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Author: Achim
Oct 20, 2005, 6:08:46 PM

I've given away years of my listening life - since I got the nuWave 35 Set1 surround set, I'm suddenly listening to music again.
Old CDs are suddenly brand new because I can suddenly hear what's on them.

The clearest sound I've ever had.
Rock music at the highest levels has the driest bass I've ever heard. Classical music sounds like live in an opera hall !!!!
I already had Dynaudio speakers, a pair of which cost as much as this set.

Many thanks to Mr. Reichelt for the great initial advice.
The tip to use a Marantz amplifier also turned out to be first class.

The sub is still missing - I'm still getting our neighbors used to the sound ;-)))

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Niggo
Oct 18, 2005, 2:02:43 PM

After looking for reasonably priced compact speakers in April, I finally ended up with Nubert. (I had previously listened to various compact speakers up to 300 ?/unit; the usual suspects such as Canton & B&W.
Unfortunately, I couldn't listen to any alternatives from the island, apart from Castle, as they were hardly available for testing in the surrounding area).

In addition to the four-week right of return, Nubert had a special offer at the time where the shipping costs were waived!!!
After a short research, I ordered the first stereo speakers of my life 😱

I've now owned two NuBox 380 (Beech) since May and I'm absolutely happy with them.
Unfortunately, one of the speakers had a defective tweeter right from the start. After speaking briefly to the friendly hotline, I was assured of a replacement as quickly as possible. (I didn't dare to replace the tweeter myself after all)

Within a few days (2 or 3) the replacement LS was with me and I only had to send back the defective one, of course the whole thing was free of charge for me.

Very well made speakers with an excellent price/performance ratio and wonderful sound.
On top of that, such good service, it certainly won't be my last order!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: AJM
Oct 18, 2005, 11:54:33 AM

I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Mr. Bühler.
I had a fault with one of my nubox 360s, which was rectified quickly and without hesitation, as always. Great service from the \"Nubert Speaker Faktory\". THANK YOU 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Peter Jenye
Oct 17, 2005, 4:29:13 PM

simply thrilled, a Bösendorfer sounds 95% like a Bösendorfer
Bösendorfer and this for 300 EUR!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dr. Landeck
Oct 16, 2005, 10:13:32 PM

We visited many listening rooms in the relevant specialist stores. We were soon impressed by the Bose company: brilliant sound and incredible sonic presence. The decision to buy was seemingly certain. But when we finally brought our own music CDs to test, shortly before the final purchase decision, we were bitterly disappointed. What the Bose representatives sold us as brilliant sound came exclusively from specially produced sound DVDs. When we brought along our own favorite CDs, we found out that this was a completely different story. They suddenly sounded flat and undifferentiated. It was simply horrible! Then came the phone call with a Nubert employee, whom we wanted to ask about a set of speakers offered on the company's own homepage (we came across it purely by chance; in retrospect, we don't even know how we got past it! This employee advertised heavily and enthusiastically for the Nubert company (almost too much, we thought), which was completely unknown to us until then, but he really took a very long time to jump into our shoes in an unconventional and helpful way. The offer he made us was astonishing. We had never ordered anything from this company, yet we not only received our desired speakers, but also another pair of speakers and an amplifier system for testing (the return shipment of the speakers that we didn't want to keep was free of charge for us and completely problem-free!!!).
But now to the acoustics. We have actually had to develop a new criterion for our listening habits. Now we no longer sort our CDs alphabetically, but by recording quality. That sounds snobbish, but it's not an exaggeration. Cheap productions and musicians don't stand a chance with the nuLines. \"I can hear what you can't\" is one of Nubert's slogans. We can only confirm this. We have all heard and learned to love our music anew. It's almost unbelievable what good loudspeakers can do. It has become a pleasure for us to leave the TV off and just listen to music. Sometimes we just look at each other and have to laugh because the music we've supposedly known for years suddenly sounds so unfamiliar and surprising. Then we really hear something we've never heard before. The music really happens in front of us and is as explosively present as no live act can offer.
A side effect is that we no longer want to watch a good movie on TV without the nuLines. A car door slamming, an explosion, an eloquent silence, the cracking of a nut become sound experiences that we have never heard before.
It's simply fun to enjoy brilliant sounds. And not just in an optimized listening room, but at home. Nubert has finally shown that it works. This company is ingenious, courteous and unique. Take our word for it and try it out!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: derkammi
Oct 14, 2005, 6:10:09 PM

Hello dear Nubert team

finally found the time to post my experience with your speakers 😂

It started about a year ago when the Nu virus infected me *smile* in the form of
5 NuBoX 310 speakers and an AW-440.
I have a small 16sqm listening room and was simply blown away by the power
of the small 310s. for this size FeTT!!!
the AW-440 is a great piece for its mini dimensions, but was a little too good for me in the home theater area;-), so then came the AW880, which now does its job with flying colors.
with flying colors :rolleyes:
for pure stereo operation without woofers, the 310s were too small for me, so I opted for the 580s... That was a very GOOD decision !!!!!!
the sound, the dynamics, the bass... WoW... they will stay forever!
now that I've placed them on 4cm thick granite slabs, they sound even better.

at the moment I have: 2xNuBox580, 1xNuBoX cs-330, 2x310s
and an AW-880, which makes my life with the neighbors a little more difficult, hehe!
and I have to say, this is what I was looking for!
when my listening room expands and I need new speakers, I'm sure I'll find what I'm looking for at Nubert again.
I've already been able to infect a few friends and acquaintances with the NuVirus 😉
Many greetings and a big compliment to the entire NuTeam!!!

derkammi 😎

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Frank Schönewald
Oct 13, 2005, 1:46:30 PM

Hello !
I have owned an AW-880 for about 3 years, which is used in an AV system in the living room. I don't want to waste too many words: There is nothing remotely comparable on the market for the money!
Today I ordered the AW-440 to supplement my monitoring system in the recording room (I run a recording studio). In the control room I use an active system from Genelec (an established manufacturer in the studio sector). All 3 systems are of course calibrated with FFT analyzers and sound fantastic.
What surprises me a little, however, is that you only hear Nubert in the consumer ? range.
In the studio scene, "hi-fi speakers" are often only mildly ridiculed, but I know from experience that many subwoofers in the "studio scene" would look pretty thin on the ground if "Nuberts" were ever presented in the relevant trade journals.
Nubert subwoofers can be integrated into any existing system, are level stable and sound superb. You won't find details such as the continuously adjustable phase shifter among the competition in this price range, although this is indispensable if the room conditions are not ideal.
So, if I were Mr. Nubert, I would slightly modify existing series and conquer the studio scene, because there are certainly a lot of customers who have never heard of Nubert (unfortunately).
With this in mind, happy working!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: S.
Oct 9, 2005, 10:20:06 PM

After I came across nubert by chance and, after much deliberation, bought the AW-880, DVD evenings are the highlight for me. The woofer delivers what it promises.
It may be too big for my room size, but I wouldn't give it away again!
All my friends and acquaintances were more than enthusiastic from the first listening test.
You can rock the house with it!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Specht
Oct 9, 2005, 4:47:00 PM

Greetings from Afghanistan, last week I ordered an AW 1000 which arrived at my home within a very short time, I would also like to thank you for the friendly and very competent advice, unfortunately I still have to wait here for almost a month, but I'm really looking forward to being home and being able to put the subwoofer into operation immediately. After all the customer testimonials and test reports, I can't imagine being disappointed 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Carsten
Oct 7, 2005, 5:01:21 PM

The only thing missing for my nuLine loudspeaker set was the right subwoofer (my old one just didn't fit with these high-quality speakers) and so I bought the AW 1000. Although I had already heard a lot of positive things about it, this bass monster exceeded my expectations. It produces incredibly deep and clean bass. Whether it's music or a movie, the sound in my living room is almost indescribable. The armchairs massage, the add-on series is probably not as German quality workmanship as once declared in the brochure. I thought, you won't even have the trial period, the neighbors will hang you (I live in an apartment building). To test this, I put Vin Diesel - Riddick (a sci-fi with a lot of \"Hammer\") in the player, played the film a little louder than usual and walked through the stairwell. Apart from the distant muffled rumble of an approaching thunderstorm, there wasn't much to hear. This is probably due to the smooth reinforced concrete walls in this house. Anyway, I can keep the thick Nubi - nobody complained - I would defend it against any neighbor today. But I think you could use it as a wrecking ball in an old building. I can only recommend everyone, if partner, neighbor and the statics of the walls play along, do not miss this bass miracle, this \"Porsche\" among the subwoofers.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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