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Author: M.Beckers
Aug 26, 2005, 6:38:34 AM

Hello everyone,

after a long time of hesitation I ordered an ATM for my nuWave 125. I was happy with the way these speakers convert sound...
But since I had already repeatedly experienced with Nubert that you can make even more out of \"being happy\", I ordered it after all.
What can I say, the ATM has given my speakers and the - more \"hard\" - listening room that last bit of perfection 😂 !
Even more than the bass extension and boost, the treble control was responsible for making listening even more enjoyable. While Mr. Nubert limits the gain in spatiality in his \"Technik satt\" only to the stronger low bass, I would definitely also include the treble control.

However, as the ATM doesn't extract anything from the recording that isn't there, I suspect that the increase in spatiality is due to the fact that this little "box" allows the sound to be continuously adjusted in the direction of a natural listening experience.
As an example: With biocular vision in an astronomical telescope, the brain can extract more information from two identical images - from just one source - and even create a pseudo depth gradation. This is probably because it is used to receiving information from both eyes.

So why should it not be able to produce spatiality where there is actually none?
Because the ears transmit sounds to the brain that sound like: \"I'm standing in a live concert\". And not like a CD.

Regardless of whether my bold thesis is correct or not, I do NOT regret ordering the ATM, will NOT be returning it and will be even happier.
I had already suspected it... 😬

Best regards M.Beckers

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Harald
Aug 24, 2005, 6:01:14 PM


Why, for example, does a large manufacturer like Dynaudio state in the FAQ on the homepage that a break-in period is necessary to be able to experience the full dynamics of the loudspeaker?

b Please continue discussions in the forum...

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: roromind
Aug 23, 2005, 6:55:45 PM

I have had a B&O system (TV and hi-fi) with corresponding speakers for many years and am quite happy with it (the styling is great, of course), but when I read spectacular praise for Nuber speakers in the renowned FAZ technology supplement (from today), then I am interested in these products. I will certainly test the speakers that are right for me and I am curious to see what sound experiences I get.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Brian Wolff
Aug 23, 2005, 11:52:49 AM

@ Jens

I would say that my contribution speaks for itself due to the nice support of the others. 😬

PS The one about the water?

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Nino
Aug 22, 2005, 11:30:41 AM

@ jens!

you can also make it easy for yourself and just give flat generalities (see your water comparison)! if you have constructive opinions, then discuss them in the forum! maybe you should also have heard nubert speakers to be able to have a say!


as far as \"listening\" to speakers is concerned, i think you always have to listen to the sound of the \"new\" speakers, regardless of whether they are from nubert or other manufacturers! one of the reasons for this is that you have listened to other speakers for years beforehand, and their sound characteristics often differ from the new speakers! anyone can find this out in a listening studio, and then everything sounds different again at home! my nubox 400 sound totally different from my previous speakers, and i had to "listen in", because the sound of my music that i was previously familiar with was now different! nevertheless, it was clear from the very first second that the nubox sounded significantly better than my already decent previous speakers! this has nothing to do with suggestion, sectarianism or voodoo, simply with your own ears!

best regards, and anything else in the forum!


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Dani
Aug 22, 2005, 11:21:55 AM

Hi guys

Please post in the appropriate threads in the forum so that everyone can read along and comment 😉 ...this is just a guestbook :p


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Lars
Aug 22, 2005, 9:51:20 AM

Hello Jens,

which Nubert speakers have you had experience with so far, or which ones have you had to listen to?
Why don't you tell us about it in the forum, it's easier to

Best regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jens
Aug 22, 2005, 9:31:35 AM

When I read through the posts here, I feel like I'm in a cult 😈 .

If you are disappointed at first and then enthusiastic after a play-in period - in my opinion this is a conspiracy and not credible.

I know what I'm talking about! Something similar can also be found in MLM / network marketing.

Warm-up time means that the ear has become accustomed to the circumstances.

The water does not flow from the bottom to the top 😉 .

With kind regards

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Brian Wolff
Aug 21, 2005, 1:05:23 PM

To the post by \"loewe\"

Unbelievable that there are also people who don't think Nubert speakers are great and even just want to dismiss them as TV speakers. 😱

I'll give you a tip, with my Nuberts it was exactly the same unpacked, set up and disappointed.!!!! BUT !!! after a few weeks of playing in, the surprising moment, my speakers reproduce everything at any volume just as I want it. Please don't give up on the speakers, play them in a little more and maybe change the room acoustics, it took me months. Actually, with Nubert loudspeakers you can say that the fault almost always lies with the customer, without wanting to offend you.

Try running the bookshelf speakers horizontally (tweeter facing inwards), this has produced an extremely homogeneous sound for me.

Yours sincerely

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: T. Hagn
Aug 21, 2005, 10:26:57 AM

I've only had the NULINE 100 since 18.8.05. But I'm completely thrilled. You can definitely hear \"more\". I could hardly imagine that this was possible before. My old speakers will soon end up on E-Bay. I previously had a THX system from Onkyo, which was really good. This system has two active subwoofers that really put the pressure on. I also have a passive THX subwoofer from Kenwood with an edge length of 50 cm each. The cone has a diameter of 30 cm. It is powered by a Marantz power amplifier with an output of 350 watts. Thanks to the NULINE 100 speakers, I no longer need a subwoofer. Unbelievable what these two speakers can do. 😬 Thanks again to the Nubert team for making this possible. Maybe I'll order a subwoofer after all. What might "come out" of it first 😈

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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