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Author: H. J. Sonnenburg
Mar 17, 2005, 10:35:01 AM

Dear Mr. Nubert, dear Mr. Schäfer, thank you very much for the really good service. Product good (nuLine80 + ABL), Internet presence good, service good, processing good. Conclusion: Great! And this despite the fact that I was unfortunately unable to become your customer for personal reasons. It wasn't because of the product. Really not. But the handling of the order, delivery and returns went very well. I assume that the return transfer will also work - like everything else so far. I also think your product is so good because I did a lot of research beforehand. Saturn, Media Markt, Raum Ton Kunst, Hifi Profi in the Frankfurt area - none of them are as good as you! There you don't have the opportunity to listen and compare at home without any risk. Simply great. I will always recommend you to others. Keep up the good work

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Markus Gugatschka
Mar 17, 2005, 9:15:34 AM

Dear Nubert team!

I ordered 2 pieces of nuline30 on Monday, which arrived on Wednesday and that to Austria! Unfortunately, ATM was not available but, as I was promised, will be sent later.
1. the workmanship is really first class, just as the door falls into the lock of a Mercedes, so these speakers are perfectly finished.
2. more importantly, the sound: frankly, I didn't get a revelation when I connected the speakers to my Cambridge 500 amplifier, perhaps because the music (solo cello suites by Bach) is not exactly easy. I don't want to say that I was disappointed, because without being played in they sound quite nice, but it wasn't the aha experience I was expecting, because the press reviews are very high. Perhaps the connection of the ATM will bring a significant increase.
I can't draw any final conclusions, but I'm sure that a lot will change in terms of sound over the next few weeks!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Ralph Kress
Mar 16, 2005, 2:27:29 PM

Hello Nubert Team

I have to give you a big compliment here too.
At first I was skeptical about buying speakers that I hadn't heard before. But after browsing the guestbook, forum and customer testimonials for a while, I decided to go for it. And what can I say, it's a real pleasure to watch DVDs or listen to music with these speakers. Even my wife now listens to music all day long, which was rarely the case before!!!
My CD/DVD collection has certainly been given a new lease of life.
The finish and appearance are also great.
I look forward to starting up the system every day.

Harman Kardon AVR130 with 2x380, 1xCS330 and 2x310.

Now I'm only missing a sub, but that's sure to follow.
I will definitely recommend you to others.

Thank you for this sensational listening pleasure!!!!

Ralph Kress

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Uwe Becher
Mar 16, 2005, 9:14:38 AM

Hello Nubert team,
Super fast delivery service. I have ordered two Nu 380s. From March 16, 2005 I'll be listening to music again, because I don't want to discuss what I heard before with you in detail. I have arrived in a new age of listening. I have never heard anything comparable in the size of the NU 380. Keep up the good work.
(I now have to convince my sweetheart that a surround system belongs in the living room)

Greetings Uwe

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Thomas Cloer
Mar 15, 2005, 2:26:27 PM

I've just unpacked my nuLine 30 cherry (ordered Sunday evening, arrived Tuesday). Beautifully finished for a start, already the first reason to be happy.

Then quickly connected and my \"reference CD\" Tommy Flannagan - Ballads & Blues (enja 3031-2) and inserted song number four \"Blues for Sarka\".

What can I say - a dream? And I don't even have an ATM yet (and will probably do without one in my rented apartment) and they haven't been recorded yet either.

Conclusion: Worth EVERY penny and more. Keep up the good work and I will recommend you to anyone who asks me.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Jan Ritter
Mar 15, 2005, 2:24:57 PM

Many thanks to the Nubert team!!!

I received my Nubox 310 Set 5 (with AW-440) today. The order was processed very quickly even though there were delivery problems for these speakers a week ago. The sound of this SET is a WUCHT. I previously owned two floorstanding speakers (still 600 euros each). In terms of sound, the Nubert speakers are clearly superior to the old ones. So now I have to rediscover my CD collection.

Greetings Jan Ritter

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Mirko Piel
Mar 13, 2005, 1:13:45 PM

Hello Nubert Team,

Thank you very much for your kind advice today in Schwäbisch Gmünd. I immediately set up the NuLine 120 and CS-70 I bought and listened to them in my own home.

I am simply thrilled with the homogeneous sound of the set. In stereo mode, the NuLine 120s are in a class of their own, rich, tight bass with enormous depth, plus a crystal-clear high and mid-range, unbelievably good. The speakers build a stage, wide and deep, not missing the smallest detail in the reproduction.

My previous speakers were certainly not bad, but what I have heard of the NuLine 120 so far clearly surpasses the "old" ones in all respects.

Keep up the good work, success is guaranteed.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Gerd Wichert
Mar 12, 2005, 1:12:45 PM

Hello Nubis,
Thank you for the prompt delivery and the friendly and competent advice! I'm very happy with my two Nubox 380s, the CS-330 and the RS-300, and won't be giving them away again - keep the money! I can only praise and recommend Nubert (and will continue to do so). I'm definitely going to buy another Nubert subwoofer - my current one is a bit weak on the chest!
Yours sincerely
Gerd Wichert, Berlin

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: E.R.
Mar 10, 2005, 12:55:44 PM

I am very happy with my 2 NU 310s and the AW 440.
I bought both last year.
In my opinion, the following should be noted.
The sub was moved several times to get the best result at the listening position, whereby my wife almost despaired, as the corresponding houseplants had to make way alternately.
For a (reasonably, since subjective) linear tuning, you have to select the right software, for example not the Erotica album by Madonna, because it really does contain a lot of bass, and that's the way it should be.
I have noticed something else.
I regularly find myself checking the treble and bass controls to see if one of my daughters has set more treble or bass, but most of the time there is no need to check, all the controls are set to ZERO. !!!
Many thanks to the team for the great tuning of the 310 and the timeless look in the book design, which I continue to praise.
As my latest test, I am now driving the 440 without soft clipping in order to enjoy the bass impulses described above, and I don't think this is critical up to medium volumes.
See you later.

Answer from the Nubert-Team

Author: Marko Müller
Mar 8, 2005, 2:57:33 PM

I've been the proud owner of a bass monster, the AW-900, for 3 years now. In order to spare my wife's delicate ears and to put an end to the 'glass back' in the living room cupboard, I'm going to set up my cinema in the cellar. It's almost unbelievable how powerful this woofer is!

Answer from the Nubert-Team

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