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Author: Markus
Aug 6, 2005, 10:58:05 AM

Not to beat around the bush, these speakers are absolutely amazing! I have heard many different surround systems, but the Nu Line 120 set surpasses everything I have ever heard! You won't find a better sound anywhere for a system under 10,000 euros! Price/performance and service are unbeatable! UNRESERVED RECOMMENDATION TO BUY!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stefan Schroll
Aug 3, 2005, 8:44:22 PM

Hello everyone, I wanted to share my experiences with you, but I have a bad feeling that my comment will probably be a bit of an adulation.
Are there any negative things to report?
I wanted to treat myself and replaced my noisy Logitech Z680 set with a Yamaha RX-V1500. A few old front speakers combined with the remaining speakers from the Logitech and I had a colorful set. It didn't sound too bad either, as the receiver was able to iron out a few things with its equalizer. The main thing that bothered me about the Logitech was the overly dominant bass. It just wasn't relaxing to listen to. Now I wanted to treat myself to something really good. I've been following the tests in magazines like 'Video' for years and knew that Nubert offers very good value for money. Nubert speakers are also among the best in all tests. However, as my budget was somewhat limited, I decided to buy the front speakers and a center speaker first and use the old speakers as surrounds and then add them later.
I chose the nubox400 and the cs-330. Ordered at 11 a.m., delivered the next day. Super!
Unpacked. Beautiful speakers. Connected, good sound. Compared with my old compact speakers (maybe 2/3 volume, 30 years old!), but didn't hear much difference. Several music tests, playing CDs up and down, and I noticed that the bass in particular was more precise and the treble a little airier. But unfortunately not a gigantic difference. I hadn't even unpacked the Center, as I was already aware of its superiority over the Logitech Center (volume approx. 1 liter). All in all, the 400 is a nice, good-sounding speaker (definitely better than my old ones), but I was somehow expecting something different. A clearer separation of the instruments perhaps, a livelier, more realistic performance. But in principle it just sounded the same as ever. Instruments piled together in a wooden case. No real live atmosphere, no lively drawing. At least for my taste. I described my problem to the hotline and asked if I might be happier with a speaker from the nuWave series, and if I might find what I was looking for there. I suggested the nuWave85 and Mr. Siegle was convinced that I would certainly be happier with it after I told him what I wanted. They wanted to send the new ones out immediately. They would only charge me the difference and I should then send back the speakers that I didn't like as much after listening to them. Mr. Siegle was sure that I would keep the nuWave. I thought the concession in the form of charging the difference was very good, as the nuWave speakers were above my budget anyway, which I was initially prepared to spend. A temporary charge with the price of both sets would have been really critical :redface:
So I was able to try them out at my leisure... and what can I say... Mr. Siegle was right. So I kept the nuWave85 and the CS-45 center and returned the nuBox400 and CS-330. I have now found what I was looking for and I have to say that I don't even need a subwoofer for my taste, because the speakers are so powerful in the low bass (assuming the right source material of course - Lord of the Rings The Two Towers, for example) that a subwoofer would be a little too much for my taste. The precision of the bass is so outstanding that it's hard to describe. But until now I always had the feeling that the bass was somehow 'frayed'. With the nuWaves, the 'edge' is somehow 'sharper'. Anyone who has ever compared this knows what I mean. The instrument separation is exemplary and the treble also allows instruments and effects to appear that I definitely didn't hear before (I previously dismissed such statements as 'nonsense'... but it really is like that-StarWarsEp.6 for example) A really lively and realistic stage is created. Above all, the music now sounds as I had hoped.
And finally, something about the service. When I noticed that one of the woofers on my right-hand nuWave was not glued properly (at the time I still had all my speakers, including the nuBox), I was told on the hotline that this was not a problem and that a new one would be sent out immediately. Including a return label for the defective one, without any additional transportation charges. Really exemplary.
Thanks to everyone who advised me, and thanks again to Mr. Siegle for his kind and courteous support.
I can only warmly recommend Nubert to all my friends and acquaintances.
I had to spend a little more to be happy, but it was worth it.
And another quote from my brother while listening to the speakers: Pack up the speakers... I'll take them straight to my place?

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Max Dietrich
Aug 3, 2005, 4:59:41 PM

I bought the nuBox380 Set 3 4 months ago. It's amazing. The precision and dynamics of this set are unbelievable. The low bass foundation is provided by the 380s (which are to be praised above all for their neutrality in the mid-range), while the CS-330 reproduces the vocals so powerfully and dynamically that you think you're right in the middle of the action. While the AW-440 delivers deep bass, the RS-300 dipole speaker, which is present twice, produces the finest spatiality and warmth. I operate this set with an Onkyo TX-SR-700-SE and a DVD player. 😂
Definitely recommended!!!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Sebastian BIrkl
Aug 2, 2005, 12:39:06 AM

I heard the speakers at a friend's house...
Just awesome! 😱 Keep up the good work!


Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Hübner
Aug 1, 2005, 8:22:20 AM

😂 I am the proud owner of an AW 440 subwoofer!
A week of \"listening\" has completely convinced me that I got the best value for my money.
I think that if there were small listening studios in some major cities, sales would increase considerably!
I might have bought the AW 880 and been even happier than I am now. The uncertainty remains that Nubert is building something that you absolutely have to have!!!

Continued success

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Brian Wolff
Aug 1, 2005, 12:52:13 AM

I'd like to get new Nubies because my Nubox 380, which is just 7 months old, is no longer good enough for me now that I can enjoy listening to good, clean and powerful music through them.
To my horror, I've noticed for the last 2 or 3 weeks that no or hardly any Nubert speakers are being sold on eBay because they are simply too good to be sold 😉.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Franz Husveth
Jul 29, 2005, 3:26:50 PM

😂 I have ordered a couple of nuBox380s.
I am very happy with the speakers. 😂

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Holger Hensel
Jul 29, 2005, 1:26:03 PM

😂 We can only agree with the many positive feedbacks. With the New Wave 35 speakers and the ATM module, listening to music has become a true sound experience. The price-performance ratio is very good and we have rarely experienced such good professional advice. You simply have to recommend Nubert!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Stefan
Jul 29, 2005, 12:06:54 PM

Now the little ones are finally in my home 😬 After a long back and forth between Nubert, Teufel or Canton, I have probably made the best decision and now I have 2x nu Box 400 1x CS 330 in the front area and 2x RS 300 in the rear area. The sound is really great, crystal clear sound, precise tones, simply a pure experience. Music and movies are now really fun. The remaining free space will next be decorated with an AW 880.

A big compliment to the whole NUBERT team, the service is really great, keep up the good work.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Axel Reininghaus
Jul 28, 2005, 9:38:33 PM

Well, what can I say when everything has already been said in this guestbook. 😂 I bought the nuWave 85 and a nuWave CS-65. The speakers are simply awesome. I never thought I'd start listening to stereo again, but these speakers have such spatiality and volume, WAHNSINN 😬 and the bass is incredible, even though I turned my bass (energy) to zero to hear what was happening. I won't be making use of the right of exchange under any circumstances. Well, I'll probably save up and buy the rest from Nubert. I am also very satisfied with the service and the extremely fast delivery. Simply great 😉

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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