds unearthly. Too bad that I only now have the opportunity to place it in my living room. I just say thank you. This also makes life a whole lot nicer. 😬 😬 😬 😬
Incidentally, they are powered by the Denon AVC X8500H
With sonorous greetings
Andre G from Witten

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hamann
Aug 27, 2021, 2:36:06 PM

In 1986 I bought the T+A 160 with a Luxman. Heaven on earth. The Luxman gave up at some point and was replaced by a Rotel RA-1070. It also worked quite well. Then, after 30 years, the cones of the T+A finally disintegrated into dust. I replaced it with the then highly praised nuVero140, and began to suffer and even lost the desire to listen to music. After a sad (string-distorted) 5 years, I finally called Nubert and was spontaneously told that the Musical Fidelity M6-si would make a very good team with the nuVero140: And indeed: Beautiful sound again! Thank you very much for the life-saving tip! ...I mainly listen to chamber music, new music, soul, ballads...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Matthias Stolper
Aug 25, 2021, 1:52:33 PM

Dear Nubert team,

Sometimes a customer is really lucky with a manufacturer. When my system suddenly and unexpectedly stopped working recently, I panicked. I had become so accustomed to the really excellent sound. A glance at the invoice told me that it had been almost two years since the purchase. The repair process, including the sending of the packaging, was absolutely professional and uncomplicated, and I am now enjoying the sound I was used to. I am very sorry that the electronics had to be replaced, but as an engineer I know that this is often better than extensive troubleshooting. I can't imagine having received the same service if I had bought in the Far East. So dear people: Made in Germany-Nubert!

Yours sincerely
Matthias Stolper

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bernhard
Aug 21, 2021, 8:41:26 AM

Dear Nubert team,

The dispatch of my NuLine set went very quickly!!!

Yesterday I set up and connected the CS-174. What a giant it is! My Indiana Line Center is a real dwarf in comparison.

First impression of the Center is really great. I'm already looking forward to the rest of the set

LG Bernhard

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Georg T.
Aug 16, 2021, 10:52:07 AM

Dear nubert team,

After receiving advice over the phone from Mr. Andre, I thought about perhaps spending more and buying the nuLine334 instead of the nuboxx B-70. I took the plunge and after 3 working days the two nuLine334s were delivered by a friendly driver. I unpacked the two speakers, fiddled a bit with where to place them in the living room and then plugged them in. Afterwards, I got the living room back into shape, turned the bass and treble on the amplifier to neutral and left the treble and bass switches on the speakers at neutral. I even deliberately left the two bass outlets on the speakers closed. I just wanted to find out what was coming out of the speakers without changing the sound. I inserted the CD, pressed play, sat down and...

...the hammer! Allen Taylor's 'The Traveller' comes on and tears of joy stream down my face. Words cannot describe my joy, enthusiasm and gratitude...

Thank you so much, dear nubert team!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Klaus Peter
Aug 14, 2021, 7:28:56 PM

The set arrived quickly and without any faults, I then took three days to set it up. I have a Yamaha RX-A1070, everything wired up properly, sat in via Yapo, I have to say top workmanship and sound.

Fortunately, the neighbors live a bit further away 😬

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Diana Rudat
Jul 14, 2021, 1:22:09 PM

I bought a pair of Nubert nuPro A-200 speakers in white over 2 years ago for a lot of money, which was worth a lot of comparisons. Great sound and clear operation. Then 4 weeks ago I had to contact them because one of the speakers was on according to the display, but was no longer producing any sound. After a few emails back and forth and with help and references to the factory setting, which unfortunately didn't help, I received a return slip without any complications and sent the speaker to you. The repair was completed within 10 days and everything is working again! I am very grateful for your cooperation and friendliness, even after such a long period of use. Lg and many thanks again. Diana

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hans
Jul 11, 2021, 1:12:37 PM

Dear nubert team,

After returning home from my last dance seminar, I decided to upgrade my very old stereo system with new speakers. I bought the nuBox 313 bookshelf speakers from amazon. The quality was much better than my old speakers, but something was missing. The speakers are returned and I contact the nubert team directly. After the consultation, I decide on the nuLine 244. I've never spent so much money on speakers before, but it's worth the money! I am happy every day when I just listen to music or do my dance meditation with this great sound in my 4 walls. Thank you for your great service!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Melchers
Jul 9, 2021, 5:32:37 PM

While looking for new loudspeakers, I came across the Nubert Nuvero 60, which was praised to the skies by its testers!!!
I quickly contacted the very friendly Mr. Steeb from Nubert and ordered it for a trial listening session.
The speakers were delivered after just 22 hours...Oscar-worthy.!!!! The sound of a loudspeaker depends on a number of criteria, e.g. how good is my hearing? At the age of 60, I certainly hear worse than younger people, how good is the sound quality, many CDs are simply totally overdriven for me (Loudniswar), and then there is the listening room and its furnishings, all of which play a decisive role. But enough about that.
The workmanship of the speakers is first class. The only small point of criticism for me would be:Why only the front in piano lacquer? and not the entire body???would have made the speakers look even more elegant.
As for the sound........I can't describe it, because I can't explain strawberry taste either.
But to my ears they sound very powerful...especially the low bass gives me goose bumps.
The overall sound is balanced and homogeneous, even at low volumes.
Conclusion....The Nuvero 60s don't turn bad recordings into good ones either...
but they make it more bearable.
A very good speaker that I can only recommend
Thank you Mr. Nubert and team

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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