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Author: J. Buchmann
Oct 3, 2020, 6:06:41 AM

The nuLine 244 I ordered arrived very quickly. The speakers were perfectly packaged and quickly assembled thanks to the excellent instructions. The workmanship of the speakers is beyond reproach. Setting them up with my Yamaha amplifier was no problem. The sound is excellent for my amateur hearing. I am totally delighted and can only warmly recommend Nubert.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Franz Krenn
Oct 2, 2020, 12:24:04 PM

I have now ordered the XW-900 subwoofer to go with my x 4000rc. The already excellent sound of the x 4000rc has actually been improved again!

I became aware of this on the Internet via the fairaudio homepage! Fairaudio has tested both components.

I can definitely recommend the XW-900. You really feel like you have two fully grown floorstanding speakers in front of you.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralf
Sep 30, 2020, 10:52:31 AM


I just wanted to give my feedback here.
As this was long overdue, I was looking for floorstanding speakers for my Onkyo system. I came across Nubert and their reviews relatively quickly on the net.

At first I wanted to look for used speakers, but a first call to the Nubert hotline (many thanks to Mr. Schneider) saved me from making a bad investment. Nu Vero 140s would actually suit my system, maybe Nu Vero 110s too, but anything below Nu Line 284 wouldn't fit.

The best advice was to listen to the speakers live in the Nubert listening studios.
After initially buying the Nu Vero 110, I realized that they just didn't sound right in my home. The exchange to the originally recommended Nu Vero 140 went without a hitch. What can I say....

When a seasoned musician with 25 years of stage experience stands in front of his stereo system with goose bumps and tears in his eyes, then what comes out of it is probably really good.
The speakers are an experience, a musician colleague just said:
"Anyone who has never experienced something like this has no idea what music can actually sound like".

Keep up the good work Nubert, I don't know how you could improve your advice, service or product. THANK YOU !

Ralf Jäckel

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: KULIO
Sep 28, 2020, 9:24:11 PM

Nubert is addictive, but also happy!

Actually, as a newly single again, I just wanted to change my AV receiver from Dolby Pro Logic to Dolby Digital. I also took the opportunity to look at the 35-year-old front speakers (my first ones), which were still working. I also decided to upgrade them to make the single life a little more enjoyable on long winter evenings. My buddy Thomas introduced me to Nubert. I'd never heard of them before. When I studied the reasoning behind the direct sales concept and the listening studios, I became curious. I made an appointment at short notice at the listening studio in Duisburg and spent almost the whole day there trying them out. I felt like a child in a toy paradise. From the buBox to the nuLine 264 and 284 to the nuVero 110 - all great speakers. I ended up with the nuLine 284 with the best price/performance ratio for me at the time.

They did an excellent job for a year and a half. When traveling south along the A7, I found my way to the listening studios in Aalen and Schwäbisch Gmünd from time to time to see if an upgrade might be worthwhile. An AW1100 subwoofer and a CS-174 center speaker were added very quickly. I had the opportunity to listen to the nuVero 170 when I was passing through in the summer. What great speakers, but not suitable for my home. My gaze wandered to the 717 Pyramids in the room. I'd already read something about them, but had never heard them before. The friendly staff made it possible for me to listen to them at short notice. What can I say; I was hooked. This great, spacious sound, simply a pleasure! But the price was in another world, just like the sound experience.

With this sound experience in my ears, the 284 nuLine were still great speakers, but I could hear that it is still possible to increase the listening pleasure considerably. In the certain conviction that this dream could not be realized in the short term, I was happy with my setup again for a while. Until the day I read the sad news that the hearing studio in Aalen was to be merged with the one in Schwäbisch-Gmünd. The short journey from the A7 to Aalen was always pleasant.

After friendly communication with Mr. Schatz (thank you again for your patience and advice), I reserved a pair of 717 demonstrators and nuPower A and asked for a few days to think about it. At short notice, I made an appointment at the listening studio in Duisburg (many thanks to Mr. Hinsenhofen) to hear the 717s in direct comparison to the 284 nuLine. The sound experience of the 717 in direct radiator mode regularly gave me goose bumps. This was then further enhanced in omnidirectional mode.

Now the 717s have been playing in my living room for 2 months together with a nuPower A as a power amplifier and a Yamaha RX-2080 AV receiver as a preamplifier and I won't give them up. I have arrived in my audio heaven. What I'm still missing is a ?nuControl 3? with X-Room Calibration, app operation and HDMI output for an OSD option, as a sound manager preamp ;-) .

Best regards from OWL and please don't stop sweetening our audiophile lives with your great products! 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Martin
Sep 26, 2020, 6:01:46 PM

Hi dear Nubert team,
I have a short and concise question.
I wanted to treat myself to the Nuline 334 in black for my birthday (beginning of October)!
Do I really have to wait with my order until 44KW as stated on the website or will something happen in the next few days? 😭 😭

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Hello Martin,

yes, we're sorry to hear that, but the nuLine 334 Black will be produced in CW-42/20 and, if all goes well, may be available in CW43/20 without guarantee. We ask for a little more patience - we know it's hard...

Best regards from Nubert Str.
A. Siegle

Author: peter schweser
Sep 26, 2020, 5:58:14 PM

i bought the as 250. a sound that blows you away - really cool - problem-free delivery - great staff - always open to questions. i should have bought it earlier. simply great vg p.s

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas R.
Sep 24, 2020, 9:56:40 AM

I've had the nuBox 513 stereo set for more than a month now and the sound is just awesome. The first time I listened to the HdR soundtrack alone blew me away. I heard nuances that I couldn't have guessed before with my 08/15 system. But they also casually flex their muscles in the hefty metal range. The accessories (banana plugs, cables,...) are also impressive. A big compliment also for the packaging.

All in all: TOP quality at an absolutely fair price!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Brodi S.
Sep 22, 2020, 3:04:05 PM

A few days ago, I ordered the nulines 284 to test them in my own four walls.
Initially, I was looking for floorstanding speakers that would fit into my "solid wood cabin" and meet my modest audiophile expectations.
The player is the recently acquired combination of two English speakers (amp and network player). My 25-year-old "Danes" were overwhelmed. Due to the almost exuberantly positive test reports from all fronts, I became curious.
Delivery was swift and problem-free by a forwarding agent. Compared to my old speakers, the two Nuberts (in walnut) are very living room-friendly, slim and not visually dominant.
Most importantly, the speakers sound fantastic (to my ears). I am a passionate connoisseur of classical, jazz and handmade music in well-mastered or high-res quality. To better compare the speakers, I ordered the Nubert CD "Fascination With Sound" (recommended!) in advance.
I don't want to repeat here what the numerous test reports have not already conveyed. It's all true. They are damn good speakers. Congratulations on this product range, on your "honest" claim and on your company philosophy. Thank you and keep up the good work.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Andy
Sep 22, 2020, 1:31:09 PM

A big compliment to the Nubert team! As expected, my new nuLine 334 floorstanding speakers have a powerful, very clear sound and take the music and video experience to a whole new level. Order processing, delivery, installation and support: all excellent, you can't do better than that. So keep it up ...., see you soon!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Joschka Schneider
Sep 18, 2020, 5:17:15 PM

Hello dear Nubert team,

I've been a Nubert customer for almost 15 years. My first Nubert product was the AW 991, which incidentally still works perfectly, but is currently being repainted in ruby red😊 for reasons I will come to. I can't part with it, it has to stay with me. It used to have a complete Canton Ergo set at its side, with RCL as front speakers. Unfortunately, they had to go at some point due to a move and lack of space. As a result, the 991 worked with 5 WS 103, which worked well, but lacked something when it came to music. So I got the NuBox 513 as front speakers, which I still have now, but they only do their job as rear speakers, which they do very well. At some point there were a few private changes, in any case I thought I needed something bigger, although I was already looking at NuLine at the time, but the 683 somehow fascinated me. So I ordered and set it up....Hammer, what they put out. Then came the little man in the ear again😊 not to digress too far, the NuLine 334 was bought......Madness, I still think it's one of the best Nubert speakers ever. But as is the case with this hobby, the thoughts don't stop....There's still the NuVero first I thought about buying the NV 140, but then I realized that as long as I know there's a 170, I won't give up. Long story short, of course I ended up with the 170 in white, but now I have them in ruby red, what beauties! At least I think so! And now to the essentials, since I've had the 170s, 90% of the time I only listen to music! I've now upgraded my 7.1.4 back to 5.1. I bought a NAD C 658 for stereo listening and I use a Nubert ATM module for switching.
The NuVero 170 was the best thing that could have happened to me, I think every day anew, what awesome speakers, sound better every day😊
My special thanks go to Martin Bühler from the Nubert team, who was there to help and advise me, even if he was sometimes annoyed by my new ideas😊
Thank you Nubert for these great speakers, I'm so happy with them!


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