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Author: bassy
Oct 26, 2005, 5:24:42 AM

R.Spiegler wrote: Our provider had severe server problems - many websites were affected over the weekend. We can only hope that it will work better today...

The provider must have more serious problems?
\"Could not connect to the database ...\"

Because the Nuforum \"doesn't work\" right now! :rolleyes:


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Bertram
Oct 25, 2005, 2:23:30 PM

I bought a pair of NuLine 100s a good year ago. This was followed by a CS-40 and a pair of DS-50's. As I am also a convinced stereo listener, I use the speakers with a MARANTZ SR-9200 and have always been very satisfied with them.
Now I've connected the NuLine 100 to a 26-year-old SANSUI G-8700 HIFI classic to try it out. That was the ultimate experience for me. I had never heard this transparent, airy and detached sound before.
The NuLine 100s are absolutely perfect speakers for me. I will probably only use the SR-9200 as a pure home cinema device.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Uwe Fellendorf
Oct 25, 2005, 1:54:14 PM

Dear Nubert team,
I've been the proud owner of the smallest ABL 310 module for three months now. It's almost a sensation how this little silver box manages to "tickle" so much volume out of my Nubox 310. Even at medium volumes (which are perfectly adequate), this dream team sounds great. No matter what music I listen to, the details and, above all, the bass are much better.
Thanks again for the "magic box" and good luck for the future.
A satisfied customer.
Uwe Fellendorf 🙂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dani
Oct 25, 2005, 9:24:37 AM

Hi Kai

It's clear to everyone that not everything can always be perfect, mistakes happen everywhere and at all times.... but the important thing is: - how the mistakes are rectified and how complaints are dealt with... and that is simply first class at the NSF 😉 ...they continue marketing in its highest form. I think that needs to be recognized.

Oh yes... there is also a bit of controversial discussion in the forum, including from my side... that's how it should be 😉 ...and is certainly also in the interests of NSF, as it allows them to recognize any customer needs and react accordingly. Nubet is close to the customer... and you can tell 😉

Have fun with your new acquisition! 🙂


PS: ....auch \"non-nubert-users\" are very welcome in the forum!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Kai
Oct 25, 2005, 8:49:13 AM

Hello Dani,

I have been watching the Nubert dialog for a long time.
I started with the carriers as a test purchase (before buying speakers). It can certainly happen from time to time, but that should also be said here. Not everything can always be perfect and super.

Greetings kai

I bought Dynaudio (4 units) Focus 110 with Center Focus 200

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dani
Oct 24, 2005, 1:52:45 PM

Hi Kai

...even if it doesn't belong here... quite frankly, I don't understand your problem... What is your problem? :rolleyes:

That you were connected twice by phone? .... or that the NSF once made a mistake that was immediately rectified?

Perhaps you can explain and justify this a little better - preferably in the NuForum.


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Klaus Kuhn
Oct 24, 2005, 1:32:26 PM

Hi folks,
I'm still a very satisfied owner of a pair of Nubert NuWave 80s and wanted to share my personal experiences with the (at the time still...) ABL module.
I had already had the NuWave for some time when I decided to buy a suitable ABL module on the basis of many positive reports. The amplifier I was using at the time was an Audio Analogue Puccini, which had a fantastic sound but a rather subdued bass. The ABL module was really well suited to this combination because it made the overall sound much more mature.
However, as I always like to try out new things, I then bought another amplifier, namely a second-hand Einstein transistor amplifier. And lo and behold, with this amplifier the sound (also in the bass range) was significantly better than before with ABL, even without ABL. So my conclusion is that whether an ABL module is really necessary for floorstanding speakers the size of a NuWave 80 depends very much on the "players" and the room size (in my case approx. 20 square meters).
My system sounds very homogeneous and high-resolution in the combination of Harmon Kardon HD 970, Einstein amplifier and Nubert speakers, or to put it more simply, it sounds really great. So when it comes to amplifiers and loudspeakers, the search is over. Because with or without ABL, Nubert speakers with the right electronics can hardly be beaten for their price.
Greetings K. Kuhn
🙂 😉

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: R.Spiegler / Nubert
Oct 24, 2005, 6:41:18 AM

Hello \"Kai\",
Hello everyone!
I'll leave it to the readers of this guestbook to decide whether this "gripe" about an error in the (still) manual order transfer from the web store is really justified.
We are sorry for every mistake, but sometimes people make mistakes... Me too. Don't you? I think we will be able to make up for this mishap.
As far as the accessibility of the nuForum is concerned, this has nothing to do with the Nubert company. Our provider had severe server problems - many websites were affected over the weekend. We can only hope that things will work better today...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stephan
Oct 23, 2005, 10:03:16 AM

Hello, you should ask the question in the nuForum or simply call the free Nuberthotline, where you will certainly get very good advice!

I would go for the ATM (if there are no more than 3 source devices or the amplifier is split up), as it sounds more homogeneous with stereo music!

Greetings Stephan

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hans Rösch
Oct 22, 2005, 9:07:03 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We would like to buy two nuwave 35s, but don't know whether the ABL module or an AW75 subwoofer would be better for bass support? Do you have any experience with this and can you advise us?

Kind regards,
Hans Rösch

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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