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Author: Martin Lammers
Apr 1, 2021, 12:05:31 PM

Dear Nubert team, dear interested parties,

I've been the proud and satisfied owner of a nuSub XW-1200 since mid-March. I ordered it without even sniffing around and it was delivered to my home perfectly packaged. I am impressed in the truest sense of the word. And of course, the rooms are completely undersized for the air movement that the XW-1200 provides. But with the setting options, abysmal basses blast through the apartment without any booming. My goal of experiencing and feeling movies up close and personal was more than exceeded.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: R.Jahn
Apr 1, 2021, 8:12:18 AM

Dear Nubert Team,
The AS-3500 is really a very successful overall package.
Everything is just right here in terms of price/performance and sound.
I don't want to write any more about it



Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stefan N.
Mar 31, 2021, 6:38:10 PM

Dear NSF team - and by that I really mean everyone!

Even if I have to repeat myself: What you have achieved with the NuPro AS-3500 deserves our absolute respect!
As an aging hi-fi fan, I have to admit with a heavy heart that my listening skills - at least in some disciplines - are undeniably declining 😭 . However, this fatal realization loses its horror when you can remedy it with such sophisticated products as the AS-3500. 😂
The voice+ function is a "tribute" to listeners like me and I would like to thank you in particular for that!
I don't want to leave it unmentioned that I really like the sound even without all the electronic helpers for any musical style: clear and clean highs, good low bass foundation, considerable maximum level and good localization sharpness.
Truly a first-class performance!
The good picture is rounded off by all the "trappings" from the packaging to the delivery service and last but not least by the once again convincing, professional and friendly advice from Mr. A. Siegle!
Thumbs up and keep up the good work!

A satisfied, long-standing customer

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Markus
Mar 31, 2021, 1:22:09 PM

After an older box partially failed, I was guided through the troubleshooting process perfectly and very courteously over the phone.

I have the greatest respect for the friendly and understandable manner of the explanation and the spare parts advice.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Daniel
Mar 30, 2021, 1:56:42 PM

Dear Nubert team,

After reading countless reports on active speakers vs. passive speakers, studying them, having countless foreign words explained to me on the subject, reading thousands of well-intentioned comments (sometimes clever, sometimes not), I have now decided to buy one after a whole three years.

In a moment of silence, I pressed the order button and ordered the Nubert nuPro X-6000 RC package.
Not least because it's not exactly EUR 3 that comes together.

The speakers arrived within 3 days, were set up within an hour and after a few hours of acclimatization (both the speakers and I) were put into operation.

I'm a layman, I want to listen to music, feel it and have it hit my stomach like Grönemeyer. I don't want to turn a lever and I certainly don't want to spend hours adjusting the highs and lows. This is my conclusion after a few days:
I still have to work a bit on the treble...but I couldn't get the grin off my face even after hours. What fun they are, honest, powerful and simply straight to the head.

Thanks Nubert, great work so far.

The only downside is that I don't like the extended warranty for a fee. There's always something about it, I don't trust my own quality for a long time.

Best regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Daniel,

thank you for your kind comment! Regarding the warranty extension: We know from experience that our products last longer, but we would like to continue to offer the warranty extension as an option for the time being. Otherwise we would have to add the costs for this (storage of spare parts and the like) directly to the product price. The fact that we can offer such favorable extensions in cooperation with our insurance partners - feel free to compare the prices with other providers - is thanks to our low complaint rates. If there is ever a problem, our hotline will be happy to help!

But now have fun with your new nuPros!

Your Nubert Team

Author: McBrandy
Mar 30, 2021, 1:13:19 PM


What has Nubert achieved again? I've had the new XW-1200 for a good week now and it's really great. It doesn't need to hide behind the AW-1100. It plays music (rock/pop/dance/metal/...) with total confidence and precision and the explosions also come across very well in movies.
A clear recommendation to buy this thing!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jamal
Mar 29, 2021, 6:03:45 PM

I finally got the Soundbar 7500, and what can I say, the packaging is very professional, and the sound is simply brutal, I've never heard anything better, a real pleasure.
Many thanks to the whole Nubert team.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Rahul Nelson
Mar 26, 2021, 11:27:37 AM

Thanks, guys!
I spent several months looking in vain for a solution to get good sound out of my admittedly mediocre Internet radio. I spoke to three local hi-fi dealers, contacted two more by phone, then I ended up at Nubert. And I'm thrilled: super friendly, very patient, absolutely professional. I've hardly ever experienced such good advice over the phone, and now I'm the happy owner of the nuBox A-125. What a pleasure: this thing rocks! And so do you, dear Nubert team.
Next time I'll come straight to you.
Have a nice weekend ö I'm signing off now: listening to music. 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Eberhard Mühlich
Mar 25, 2021, 4:37:05 PM

With incredible patience, Mr. Andre' has just given me a prudent remote diagnosis and successful remote therapy for a Nuber loudspeaker that was on strike! Thank you very much!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Werner Gessner
Mar 20, 2021, 12:31:22 PM

I have been a Nubert customer for some time (various loudspeakers, amplifiers, etc.). When I am in the process of considering and deciding on HIFI equipment, I can turn to Nubert employees, get competent answers and always have the feeling that I am receiving really good advice.
The scope and quality of this customer service is exceptionally good!
I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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